THE DEADLY BANKER Doctor Who Online Simulation America Online, 5-95 Character Played By Polly Lopez Gail Who Bank Manager DanielC71 Duke Albert Jonathan Chance Ben Jackson Michael Craze/BenJacksn Eva LaRue Mary Redus The Doctor DRTUNA Vicious Thug Cmdr Odo Mr. Barnes, Banker DOCTOR6 Great Intelligence DanielC71 Another Thug Padraic >>> Your monitor screens come to life with sound and light <<< >>> The image of DRTUNA dissolves into the image of the spinning TARDIS <<< >>>>>> The New Adventures of Doctor Who <<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>> The Deadly Banker <<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>> Written by DanielC71 and Polly Gail Who <<<<<<<< >>>>>> the music and credits fade away... <<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGIN SIM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< : : : : Ben has decided to seek a glimpse of Polly in 1970 London: : : : : : : The Doctor has been doing extensive repairs on the Tardis while keeping an eye on Ben: : : : : : : The Manager of the Bank of Kent waits in his office with Ms Eva LaRue of Y.E.T.I.: : : : : : : The Assistant has been doing much viewing of the Bank's books unbeknownst to the Manager: : : : : The Duke of Kent and his secretary/fiancee Polly, head to the Bank for a meeting: : : : : : : and the Manager's henchman sits in a dark corner awaiting his master's beckoning: : : IN THE BANK DanielC71: : : : Bank Manager: : Eva LaRue: : : Filing her fingernails and trying not to look too bored: : DanielC71: : : : counting pounds shilling and pence in office w/ Eva LaRue: : : Cmdr Odo: <---- thug DanielC71: = bank Eva LaRue: : : speaks: : ancienne noblesse, always late, of course. DanielC71: : : : Hands Eva 1000 pounds: : : Will this do? Eva LaRue: : : takes the money: : It will make a good start, dahling.. Cmdr Odo: : : practicing my cackles, threatening looks, and the like: : DanielC71: : : : to Asst.,: : : Quite! DanielC71: : : : to Asst. Odo: : : If you can't behave, please depart from my door. Besides... DanielC71: you will have work to do soon. Cmdr Odo: Yesssssss, Masssssster..... DanielC71: [It to be?} Eva LaRue: : : Counts the money while Banker is talking to Odo, making sure he didn't short her a pence: DanielC71: : : : to Asst.: : : Come here! Cmdr Odo: : : goes over: : DOCTOR 6: === DanielC71: : : : grabs Asst. by collar: : : Begone! wait in the washroom for my signal if I need you. DOCTOR 6: ===>Banker: : : going through latest accounts: : : Cmdr Odo: Yessssss, Massssster. THE DOCTORÕS COUNTRY HOME Polly Gail: : : : Ben has decided to seek a glimpse of Polly in 1970 London: : : Polly Gail: : : : The Doctor has been doing extensive repairs on the Tardis while keeping an eye on Ben: : : DRTUNA: ===> THE DOCTOR MikeCraze: <=Ben : : : looking to slip away from the Doctor: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor leaves lab. MikeCraze: : : : Ben scribbles a note to the Doctor saying he wants to call on Dodo, then leaves: : : DRTUNA: : : The Doctor goes out into the garden, and finds a marble bench.. DRTUNA: : : ...under a giant lilac bush. Inhales deeply of beautiful scent. Sits down. DRTUNA: : : * thinking* We should leave this time. 1970 is dangerous for us. DRTUNA: : : * thinking* Too many paths to cross, too many contradictions to create. DRTUNA: : : * thinking* How could I have been so blasˇ about that Cybermen... DRTUNA: : : * thinking* ... event back in 1984 when I crossed paths... DRTUNA: : : * thinking* ...even though my other self was on the Moon! DRTUNA: : : * thinking* Now, here I am in 1970. And so is Ben!!! DRTUNA: : : * thinking* I may be able to tell when to act and when to pull back... DRTUNA: : : * thinking* But Ben has not been trained. He is wise... DRTUNA: : : * thinking* many ways, but his emotions might get in the way! DRTUNA: Doctor notices his pocket watch is beeping. Ben alert! DRTUNA: : : Walks out of garden, around hedge, and enters a... DRTUNA: : : ...garage-barn building. Notices question mark on side of building: : : DRTUNA: : : Enters building, pulls a tarp off of a vehicle...revealing... DRTUNA: : : A 1970 VW van, with sliding door, bright blue. License plate reads DRTUNA: : : * thinking* We must learn to live our lives once, and do it with courage.... DRTUNA: : : * thinking* ...and judgment. Once we begin changing our past or future... DRTUNA: : : Gets in driver's seat of van and fires it up. DRTUNA: : : * thinking* ...there is no turning back until all of existence will shatter. DRTUNA: : : Plugs in 8-track tape by Pink Floyd, Ummagumma double LP. DRTUNA: : : Drives van out of garage and down the driveway towards the road. DRTUNA: : : * thinking* No one knows which disturbance of the time stream will be the last! DRTUNA: : : * thinking* The universe doesn't have to be here, after all! DRTUNA: * Speaks aloud* We must learn that all can live only once, or else none of us may live at all! STREETS OUTSIDE THE BANK Polly Gail: : : : The Duke of Kent and his secretary/fiancee Polly, head to the Bank for a meeting: : : DukeAlbert: : : walking under his umbrella: : DukeAlbert: : : : holding Polly under his arm: : DukeAlbert: : : looks down to her: : DukeAlbert: Oh love! do you know I should put my sunglasses on... : : Looking at the rain: : DukeAlbert: Cause you are making this day so JOLLY bright! DukeAlbert: Oh but I do not look forward to this Polly doll....: : sighs: : Polly Gail: : : : has her steno pad in one arm, other arm linked with Albert: : : Polly Gail: Whyever not Albert? too boring? DukeAlbert: : : walking up the stairs of the bank: : DukeAlbert: ahh yes.. MikeCraze: Thinks>Polly? DukeAlbert: there appears to be some kind of problem with the books... MikeCraze: Yes! It has to be! Polly Gail: Well, you're soo good with math, I'm sure we'll get it taken care of straightway MikeCraze: : : : Runs to confirm his suspicions: : : DukeAlbert: Yes. Quite. : smiles: : DukeAlbert: : : opens the door: : DukeAlbert: in you go Polly Doll Polly Gail: : : : precedes the Duke: : : MikeCraze: Who's the bloke with 'er? DukeAlbert: : : shakes the umbrella: : DukeAlbert: : : walks in: : MikeCraze: Got to see this! MikeCraze: : : : Stares in Bank Window: : : MikeCraze: She sure is looking pretty! MikeCraze: : : : Seeing the Duke, Ben's jealous streak rises: : : MikeCraze: He looks too bloomin MikeCraze: like Jon Chase MikeCraze: : : : Ben debates whether to enter the Bank: : : MikeCraze: The Doctor said that I shouldn't, but I-I-I... MikeCraze: : : : Decides to enter the bank lobby: : : DOCTOR DRIVING IN BLUE VW VAN DRTUNA: : : Continues driving, but finds the music confusing. DRTUNA: When did I listen to this sort of music?? [question to empty van] DRTUNA: Doctor pulls van up outside of bank and parks. IN THE BANK DukeAlbert: : : looks to Banker: : MikeCraze: : : : Seeing the Duke, Ben's jealous streak rises: : : DukeAlbert: Excuse me, Old Chap.. MikeCraze: He looks too bloomin DOCTOR 6: Yes sir? DukeAlbert: But can you help me? DOCTOR 6: What do you need? DukeAlbert: I am here to see the Bank Manager. DukeAlbert: : : pulls out a card: : DanielC71: Eva, wait with the drooling one will you? MikeCraze: : : : Ben debates whether to enter the Bank: : : DukeAlbert: : : smiles politely: : DOCTOR 6: : : points to door: : : He's down the hall on the right. MikeCraze: The Doctor said that I shouldn't, but I-I-I... DukeAlbert: : smiles: : Eva LaRue: : : Looks over the high brow investors: : DukeAlbert: Thank you my good man. MikeCraze: : : : Decides to enter the bank lobby: : : DanielC71: : : : Manager strolls out of the office with Eva: : : DukeAlbert: : : goes up to Eva: : DOCTOR 6: : : looks suspiciously at Duke and returns to work: : : DanielC71: ,Or maybe Eva' already there> DukeAlbert: : : sees Daniel: : DanielC71: : : : sees duke: : : DukeAlbert: : : smiles warmly: : MikeCraze: : : : Hopes that he won't attract suspicion, Ben loiters: : : DukeAlbert: Well HELOoo My good man! Eva LaRue: : : Smiles in return: : DanielC71: : : : grins somewhat wetly: : : DukeAlbert: : : sticks out hand: : DanielC71: duke Albert! what a pleasant surprise! Come into my office! Cmdr Odo: : : lurks in the shadows: : DanielC71: : : : shakes hands: : : DukeAlbert: Certainly Certainly.. Polly Gail: : : : Polly follows the gentlemen into the office: : : DanielC71: : : : into office: : : DukeAlbert: : : nods to Polly: : DanielC71: Have a seat, your Grace. DukeAlbert: BTW.. this is Polly Gail.. MikeCraze: : : : Sees Polly go into the office: : : DanielC71: Charmed! Please! : : : motions to seat: : : DukeAlbert: My Secretary, and soon to be Duchess DanielC71: Eva? SIT! DanielC71: : : : hopes ODOMONSTER will stay put: : : DukeAlbert: : : motions for Polly to a seat: : Eva LaRue: : : Glares at Banker Daniel, smacks gum and sits: : DukeAlbert: : : sits: : DanielC71: What can I do for you, your Grace? Polly Gail: : : : thinks to herself, hmm some people think I've been a Duchess for a long time!!: : : : Polly Gail: : : : seats herself near desk and pulls out steno pad: : : DukeAlbert: Daniel.. the reason I am here... MikeCraze: : : : Ben moves to a teller to exchange some foreign currency into pounds to avoid attracting MikeCraze: attention DukeAlbert: Is to Discuss your records... DanielC71: : : : nervously taps fingers: : : DanielC71: Records? Eva LaRue: : : Mutters under breath : : grand monde, indeed, humph... Cmdr Odo: : : lurking, glowering: : DukeAlbert: Yes.. : : smiling: : It seems that there is one Company in particular.... MikeCraze: Thinks>The Doctor will kill me for doing this Polly Gail: : : : glowers slightly at Eva: : : DanielC71: Which would that be your Grace? DukeAlbert: : : looks at Polly: : Eva LaRue: : : Sits up and listens intently: : DukeAlbert: Polly... what was the name of the place? Polly Gail: Well, His Grace has been over the books... Polly Gail: Young England Textiles, Inc. DanielC71: : : : jumps slightly: : : DukeAlbert: Ah Yes... Y.E.T.I... Eva LaRue: : : Calmly chews gum: : DanielC71: YETI? What could possibly be the concern? DukeAlbert: Now... Daniel.. no cause for alarm my boy.. Polly Gail: The Bank has been offering quite a disproportionate amount of funds to the company DanielC71: I don't... believe so... DukeAlbert: You See Daniel.. I am here for you. : smiles again: : DukeAlbert: Now is your chance to explain your motives... DanielC71: How kind! : : : Smile withers: : : Polly Gail: And the statements for YETI's finances do not justify these funds! DukeAlbert: How are we to profit from this eh? MikeCraze: : : : Ben still is stalking, trying to move closer to the office: : : Eva LaRue: : : Waits for her cue form Banker Daniel: : DanielC71: : : : taps intercom: : : : Mr. Barnes? ,DOCTOR 6> DOCTOR 6: Yes? DanielC71: Mr. Barnes handles this account for me. He will be able to explain better than I. Polly Gail: We have good reason to believe your interests may have a conflict here, Sir DanielC71: : : : to DOC^: : : We have a gentleman here about the... DukeAlbert: : : Deep Frown: : : Cmdr Odo: : : suddenly realizes that helping the bourgeois banker is contrary to the world- Polly Gail: The Duke has ordered an investigation, but he wishes to give you a chance to offer your explanation in private, here, now, without getting the authorities involved Cmdr Odo: historical role that my class is supposed to play.: : DanielC71: YETI account. Would you come in and bring your special report? Cmdr Odo: : : then realizes I was never a Marxist, and ditches that line of thought: : Polly Gail: Ms Eva LaRue, would you explain your company's product? DukeAlbert: : : : icy tone in his voice: : Daniel....might I remind you that this account DOCTOR 6: right away sir.: : : Searches files: : Polly Gail: It * is* fake fur coats, is it not? DukeAlbert: : : stops and looks up to Ms. Eva LaRue: : DanielC71: Yes, yes, I see, your grace... Eva LaRue: why I'd be glad to dahling : : pretends to smile: : DukeAlbert: : : bright smile: : DukeAlbert: : : slight bow to her: : MikeCraze: : : : Ben begins to have second thoughts, thinks of leaving the bank: : : DOCTOR 6: : : : Grabs files and runs to manager's office; opens door: : : Here are the files sir. DukeAlbert: : : looks to Barnes: : Eva LaRue: : : Smiles brilliantly at the Duke: : DanielC71: Thank you, Mr. Barnes. Have a seat, will you? DukeAlbert: Well HELLooo Mr. Barnes... Cmdr Odo: : : keeping an eye on the bank door: : DukeAlbert: Do tell us ALL bout it. DOCTOR 6: : : Takes seat next to- looks over with interest: : Eva LaRue: We make the best simulated fur you could ever hope to find, sir Eva LaRue: Not * ALL* of us can afford the real thing Polly Gail: : : : looks toffee-nosed at Mr. Barnes: : : DanielC71: Mr. Barnes, what has been happening to the YETI account? Eva LaRue: : : Glares at just for fun: : DukeAlbert: : : : quick frown and sharp tone: : ; Ms Eva LaRue.. Why donÕt we SEE these things on the market? DOCTOR 6: yes well, The YETI account seems to me that it needs more money to finance a new project they are Eva LaRue: Making premium quality simulated fur is quote expensive... DOCTOR 6: trying. DanielC71: As you can see your Grace, Mr. Barnes understands the situation. DukeAlbert: : : looks to Mr. Barnes: : Mr. Barnes.. do you REALLY know about this account? Eva LaRue: We are still in the development phase sir Polly Gail: Ms La Rue, I know a lot about fashion clothing, and private experts have examined DanielC71: You're excused Mr. Barnes. Back to your window. DukeAlbert: hmm? Polly Gail: your product, and there is something wrong here! DanielC71: : : : to Mr. Barnes, whispers: : : OUT! DOCTOR 6: Yes, I know almost everything that has to do with their finances. Eva LaRue: Pray tell, what could that be, miss? MikeCraze: DukeAlbert: Thank you Mr. Barnes .. that will be all DukeAlbert: : : turns to Daniel: : DanielC71: Your Grace... DukeAlbert: I am afraid that I have another story for you.. Cmdr Odo: : : waiting, confident of the inevitable victory of the world-historical forces in motion: : DanielC71: : : : waits for DOCTOR 6 to leave the room: : : DOCTOR 6: Good-bye Duke and miss: : : leaves room and returns to desk.: : DukeAlbert: these Coats...will never be marketed.. DanielC71: Your Grace, you don't understand the situation. DukeAlbert: OH? DanielC71: Let me explain why. Eva? Now. DukeAlbert: are you saying I donÕt know... : : stops in his tracks: : Polly Gail: : : : doesn't like the look that passes between Eva and the Manager: : : Eva LaRue: : : Pulls gun and points it at the Duke: : DukeAlbert: : : : looks to Eva: : Eva LaRue: We don't have to explain anything to the likes of you! DanielC71: She WILL shoot to kill. Out the back way. I have a van waiting. DukeAlbert: : : angered: : WHAT in BLAZES is going on?? DanielC71: Shut up. : : : Out the back we go!: : : Eva LaRue: : : : : Nudges with the gun: : Polly Gail: : : : gasps: : : DukeAlbert: Daniel! you Scum Sucking Toad! what do you.. : : stops and looks at : : Polly Gail: : : : they move out into the hall: : : : DukeAlbert: : : sighs: : Oh very well.... DukeAlbert: : : walking with them: MikeCraze: : : : As Ben prepares to leave he sees: : : Eva LaRue: Follow orders and no one will get hurt, let's go: : Polly Gail: Albert, please! They have guns! DanielC71: Your fiancee's life is in your hands, your Grace. DOCTOR 6: : : : waves bye-bye: : : Polly Gail: : : : Eva prods them out to a waiting car: : : MikeCraze: : : : he sees that they seem to be taken away by force, goes after them: : : STREET OUTSIDE BANK/PARKING LOT DRTUNA: Doctor pulls van up outside of bank and parks. DRTUNA: : : Turns off tape player and tunes in BBC3 on radio. DRTUNA: Finds "Housewife's Choice" tedious and turns radio off. DRTUNA: Doctor turns to examining his pocket watch. DRTUNA: : : Reads 8-track box : : Interstellar overdrive? DRTUNA: : : Looks at pocket watch, waits in van: : DRTUNA: : : Pocket watch is tuning into sounds in the bank: : : DRTUNA: Ah, here is an interesting conversation. DRTUNA: : : Listens in to Duke et al : : DRTUNA: DRTUNA: Polly Gail: : : : Eva prods them out to a waiting car: : : DanielC71: In please. : : : opens door: : : DukeAlbert: Daniel.. just on a note.. your fired! DukeAlbert: : : gets in: : MikeCraze: : : : he sees that they seem to be taken away by force, goes after them: : : MikeCraze: : : : Sees them get into the car, sees also the Doctor: : : DanielC71: Eva, drive them to YETI. they might find it interesting. DanielC71: Yes, your Grace. DanielC71: Eva, go on! I have to check on Barnes! : : : back to bank: : : Eva LaRue: : : Slams door shut, speeds away: : Eva LaRue: : : Drives like a European maniac: : DRTUNA: : : Sees Ben, guns the van and heads towards him. : : MikeCraze: Doctor! Cmdr Odo: : : looking after Ben and Tuna: : DRTUNA: : : Motions for Ben to enter van. : : MikeCraze: They are taking...kidnapping her! Cmdr Odo: : : lurks near the Doctor's van: : DRTUNA: Hey sailor, need a ride? [Doctor grins at Ben] MikeCraze: : : : Gets into van: : : DanielC71: : : : to Odo: : : Get OVER here! NOW! MikeCraze: We gotta follow Doctor...She'll die!!! Cmdr Odo: : : dives in after Ben: : DanielC71: : : : sees DRT & Ben: : : what?! DanielC71: : : : to ODO: : : See that van? Cmdr Odo: : : pulls out a pistol: : MikeCraze: : : : Sees Odo: : : What? Who are you? Cmdr Odo: DRTUNA: Now now, no need for violence! I can be cooperative! Cmdr Odo: : : to Ben: : To coin a phrase, I'm your worst nightmare. Cmdr Odo: My name's Odo, and I'll be your hijacker today. MikeCraze: : : : Ben sees the gun. Looks to see if he can overpower Odo: : : Cmdr Odo: Don't even think about it. DRTUNA: And what will be our flight path, sir thug! Cmdr Odo: : : to Tuna: : Take the A35 south to the M1 roadway. MikeCraze: DonÕt listen to 'im Doctor, we gotta save! Cmdr Odo: Go to the Basingstoke roundabout. DRTUNA: Dr. drives off, puts Pink Floyd tape back in. Cmdr Odo: Then take the first exit, and enter the factory on your left. DRTUNA: I fully intend to attempt to save Polly. DRTUNA: Dr drives into factory. Cmdr Odo: If you don't do what I ask, I fully intend to shoot this person. : : points to Ben: : MikeCraze: : : Ben true to fashion, is not intimidated: : : Just try it mate! DRTUNA: Follows Thug Odo's directions into factory. AT THE Y.E.T.I. FACTORY Eva LaRue: : : Slams door shut, speeds away: : Eva LaRue: : : Drives like a European maniac: : Eva LaRue: : : Arrives at Y.E.T.I. in 15 seconds flat: : DukeAlbert: WhatÕs you game eh Ms Eva LaRue? Polly Gail: : : : to Duke: : : Albert, I'm scared! Eva LaRue: : : Pushes gun into Polly's ribs and forces her out of the car: : DukeAlbert: It'll be All right. Eva LaRue: : : Shut up, rich boy, into the building: : Polly Gail: : : : Polly and Albert walk ahead of Eva: : : DukeAlbert: : : goes into the building: : Polly Gail: Eva LaRue: * : : Forces them into the building, pushes them into the manager's office: : Polly Gail: * : : : Eva ushers the couple in: : : Eva LaRue: * : : Ties up the Duke with one hand while keeping the gun trained on Polly with the other Eva LaRue: * Ties up and gags her since she looks like a whiner: : Eva LaRue: * : : Walks over to the Duke: : Beaux yeux... DukeAlbert: * may oui? Eva LaRue: * : : Laughs: : what beautiful eyes you have... Polly Gail: * : : : her eyes look venomously at Eva: : : Eva LaRue: * : : Turns to: : Knabbed a rich as well as cute one didn't you? DukeAlbert: * : : raises his eyebrow: : Polly Gail: * : : : to Eva: : : Mee-yow! Polly Gail: * Eva LaRue: * : : Spits: : Be careful dear, I am "la belle dame sans merci" DukeAlbert: * Ms Eva LaRue.. come now.. I would think you would have compassion...being DukeAlbert: * a Frenchwoman and all. Eva LaRue: * : : Opens the office door, motions to Odo: : Eva LaRue: * : : Smiles at the Duke: : Flattery will get you no where with me: : Polly Gail: * : : : Polly and Albert are alone in their office: : : DukeAlbert: * : : his hand begins to play with: : DukeAlbert: * : : his watch: : Polly Gail: Polly Gail: * Albert, we've got to get out of here, they mean to kill us! Polly Gail: * Honey, I'm scared! DukeAlbert: * : : whispers: : Polly Doll.. I got the ohh ohh seven watch on... Polly Gail: * No one knows we're missing! DukeAlbert: * you know.. the one with the.... DukeAlbert: * : : he flicks something on his watch and it burns him: : DukeAlbert: * BLOODY HELL DukeAlbert: * so much for THAT idea.. Polly Doll take a note.. "return the watch" DukeAlbert: * : : messes with the watch again: : DukeAlbert: * : : it falls off and onto the carpet: : DukeAlbert: * : : lit and in front of him: : DukeAlbert: * : : starts to blow at it: : DukeAlbert: * umm.. Polly Doll... DukeAlbert: * : : trying to stamp on it: : DukeAlbert: * ;: the fire on the carpet is getting bigger: : DukeAlbert: * Polly??? Polly Gail: * Albert! DukeAlbert: * I gotta tell you something Polly.. DukeAlbert: * and I donÕt want you to worry. Polly Gail: * What! DukeAlbert: * Um.. thereÕs a fire burning over here.... Polly Gail: * Oh no! And we're trapped!! DukeAlbert: * Polly Doll.. lets just try to get to the door.. Polly Gail: * {S pollyscr DukeAlbert: * why are you screaming Polly? DukeAlbert: * : : the fire is getting closer and closer to his feet: : DukeAlbert: * : : stamping: : Polly Gail: * Nooooo!!! DukeAlbert: : * : : his shoe is melting: : : DukeAlbert: * polly!!! Polly Gail: * : : : mascara starting to melt: : : Polly Gail: * Albert, let's push ourselves back a bit! DukeAlbert: * : : pushes: : DukeAlbert: * : : : they fall over: DOCTOR AND BEN AT FACTORY DRTUNA: Dr drives into factory. Cmdr Odo: If you don't do what I ask, I fully intend to shoot this person. : : points to Ben: : MikeCraze: : : Ben true to fashion, is not intimidated: : : Just try it mate! DRTUNA: Follows Thug Odo's directions into factory. Cmdr Odo: Now get out of the van. DRTUNA: To Odo: Now what? MikeCraze: : : : slowly gets out, looking for a chance: : : DRTUNA: To Ben: : Look lively now, sailor. MikeCraze: Doctor, we can't let 'im get away with it! Cmdr Odo: Any sudden moves, and your survivors will wish that your life insurance is paid up. Cmdr Odo: * Now, sit down. MikeCraze: : : : Ben is slow to cooperate: : : DRTUNA: * I suppose you a going to tie us up in some stinking room? Cmdr Odo: Move! MikeCraze: Sure mate Cmdr Odo: I have no qualms about cold-blooded murder. DRTUNA: With dripping walls and two star gruel once a day. Cmdr Odo: In fact, according to union rules, I have to commit one soon or lose my status. Cmdr Odo: : : nods to Eva: : MikeCraze: Very funny mate! MikeCraze: What now? DRTUNA: My dear sir thug, we are too important to your employer to be so thoughtlessly terminated. Cmdr Odo: Siddown! MikeCraze: : : : sits down in chair: : : DRTUNA: Dr. is seated. Eva LaRue: * : : Well, why are these clowns here?: : Cmdr Odo: I was told to kidnap them, Eva. Cmdr Odo: Help me tie them up. DRTUNA: : : Dr. takes a deep breath: : MikeCraze: : : : Ben looks to escape: : : Eva LaRue: : : Helps Odo tie up the Doctor: : Cmdr Odo: : : takes out the ropes: : Cmdr Odo: : : tying them up: : Eva LaRue: Really wants to tie up Ben Cmdr Odo: Now, you two sit there and don't say a word! MikeCraze: Thinks> Blimey, if people don't stop tying me up! DRTUNA: Well, I imagine you will now deprive us of your company? Eva LaRue: Well, what's the game plan now?: : DRTUNA: And leave us here to entertain ourselves? MikeCraze: Don't worry Doctor, I can get out of these ropes Cmdr Odo: I don't know, Eva. I was just told to kidnap these persons. MikeCraze: I've been tied up worse than this Eva LaRue: Well, we could entertain ourselves at their expense... Cmdr Odo: This is true. Do you have the thumbscrews? DRTUNA: Well Ben, I've been tied up a lot better than this. Eva LaRue: I have a fancy for that burly one, you could play with the other one Eva LaRue: : : Fumbles in pocket for the thumbscrews, hands a set to Odo: : Eva LaRue: : : Walks over to Ben: : DRTUNA: : : Dr. gulps and thinks deeply about what is happening : : Cmdr Odo: : : to Doctor: : So, how is your attitude now? MikeCraze: : : : Sees Eva: : : Yeah what do you want? Eva LaRue: Hey sailor, dahling, why the struggle? MikeCraze: I'll show you, if I can me hands free! DRTUNA: Needless damage to me may cause you pain later. You can torture me at any time. DRTUNA: Why rush it? Eva LaRue: : : Runs a finger along Ben's cheek, then tightens his ropes: : Cmdr Odo: Because there is no time like the present. DRTUNA: I assure you, Madam, that your employer will want us unharmed later! MikeCraze: Argh! Stop it! DRTUNA: Well, if you must, get on with it. Eva LaRue: c'est la vie, dahling DRTUNA: But my thumbs will be useful later! MikeCraze: : : : Ben tries to get up from the chair: : : Eva LaRue: : : Dangles thumbscrews before Ben, pushes him back into his seat: : want to play? DRTUNA: Voices are heard outside tie-up room, shouting for attention. DRTUNA: You should really find out what all the commotion is. MikeCraze: You don't scare me girl! Eva LaRue: : : Laughs wickedly: : Ahh, homme d'esprit, I like that! Cmdr Odo: Then let me scare you. Cmdr Odo: : : takes out Acme Sledgehammer: : DRTUNA: : : Dr. has done a multi-ventriloquism trick to create distraction outside: : : : DRTUNA: * thinks* We could get untied if we could get these vapid hulks out of the room! MikeCraze: : : : Leaps out of his chair and rams Odo with his Head: : : : ) Cmdr Odo: What was that? Cmdr Odo: OOOOOOOOF. DRTUNA: Dr. unties self and joins Ben: : MikeCraze: : : : Moves to kick Eva: : : DRTUNA: Dr. grabs Eva from behind : : Eva LaRue: : : Grabs ankle and hops: : MikeCraze: Doctor! I smell smoke! AT THE BANK DanielC71: : : : Strolls back into bank: : : Mr. Barnes! DOCTOR 6: yes? DanielC71: = bank DOCTOR 6: Thank you sir. Need anything else? DanielC71: No, back to your post. GO! DOCTOR 6: Right sir: : : runs to desk: : : DanielC71: Barnes! anther word! DOCTOR 6: Yes? DanielC71: What DO you know about YETI? DOCTOR 6: Nothing, I just read what was in the files. DanielC71: WHAT did you read in the files, Barnes? DOCTOR 6: That YETI purchased much electronics in the past 3 months. DanielC71: step this way to my office, Mr. barnes. DanielC71: : : : pulls gun, points it in Barnes' back: : : Keep walking to your car. DOCTOR 6: : : : Follows Danny boy: : DanielC71: DanielC71: DanielC71: DanielC71: : : : turn to point gun at Barnes: : : DanielC71: Keep walking to your car, etc. etc. DOCTOR 6: : : Karate kicks the Manager in the hand, knocks out gun and picks it up> DOCTOR 6: An ha, thought you could trick me, didn't you? DanielC71: : : : in deep pain, wishes he wasn't so out of shape: : : DanielC71: what's to prevent me from having you arrested? Your word against mine. DanielC71: : : : gets up slowly: : : DOCTOR 6: Well, my boy, you don't know nothin' because I am the main man. I'm in charge of YETI. DanielC71: : : : !!!!!!: : : : DanielC71: What are you planning? DOCTOR 6: Why, don't you know? DanielC71: You have the gun, sir... DOCTOR 6: My company is mass producing machines called Yetis, very big and look like Cousin Its from the Addams Family. DanielC71: my god.... DOCTOR 6: That where we get our name from. We will use these creatures to take over the world. DanielC71: Fiend! and to think I allowed you to do this! DOCTOR 6: Well, no, I was just lying. DOCTOR 6: Hoping that I wouldn't get shot. DanielC71: That gun isn't loaded you know. DOCTOR 6: Aw, fish. I knew it didn't feel heavy enough. Now what are you going to do to me? DanielC71: : : : Bank Manager begins to look strangely eerie: : : DanielC71: : : : the lights seems to dim and all Barnes can see in a shadow hovering... DanielC71: over the Bank Man.: : : DanielC71: : : : The Voice of the Great Intelligence Speaks: : : DOCTOR 6: : : : Barnes faints: : : DanielC71: YOU WILL FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS WITHOUT QUESTION. {S dit} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PAUSE SIM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE DEADLY BANKER, PART TWO LOGS OF MAIN CHARACTERS Date: Thu, May 25, 1995 12:41 AM EST From: DanielC71 Subj: Bank Manager's log part one Bank Manager's log part one I've been hearing a voice inside my head for a week now. It's not like schizophrenia, at least I think not. More like a strong, subtle voice... a witch doctor, or a demented priest. It's like it's been breathing down my neck for a month or so but now I can finally hear it speaking. But it's closer than that. Much closer. I can't help but listen to it even when I'm at work. It tells me to do things and I obey. I strangled a man last week. He wanted to expose me, tried to blackmail me, for my diversion of bank funds. I don't understand why I do what the voice says. But I do. I ALWAYS do. I've been laundering money to Y.E.T.I. ... a dummy corporation. It never produces anything. Not a single thing. But YETI is IT's plaything. The voice's. So I send the money weekly and make excuses. And tell Mr. Barnes to mind his business when he goes over the account. Barnes minds his business too well. He's shifty, I can see that. Does he know? Does he hear the voice too? Is Mr. Barnes IT's dummy too? Now I've hired Eva LaRue and have been giving money to her as well! Why?! Why does this voice tell me to do these things?! I -- I hear it. I hand Eva a 1000 pounds as my mongrel assistant cowers in the washroom. I hear it. I see Duke Albert and young woman in the hallway. I hear it. NOW. DON'T BE AFRAID. no, of course not, nothing to be afraid of. nothing wrong with the YETI account your Grace. nothing.... but now Duke Albert and his bleeding little fiancˇ want to look over the account!! what do I do?! HAVE EVA BE READY. ready? for what? oh yes, the gun Eva has in her dress. what shall we do with them once Eva's pulled the gun? what shall we do with them? TAKE THEM TO THE YETI. take them to the yeti. of course, master. she's pulled the gun. out the back way. out the back way to the YETI. followed? can't tell.... will take them to the YETI. have them in the van, on their way-- who is that, a sailor? he's followed us-- now's he talking to a driver in another van? watching us take duke Albert and Polly away! who is that driving the van? THE DOCTOR!! SO, HE HAS RETURNED!! GET them, you mongrel dog! Get the two in the other van! It's the Doctor! , go! Drive! ...but she's gone already, and so is the mongrel... they've left me behind... I must find Mr. .Barnes... Mr..... Mr.., come with me I have a gun. into my office I have a gun, Mr..-- OH! He's knocked me to the floor! I have to fight.. I have to... I'm too old and fat to fight. I can't hear what he says.. There's something in the building. Thrumming. A low vibration. IT is making the whole damn building alive! But, the fool, keeps talking. He can't hear it. Nobody can hear IT except me! I know what IT is! IT is the voice inside MY HEAD! THE VOICE INSIDE MY HEAD! YOU WILL OBEY ME AND FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS! ...and withers and falls to the floor. [to be continued] Date: Thu, May 25, 1995 1:23 PM EST From: DoctorWho8 Subj: Mr.' Log 5-24-95 Oh boy, what a day. Here I am, a normal man doing my work and minding my own business, when I get involved in something beyond normal human restraints. I was just going over some accounts when this Duke came in along with this girl, Polly, who is not only his secretary, but his fiancˇ. They go and see the bank Manager after I give them directions to his office. A few minutes later, I'm buzzed on the intercom and asked to bring in and brief everyone about the Y.E.T.I. account. To be honest, I know nothing about it, and Dan, the manager, wants me to brief the Duke about it, yeesh! So, I go in and sit next to Polly. She'd not a bad looker but could use a few enhancements in a few areas. Anyway, I was asked by the Duke about large amounts of money from the bank being sent to the Y.E.T.I. Corp., and I said that the money was being used to finance a new project that would help mankind. Of course I sort of embellished that but that's what the file said. All of a sudden, Dan tells me to leave and continue with my work. I did so but I felt that I left everyone in the lurch, including myself. After an hour or so, Dan asks me to come into his office to talk about the Y.E.T.I. account. I follow him, and when we got inside his office, he started asking me questions about what I knew about the account. I told him that I knew nothing except what I read in the files, which was the truth. He didn't believe me and stuck a gun at me. Upon seeing the gun, I used an ahp chagi to kick the gun away from him and chopped him in the neck (thank goodness for self-defense lessons). I grabbed the gun and pointed it at him. He wasn't very surprised. In fact, it looked like he expected it. So I make a up story to see how far I can go before I get the chop. I tell him that I'm in charge of the YETI project and that we're making monsters to take over the world. Unfortunately, he saw through my lie and got up really quickly. Then I heard a high pitch whine which got louder and louder until Dan shouted "I AM THE GREAT INTELLIGENCE, YOU WILL OBEY MY ORDERS!!" I knew then that he was possessed by some sort of alien influence. Then I fainted, not being able to handle all this. If I live through this, I'm going to retire and raise begonias. Date: Sun, May 28, 1995 7:42 PM EST From: BenJacksn Subj: Ben's Log 5/24/95 Sim Ben's Log 5/24/95 Sim When the Doctor said we 'ad to go to London for some more supplies, I should 'ave been right 'appy. But then he goes and shuts me up in is laboratory saying' that I didn't need to go and poke my nose into business I shouldn't. 'e didn't say what, but we both knew. Anyhow, I figured it wouldn't 'urt to just take a look around. I mean Crickey, London is me 'ome. So I snuck out. Course it goes to figure I'd run into 'er first thing. Going into a bank with that no good Duke she was married to before she met up with us again. I 'ad to see her, see if she was doin' okay. I went into the bank and saw them go into an office. Figured I'd wait for them. I don't right know why I should have. But somethin' in me was sayin' that I should stick around. It was a good thing too, as I saw 'em leave in a hurry with a man. It didn't look right. I'd been around too long to know a kidnapping when I see it. And that Duke doin' nothin' but playin' along. I 'ad to follow them, but they piled into an auto and was makin' off, when the Doctor appears in that strange car of 'is. I know 'e was about to give me a tongue lashin' when a guy snuck up on us and pulled a gun! Cripes, I must be gettin' old for somebody to do that to me. I wanted to fight 'im but the Doctor said to play along. So I did. We lost Polly, and that made me angry. We went to a ware 'ouse, and got out. He then went and tied us up. That don't surprise me at all. But then some woman comes in and says it's time to torture us. I'd right like to know why these women form the Rani down on see it their mission to torture me. Course Polly probably say I deserve it for not showin' them enough respect. But I 'ad 'ad it and decided and tied up or no, I could take out these guys. I rammed the guy and went to kick the woman. But then somethin' was wrong. The place was on fire! Subj: Evil Eva's Emotional Exclamation! Date: Sun, May 28, 1995 8:08 PM EST From: ::Hopping up and down on one foot after Ben's kick to the shins, feels someone grab her around the waist as if to keep her from falling. Turning with surprising agility (considering she is wearing a flouncy dress and heels), raises her hand as if to slap Ben, but instead finds herself face to face with the Doctor. Startled at the bright and intelligent eyes that seem to pore into her very being, decides to try a different approach to free herself. "I've been a fool," she thinks. "this one is the more dangerous of the two." Smiling charmingly, she leans into the Doctor's hold and exclaims, "Dahling, how very kind of you to help little old me..." and flicks her feather boa under his nose, in a flirtatious manner. The Doctor sneezes and drops his hold on her. Quickly, reaches into her blouse for her derringer, only to find it missing. "Looking for something?" says the Doctor, with a twinkle in his eye and her derringer swinging from his finger tip. "What? How on earth? Well, I never! Give me that back!!". shouts, lunging for the derringer. The Doctor deftly throws the derringer towards Ben, and falls as she lunges for it. Brushing herself off, and arranging her feather boa, notices that two of her fake nails are broken off, and goes completely berserk. starts to rant and rave and scream at the top of her lungs in the most unlady like manner: LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE YOU FOOL!! YOU BROKE MY BEAUTIFUL NAILS! THAT'S IT!! NOW YOU'VE DONE IT...C'EST LA GUERRE!!! THIS IS WAR!!" Date: Tue, May 30, 1995 6:31 PM EST From: Polly Gail Who Subj: Polly's Diary - 5/24/95 sim Excerpt from Polly's 1970 diary... Dearest Albert! He says I should not work for him for much longer, now that I am to become his Duchess. I am staying on until he's hired a new secretary. Instead of the traditional "working for a living", I look forward to doing charity work, fund raising and the like. And of course I look forward to enjoying the glamorous life ahead of me with this dear, dashing man! He is so smart, as well as handsome... he detected some sort of fraud was occurring involving his Bank's Manager, and a company named Y.E.T.I., which manufactures these awful-looking fake fur coats. The company wasn't marketing the coats hardly at all; and was losing money. All the time the Bank kept advancing more and more funds. Albert decided to check into the matter. We arrived at the Bank for meeting. I didn't know there was so much at stake in this crime! There must be, for the Manager, and Ms Eva LaRue of Y.E.T.I. forced us to leave the Bank at gun point. I was so frightened. I expected Ms Eva LaRue to kill us at any moment. We ended up being driven to the Y.E.T.I. factory, which appeared deserted, and incidentally, deserving of Albert's raised suspicions. Ms Eva LaRue tied us together on the floor and left. Albert tried to use a lighter to burn the ropes, but instead the entire room caught fire, with us trapped inside! The carpet, drapes, all that paper, went up so quickly! Albert shielded me with his body and I tried to shout for help though I was choking from the smoke...Albert was coughing also, and he began to lose consciousness... FROM: DRTUNA 5/29/95 Doctor's Log Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.776663.rel I am deeply worried about our staying in this time. Somewhere out there lurks my other self, perhaps another Ben, and many of those we will interact with in the future or have interacted with in the past. Ben and I are literally "time bombs" walking around in 1970. I would leave but some minor fine tuning remains on the Tardis and, after all, I am but one of its passengers. Ben seems interested in getting a taste of this time, this England, this civilization. I do not wish to order him to leave, but I dare not leave Ben here. He needs to decide on his own that it would be best to leave. All of this has made me think more deeply about my responsibilities towards the Laws of Time. Previously, I have often thought of them as laws like many other laws, socially convenient but not necessarily morally required. I have seen these laws bent and have even bent them myself a few times. Why should I risk myself and at times my friends and companions in order to see that these laws are obeyed? How can I explain to people like Ben that we must not alter the time stream in any significant way? Of course, we alter the time stream every time we breathe and act. However, we must learn that we must only stand in the same time stream once. Having acted and experienced, we may not reverse or change the flow. Frightening assumptions and conclusions: 1. The universe doesn't have to be here at all. The universe was not always here, and it may not be always here. Right now it is in existence, but it doesn't have to be. 2. We are very lucky that it is here. Since we are a part of it, without it, we are nothing. We are part of it and bound to it. The fate of the universe is our own fate as well. 3. The universe is held together by many forces into a dynamic equilibrium. The "natural" state of the universe is for it to fall return to the nothingness that is the beginning and ending of all. As the Guardians know, these forces are complicated almost beyond understanding. Humans of the renaissance tried to construct a "clockwork" universe. They were not that far off. An almost infinite number of wound up springs hold violent forces in place. These forces can be released, causing the entire structure to fall apart. 4. Interfering in the time stream threatens these tightly bound forces. When we introduce contradictions and changes into the time stream, no matter how well intentioned, they stress the system. The bigger the change, the bigger the stress we put on the clockwork universe. This does not mean that we can afford to make small changes in the time stream, because changes accumulate, and we do not know how close to the shattering of the forces we are. Nor can we accurately predict what a "small" change is. What might seem small to us may actually be a huge change in the time stream. That we have survived previous interference is not comforting, because these changes may have put us on the "brink" of a shattering event caused by the next small change. Even if it is only a whisper or warning to Polly about her future. 5. Our next interference in the time stream may be the last. Any possibility of this means that we must try and oppose all future attempted changes in the time stream. 6. We must accept that we may only live our lives once. For all of this time and space travel, the reality of the laws of time means that we are still the prisoners of our past and future. We may not relive our lives, or right our wrong moves. As a Timelord, we must live our lives once through without recriminations, second thoughts, or post facto adjustments. The humans and others who travel in time with us have the same obligation. 7. We get one chance to live, and we must make our choices with consideration, wisdom, and judgment. We must learn from our experiences but we must not undo them. We are all obligated to realize this, but the temptation to violate these concepts is greatest among Timelords and their fellow time travelers. This is why the Timelords stay isolated in the Citadel. This is why they avoid interference. This is why they attempt to stop others from gaining time travel. They cannot risk the temptation to change the time stream. 8. Their reaction to this reality is incorrect. Because they dare not risk temptation, they absolve themselves of all responsibilities, to serve the life of the universe, to nurture it, and to oppose evil. 9. I accept the obligation not to change the time stream. But, I also accept my responsibility in the life of the universe to make my one trip through it count for something positive. I hope I can learn to face the tragedies I cannot solve or avoid. But how can I convince those around me of this? Perhaps this may call for a little preventive intervention of my own. My pocket watch started beeping. It is letting me know that Ben is on the move. I follow him to a Bank. I wait outside in my van [where did this strange music come from?] thinking that Ben, of all people, is very safe in a bank. Unless.... I saw two people [including Polly!] being pulled out of the bank and into a car. Then Ben followed. I drive to pick up Ben..... THE DEADLY BANKER, PART THREE 5/31/95 Doctor Who Online Simulation, 11-12pm in Simulations City {S dit} >>>Your monitor screens come to life with sound and light<<< >>>The image of DRTUNA dissolves into the image of the spinning TARDIS<<< >>>>>>The New Adventures of Doctor Who<<<<<< The Deadly Banker, Part Deux : ) BEGIN SIM... : : : Our story continues at the deserted factory of Y.E.T.I.: : : : : : : In one of the offices, Ben and Tuna have just overpowered their captors: : : : : : : Odo lies unconscious on the office floor: : : : : : : Eva LaRue finds herself being held at gun point by Tuna: : : : : : The Bank Manager (DanielC71), is about to personally supervise the final preparations for : : : : And Polly and Duke Albert, trapped in another office in the building, are about to fall victim to a fire::: SOMEWHERE IN THE FACTORY: DanielC71: : : : a thunderclap rolls through the factory: : : DanielC71: : : : A passing wind and a lightening bolt...: : : DanielC71: % : : : the air rips apart as the Bank Manager stands before the body of Odo!: : : DanielC71: % Stand, slave! Padraic02: %: : : : stirs slightly: : : DanielC71: % Stand! I am the GREAT INTELLIGENCE. Padraic02: %: : : : with returning strength stands up: : : DanielC71: % You have failed me . Find the Doctor and destroy him. Padraic02: %Sure thing... : : : : : mumbles something rather unpleasant under breath: : : DanielC71: % ODO! This is your last chance.... Padraic02: %: : : : where have I heard that before: : : : yes, rightaway... I'll get them DanielC71: % Yeti! Come to me! Well will seek out Eva LaRue. Padraic02: %: : : : moves off down the hall: : : DanielC71: %: : : The Doctor has been in my way far too long...: : : DanielC71: % DanielC71: @ Ha ha ha ha ha ha..... BEN AND THE DOCTOR IN ONE OF THE Y.E.T.I. OFFICES... BenJacksn: : : : Proudly Ben took out Odo with his hands tied: : : DRTUNA: : : : Doctor holds tightly and shows her the gun: : : BenJacksn: @ Doctor I smell smoke!!!! DRTUNA: @ Ben if you can help. I need information! Be careful! Eva LaRue: : : Screams and squirms: : Let me go DRTUNA: : : : Turns to: : : BenJacksn: @ Just tell me what to do : : : wiggles free from his ropes: : : Eva LaRue: : : Is suddenly afraid: : DRTUNA: @ Ben, find Polly and help her. She is meant to live. Eva LaRue: : : Whines: : Please let me go, I'll be good, I promise BenJacksn: @ Polly? She DRTUNA: @ But, do not try and influence her! BenJacksn: She's 'ere??? Eva LaRue: : : Tries to squirm out of the Doctor's firm grip: : DRTUNA: @ I believe she is here in this facility! BenJacksn: @ : : : leaves the room and heads out: : : POLLY AND THE DUKE IN ANOTHER PART OF THE FACTORY : : : : And Polly and Duke Albert, trapped in another office in the building, are about to fall v DukeAlbert: : : : cough: : DukeAlbert: : : cough: : Polly Gail: Somebody, help us!!!! DukeAlbert: : : : passing out: : Polly Gail: There's a fire! We're in here! Polly Gail: Oh Albert, Albert, please wake up! DukeAlbert: # : : going for the emmy of death look: : : DukeAlbert: # : : cough: : Polly Gail: # HELP!! HELP!!! BenJacksn: # : : : Opens the door to Albert and Polly: : : Polly Gail: {S pollyscr} BenJacksn: # Polly!!! BenJacksn: # : : : Moves to untie Polly and Albert: : : BenJacksn: # : : : Feelings well up in Ben as he unties Polly: : : Polly Gail: # : : : coughs: : : oh, thank you...Ben??? Ben Jackson??? Polly Gail: # Ben, is that really you??? : : : Ben helps Polly up: : : BenJacksn: # : : : Smiles weakly: : : It's me Duchess. Don't you worry I'll get you out! DukeAlbert: # : : cough: : BenJacksn: # : : : Moves to get Albert: : : Okay mate wkey-wakey!! DukeAlbert: # : : looks at him: : DukeAlbert: # : : stands up: : DukeAlbert: # OH my! DukeAlbert: # : : coughs: : BenJacksn: # Come on we got to get out of 'ere! DukeAlbert: # : : : collapses into Ben: : Polly Gail: # Let's help Albert into the corridor BenJacksn: # Oh cripes some 'ero you are! Padraic02: # : : : : nears the room containing the Ben and the others... brandishes his stunner: : : Polly Gail: # : : : Ben and Polly practically pull the Duke into the corridor: : : BenJacksn: # : : : Helps with Albert: : : Polly Gail: # : : : lays the unconscious Albert down gently and hugs Ben fiercely: : : BenJacksn: # : : Ben avoids looking at Polly: : : DukeAlbert: # : : : seems to be near unconscious: : Polly Gail: # Whatever are you doing here, Ben? Polly Gail: # It's not like I'm not thrilled to see you, BenJacksn: # Uhm It's a long story Duchess and we ain't got time DukeAlbert: # : : unable to move but watching Ben and Polly: : DukeAlbert: # begins to stir: : DukeAlbert: # : : coming about: : BenJacksn: # Hardy sort of bloke ain't he : : : about the Duke: : : DukeAlbert: # : : thru coughs: : I see Your lungs full of smoke old chap DukeAlbert: # : : stands slowly: : BenJacksn: # Better take it easy mate DukeAlbert: # well.. who is your Friend Polly Doll? Polly Gail: # : : : self consciously unhands Ben: : : Albert, this is my very good friend, Ben Jackson BenJacksn: # : : : Wonders if the Doctor is okay, assumes that he is: : : BenJacksn: # : : : Can't get over how much the Duke looks like JC: : : DukeAlbert: Ben Jackson eh? Padraic02: # : : : surprises Ben and company: : : Hello, do you have Duke Albert in a can? DukeAlbert: # : : sticks out his hand: : : Padraic02: # : : : shoots each of them with a stunner: : : BenJacksn: # : : Falls unconscious: : : Padraic02: # : : : watches as Albert and the rest fall where they stand: : : DukeAlbert: # : : dropped: : Padraic02: # : : : is about to leave: : : : oh ya, boss wants em don't he : : : goes eenie meenie miney moe: : : Polly Gail: # : : : falls unconscious: : : DanielC71: * : : : telepathically: : : Bring the other humans to me without delay! Padraic02: # : : : moe lands on Polly: : : Oh good, I'll get da rest later : : : picks her up: : : DanielC71: # Odo! Do you hear me? Padraic02: # : : : slings her over shoulder: : : DanielC71: * Bring me the humans, Odo! Padraic02: # I'm comin' I'm comin' MacLyle: * Odo> Coming, Massssster. Polly Gail: # : : : Polly is unconscious and draped over Padraic's shoulder: : : Polly Gail: # : : : like a sack of potatoes: : : Padraic02: # : : : : whistles softly as he carries Polly to the secret chamber* : : : DanielC71: * ODO! WHERE ARE THE OTHER HUMANS?! THE DOCTOR AND EVA IN A ROOM AT THE FACTORY Eva LaRue: @ : : Makes an attempt to stamp on the Dr.'s foot: : DRTUNA: @ Now, Ms. La Rue...I need to ask you some questions. Eva LaRue: @ Let me go, you imbecile! Eva LaRue: @ You broke my fingernails, and you think I am going to help you? DRTUNA: @ : : Gazes deeply into the eyes of: : : Eva LaRue: @ : : Calms down a bit: : DRTUNA: : : : The Doctor's eyes flicker as he hypnotizes: : : Eva LaRue: @ : : Tries to look away, but can't!: : DRTUNA: @ I hate this part..... DRTUNA: @ Eva , listen to me. You are doing very well. You are a success. Please answer these questions. Eva LaRue: @ : : Has a glazed empty look in her eyes: : Eva LaRue: @ I will answer DRTUNA: Eva, what is this factory? Eva LaRue: @ Y.E.T.I. DRTUNA: @ EvA, who is in charge of this operation? Eva LaRue: @ I own the factory DRTUNA: @Eva, are you the ultimate authority in this operation? Eva LaRue: @ No, Daniel, President of the Bank of Kent is my employer DRTUNA: @Eva, what are you making here? Eva LaRue: @ I don't know much more really Eva LaRue: @ We make some kind of creature thinggys DRTUNA: @Eva, tell me about these creatures. Eva LaRue: @ Well, they are big and hairy DanielC71: @ Doctor! We meet again, at last.... DanielC71: @ Yeti! Take them! : : : Yeti bursts into room, menacing the Doctor.: : : DoctorWho8: @ YETI: : : Moves menacingly towards Doctor: : : DRTUNA: @ : : Yeti grabs Doctor and throws him on the other side of the room.: : : Eva LaRue: @ : : Begins to wake up as the Dr. loses concentration: : DRTUNA: @ : : : The Doctor lands with a sick thud near a non-operating Yeti robot: : : DanielC71: @ Ha ha ha ha ha ha..... DanielC71: @ Kill him slowly.... DanielC71: @ .. but first....... Eva LaRue: @ : : Hears Daniel, and snaps to: : DRTUNA: @ : : The Doctor seems out of action: : : Eva LaRue: @ Yes, boss? DanielC71: @ Make sure the Doctor is disarmed. Eva LaRue: @ : : Walks over to the Dr. and frisks him expertly: : DRTUNA: @ : : : The Doctor opens one eye to check things out...sees a golden sphere: : : DRTUNA: @ : : : The Doctor sees that the golden sphere has come from the Yeti: : : Eva LaRue: @ : : He had my gun, that's all, takes gun back: : Eva LaRue: @ Now what, Boss? Eva LaRue: @ Can I kill him? Can I? DRTUNA: : : :@ The Doctor scoops up the golden sphere and rolls it into his spatially warped pockets: : DanielC71: @ Help him to his feet. DanielC71: @ He must be fully conscious as I achieve my apotheosis. Eva LaRue: @ : : Grumbles as she lifts up the Dr.: : DRTUNA: @ : : : It is a long way to the bottom of the Doctor's pockets. Eva LaRue: @ Shall I take him to the secret chamber? DRTUNA: @ : : Sphere finally thuds on a pile of books.: : : DanielC71: @ Yes, my slave... Eva LaRue: @ You could interrogate him there. Eva LaRue: @ : : Drags the Dr. to the secret chamber: : Amazingly strong for such a floozy Eva LaRue: @ : : Stops to unlock the door: : IN THE SECRET CHAMBER DanielC71: * Yeti, follow me. DanielC71: * ... we will wait for Odo... Eva LaRue: * Yeah, boss whatever you say DRTUNA: * Doctor drops screwdriver outside door: : : DanielC71: * There must be.. no... conflicts with my great plan... Eva LaRue: * : : Doesn't notice screwdriver, is checking out broken nails instead: : DanielC71: * : : : thinks of future glory, misses sonic screwdriver: : : Eva LaRue: * : : thinks: : There he goes talking to himself again DRTUNA: * : : A large fork-lift stands in the corner of the room.* It is BIG! DanielC71: * Bring me the humans, Odo! Eva LaRue: * Can't I lay him inside the door boss? He's heavy. MacLyle: * Odo> Coming, Massssster. DRTUNA: * : : : Doctor notices things in the room/cavern: : : DRTUNA: * : : It is a huge, dank place. Dome about 75 feet up, other end lost in distance. Eva LaRue: * : : Doesn't wait for an answer, begins to drag the Dr. all the way into the room: : Polly Gail: Eva LaRue: * Coming., Boss? DRTUNA: * : : : Doctor likes being dragged.: : : MacLyle: * : : materializes next to Daniel: : DanielC71: * All the humans must be present before we can be safe! Eva LaRue: * Plops Dr. on the floor, none too gently: : DanielC71: * ODO! WHERE ARE THE OTHER HUMANS?! MacLyle: * How can I assist you, massssster? DanielC71: * You bring me only one insignificant female?! DRTUNA: * Dr. hits ground with sick thud again.: : : Eva LaRue: * : : keeps a foot on the Dr.'s chest to make sure he doesn't escape: : DanielC71: * You... should.. be.... killed for your incompetence.... DanielC71: *EVA ! Padraic02: * Well, whattaya expect? I gots only two arms MacLyle: * Of courssssssse, Massster. Eva LaRue: * : : Digs heel into the Dr.'s chest to see if he is awake or faking it: : DanielC71: * I cannot trust this fool! Padraic02: * : : : sets Polly on the floor: : : : and me back is aching something fierce DanielC71: *EVA! Get the other two humans! NOW! Eva LaRue: * : : Sees him sit up, and covers Dr. with her gun: : DRTUNA: : : : Dr. lets out a large "oooff DanielC71: *.Eva... MacLyle: * : : looking for shadows to lurk in: : Eva LaRue: * : : Snaps: : Oh all right!!! DanielC71: * Odo MacLyle! DRTUNA: * : : : Doctor moves toward Polly on ground: : : MacLyle: * Yesssssss, Massssster? DRTUNA: * : : : The Doctor sits on the ground and puts Polly's head in his lap: : : Eva LaRue: * : : stamps out of the secret chamber and slams the door behind her: : Polly Gail: * : : : Polly starts slowly to recover consciousness: : : DanielC71: * Stand before me slave.... DRTUNA: * : : : He gently strokes her forehead with a damp cloth which appears from nowhere. MacLyle: * Of course, Massster. DanielC71: * Your continuous failures are... disturbing. MacLyle: * : : mutters: : We've lossssst the preciousssssss...... : : makes "gollum" noise: : DRTUNA: * : : : There, there, you strong willed young woman. No thug like this can put an end to the likes of you. DRTUNA: * : : Doctor smiles at Polly: : : Polly Gail: * : : : sits up, rubbing her head: : : Ohhhh...oh what happened? MacLyle: * What can I do for you, Massster? Polly Gail: * Who are you?!! DanielC71: * I will brook NO stupidity, even from you.... Yeti! Polly Gail: * : : : realizes the stranger also seems to be a prisoner: : : DanielC71: * : : : Yeti advances menacingly on Odo: : : DRTUNA: * To Polly: A friend DanielC71: * : : : calls a second Yeti to his side, which lumbers over: : : Polly Gail: * (To Tuna) A friend? MacLyle: * : : nervous look at Yeti: : DRTUNA: * There is a great evil at work here. I can feel a great intelligence... DanielC71: * : : : stops a foot before squashing Odo M.: : : Polly Gail: * : : : looks intently...: : : D-Doctor? DRTUNA: * ...we must find a way to stop it: : : : DanielC71: * MacLyle, if you fail me again.... DRTUNA: * Polly, who would make a statement like the one I just made? Padraic02: * : : : begins contemplating a strand of hair: : : DanielC71: * : : : Yeti raises clawed hand: : : DanielC71: * You... will die....! MacLyle: * : : looks at clawed hand, decides it would be wise not to fail again: : DanielC71: * do you understand, MacLyle? Polly Gail: * : : : Hugs Tuna: : : Ohh, Doctor, it really is you!! What happened? MacLyle: * I unnnndersssstand, Massssster. Polly Gail: * You've been...renewed again? Have you? DanielC71: * : : : Yeti backs off of MacLyle: : : Padraic02: * Boss you want I should watch the prisoners? DRTUNA: * ...and a long, strange trip it's been, Polly. DanielC71: * Odo... DRTUNA: * To Polly: I have a plan, but I am not sure it will work. DukeAlbert: # we are! Polly Gail: * Well what are we going to DO, Doctor? DanielC71: * Odo, guard the prisoners, or you too will die by my hand... Polly Gail: * I just know everything's going to be all right, now! DRTUNA: * Whispers: It could be very risky and you will need to be very brave! Padraic02: * sheesh, thats what I was suggesting... how do you come up with em? DRTUNA: * Whispers: There are three elements to my plan. DanielC71: * Eva! : : : telepathically: : : : HURRY! DRTUNA: * To Polly: # 1: Polly, you need to distract our guards. MacLyle: * : : to Daniel: : How may I ssssserve you, Masssster? Polly Gail: * Okay, Doctor, what else? DanielC71: * do NOT fail me again.... that is how you can serve me.... Padraic02: * : : : pulls out a table from a corner, sits down and begins to play solitaire: : : : Padraic02: * : : : still watching the others: : : DRTUNA: # 2: I will pull a rabbit out of my hat and play a trick on the YETI. MacLyle: * Can I play ssssolitaire with him? : : points to Padraic: : DanielC71: * : : : sighs: : : : DRTUNA: * But, # 3 is the most dangerous of all. One of you can start that large forklift .. DRTUNA: * ....and then ram it into the unfinished pyramid at the other... DanielC71: * EVA! Hurry w/ this simple task or I will destroy you! DRTUNA: * ...end of this cavern. Polly Gail: * : : : starts talking to guard Padraic: : : Um...sir? DanielC71: * soon, I will control this planet.... after a thousand long years....] Padraic02: * Whattaya want missy? MacLyle: * Of courssse you will, Massster. Polly Gail: * : : : giggles: : : Ooh, aren't * you* nice? : : : flirty: : : DanielC71: * I will absorb it into my being, an I will no longer wander formlessly... DRTUNA: * : : : Doctor reaches into pocket for golden sphere: : : Polly Gail: * So you carried me all the way from the YETI factory to here all by yourself?? Polly Gail: * : : : smiles at Padraic: : : DanielC71: * And not even the Doctor can stop me.... now.... Polly Gail: * : : : distracting Padraic from paying attention to the Doctor: : : Padraic02: * no, I used me magic carpet... of course I carried ye' DRTUNA: * : : : Doctor closes eyes: : : : DRTUNA: * Doctor reaches out with his mind to the golden sphere.: : : DanielC71: * The sphere! Who is controlling my sphere?! Padraic02: * : : : attempts a smile but his face is hardened from years of scowling: : : MacLyle: * I don't know, Massster. DRTUNA: : : : Doctor begins to sweat: : : Kick in chest starting to hurt: : : DanielC71: * Eva! DRTUNA: : : : Dr. to sphere: I can be your guide and then you can be set free! Obey me and be free before the day is out! MEANWHILE, AT THE BANK DoctorWho8: + Barnes>Yes, sir , what ever you say, sir. DoctorWho8: + Barnes: : : wakes up and looks around: : : He's gone. GOOOOOD. This is all getting to weird for me. DoctorWho8: + I'm gonna get all the files on the YETI project and turn Daniel-son into the police. DoctorWho8: + Barnes: : : goes through all the files in Dan's desk, gets all the YETI stuff and runs out of bank DoctorWho8: + into his car to go to the police: : : DoctorWho8: + Barnes: : : arrives at police station, enters, and goes to front desk: : : I need to see someone DoctorWho8: + COP> Let me get Det. Caruso. : : : pushes intercom button: : : Dec. C- Yes? DoctorWho8: + COP- There's a man here to see someone about bank embezzlement. Dec. C- Show him in. DoctorWho8: + COP: : : shows Barnes Caruso's door and Barnes enters: : My name is Mr. Barnes, I work for the bank. DoctorWho8: + Barnes tells of embezzlement: : : DoctorWho8: + Caruso- Well, do you know the location of this YETI place? DoctorWho8: + Barnes- Yes, it is at a factory down town. If you will get some more officers, you can follow me. DoctorWho8: + Caruso- Sure: : : presses intercom and asks for officers: : : Right, I'm ready.: : Barnes and Caruso exit IN A ROOM IN THE FACTORY, BEN AND THE DUKE ARE STUNNED AS POLLY IS CARRIED OFF BenJacksn: # : : : Dreams of mermaids and sunshine and lollipops and rainbows: : : BenJacksn: # : : : as everybody leaves Ben begins to come around: : : BenJacksn: # : : : Wakes up: : : BenJacksn: # : : : Sees Albert and shakes him vigorously: : : DukeAlbert: # : : waking up: : BenJacksn: # Wake up!! DukeAlbert: # : : but Mummy,, I don't have cookies: : DukeAlbert: # they are fat free fig newton... DukeAlbert: # : : : : shakes out of it: : DukeAlbert: # : : jumps to his feet: : BenJacksn: # They're gone!! DukeAlbert: # where did they go? BenJacksn: # 'ow the blommin' blazes should I know? DukeAlbert: # : : sigh: : DukeAlbert: # We've GOT to find POLLY! BenJacksn: # I got to see if the Doctor is okay! BenJacksn: # : : : Runs to the room where they last saw them, but they are gone too DukeAlbert: # : : following: : Eva LaRue: # : : Hears a noise: : DukeAlbert: # they cant have gone far! BenJacksn: # : : : Looks around and spots the Dcotor's sonic screwdriver: : : Eva LaRue: # : : Yells: : Qui va la? Eva LaRue: # Who goes there? BenJacksn: # : : : Picks it up: : : BenJacksn: # : : : Hears Eva and hides to ambush her: : : DukeAlbert: # : : hears her coming: : DukeAlbert: # umm.. Hello? Eva LaRue: # : : Decides noise was nearer to the secret chamber and heads back that way DukeAlbert: # : : calling to Eva: : BenJacksn: # Thinks>Blimey Duke you're a dumb one! DukeAlbert: # someone there? Eva LaRue: # : : tiptoes: : DukeAlbert: # shhh : : whispers to Ben: : DukeAlbert: # HEELLlooooo? BenJacksn: # : : : rolls eyes: : : Eva LaRue: # : : Answers: : Show yourself, fool, I grow weary of this DukeAlbert: # I am right here . BenJacksn: # : : : Ambushes Eva: : : Eva LaRue: # : : Sees the Duke: : BenJacksn: # Gotcha Missy!! DukeAlbert: # : : smiles: : Eva LaRue: # : : Misses Ben!: : DukeAlbert: # GOOD SHOW! DukeAlbert: # Goes for her legs: : : DukeAlbert: # : : knocking her down: : Eva LaRue: # : : Struggles, but can't break away from the strong sailor: : BenJacksn: # Blimey she's a crafty one! DukeAlbert: # I shall say! Eva LaRue: # : : Tries to kick Duke with heels: : DukeAlbert: # : : catches her foot: : DukeAlbert: # : : smiles: : BenJacksn: # 'ey mate, while you're standing there admiring 'er 'ow about a rope! Eva LaRue: # : : Squirms and tries to bite Ben's hand: : DukeAlbert: # : : sighs: : DukeAlbert: # : : looks for a rope: : DukeAlbert: # we are! Eva LaRue: # : : Bites Ben HARD!! DukeAlbert: # : : knocks her in her head: : BenJacksn: # Owww!!!!!! Eva LaRue: # : : Almost gets away: : BenJacksn: # Cor Blimey!!!! DukeAlbert: # sorry my dear! Eva LaRue: # Let me go, I say!!! DukeAlbert: # not until you talk.. BenJacksn: # : : : Hand is bleeding: : : DukeAlbert: # : : reaches down and gets her pistol: : DukeAlbert: # : : holds it on her: : DukeAlbert: # all right Ben.. you can let her go now. Eva LaRue: # I refuse to talk about anything with thugs who don't know how to treat a lady! DanielC71: * EVA! : : : telepathically: : : : HURRY! BenJacksn: # : : : Ben mumbles as only Ben can over his hand: : : DukeAlbert: # : : grins : : When I see one MY DEAR.. DanielC71: * do NOT fail me again.... that is how you can serve me.... DukeAlbert: # I shall show you. Eva LaRue: # : : Spits a Duke: : DukeAlbert: # now.. My dear Ms Eva LaRue.... DukeAlbert: # Where is my Bride to be eh? BenJacksn: # : : : Watches how Albert goes after Eva, and it unsettles him: : : Eva LaRue: # She's probably dead that's where! DukeAlbert: # : : steps up to her: : DukeAlbert: # : : quietly: : lets.. for your sake, hope THAT isn't the case. Eva LaRue: # Knee deep in furs, just like she always wanted to be!!! Eva LaRue: Dead I say!! DanielC71: * EVA! Hurry w/ this simple task or I will destroy you! DukeAlbert: # : : steps up behind her and grabs her wrist: : DukeAlbert: : : pulling the same move she did: : Eva LaRue: # : : Headaches from Daniel's battering: : BenJacksn: # : : : Walks up the Eva: : : What did you do to 'er? DukeAlbert: # : : tying them together: : Eva LaRue: # Okay, I'll lead you to them!! BenJacksn: # No tricks! DukeAlbert: # : : puts the gun to her head: : DukeAlbert: # yes. lets. Eva LaRue: # Hey! I said I'd do it! BenJacksn: # 'ey Dukey there's no need for that! Eva LaRue: # Starts walking to the secret chamber BenJacksn: # : : : Sees a nasty streak in Albert: : : Eva LaRue: # : : Stops in front of a non-descript door: : This is it. She's in there. DukeAlbert: # Well.. : : smiling: : after you .. my LADY. BenJacksn: # : : : Looks at it: : : It's locked! Eva LaRue: # I can't open the door with my hands tied BenJacksn: # : : : pulls out sonic screwdriver: : : I can open it! DukeAlbert: # Good Show old bean! Eva LaRue: # : : steps aside: : BenJacksn: # : : : Uses it on door: : : Uh thanks mate. BenJacksn: # : : : door opens: : : DanielC71: * Eva! Eva LaRue: * : : enters the room: : Yeah, boss? DanielC71: * Bring me the humans! Eva LaRue: * Here they are!! DukeAlbert: # : : pushes her inside: : DukeAlbert: # : : gun still to her head: : IN THE SECRET CHAMBER DanielC71: * MacLyle! Odo! EVA has FAILED! KILL THEM! DukeAlbert: # WHERE is Polly? BenJacksn: * Blimey! : : : Moves to Daniel: : : DanielC71: * Yetis! ATTACK! DRTUNA: * : : : Dr. to sphere: Go, and tell your friends, they need not serve it, they can be free! BenJacksn: * : : : Sees Odo and slams into him again: : : MacLyle: * Yes, Massster..... kill them...... DanielC71: * : : : Ben thrown back by surge of electricity: : : Padraic02: * Since I was a young'en. did odd jobs for em back then. Eva LaRue: * : : Lunges and rams Albert with her shoulder: : BenJacksn: * OOOFFFF!!! DRTUNA: * Doctor drops sphere: : : DukeAlbert: * : shoots at ...: : OOFFFFF!!! MacLyle: * : : lumbers away: : DanielC71: * NO!!! STOP THEM!!! KILL THEM ALL!!! DukeAlbert: * : : gun flies and breaks: : MacLyle: * Kill, kill, kill..... Polly Gail: {S pollyscr} DRTUNA: : : : Doctor moves away from fight, toward the pyramid: : : Padraic02: * : : : : hears racket: : : what the devil : : : : gets up and trips on untied shoelace: : : Polly Gail: * : : : remembers what Tuna told her, and runs towards the forklift: : : : DanielC71: * DOCTOR!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!! BenJacksn: * : : : moves to attack Odo again: : : DukeAlbert: * : : grabs a board and paddles someone's tush: : DRTUNA: : : Spheres are in an incomplete pyramid. Padraic02: * : : : : falls face first and knocks self out: : : DRTUNA: * : : gasps : : No, not here! By what fate does this place and time... DRTUNA: * ...attract so much doom and wickedness! It must be the Great Intelligence! DanielC71: * : : : enraged and losing control of unhealthy Banker: : : Doctor! : : : moves toward Doctor: : : Eva LaRue: * : : Kicks Albert and sends him flying across the room to Polly: : BenJacksn: * : : : Rams Odo: : : DukeAlbert: * : : looks at Polly: : Oh HELLO Polly Doll! Polly Gail: * : : : Albert lands at Polly's feet and winks up at her: : : MacLyle: * OOOOF. DukeAlbert: * but this is a row isn't it? DanielC71: * : : : slowly lumbering across the room: : : : doc... tor.....!! DRTUNA: : : Speaks angrily : : We will not allow it! I am not ashamed to be the defender of this world! Polly Gail: * : : : grins at Albert: : : Well at least you're unhurt! : ) DukeAlbert: * yes there is that? and you? DanielC71: * : : : begins to close in on the Doctor, to electrocute him if possible: : : BenJacksn: * : : : Ben and Odo/MacLyle have a good old-fashoned Doctor Who fight: : : Polly Gail: * 'Scuse me, I have an errand to do: : : jumps aboard forklift and starts it up: : : : DukeAlbert: * : : turns and swing indiscriminately: : DRTUNA: * Shouts to Polly: Polly, we break the pyramid! DukeAlbert: * POW! MacLyle: * : : doing the fight thing: : Polly Gail: * VROOM VROOM : : : goes the forklift: : : DukeAlbert: * BOF! DRTUNA: * must break.. Eva LaRue: * : : Leans over and cuts ropes off of wrists with a globe shard: : DanielC71: * No! NOT THE PYRAMID! DOCTOR. YOU SHALL DIE FOR THIS! DukeAlbert: * KAPOW! Polly Gail: * Um, let's see, go is this lever here....: : : : Forklift hurtles forward into pyramid: : : Polly Gail: {S glasbrk DRTUNA: The tricky part will be jumping free before the forklift strikes the pyramid. MacLyle: * : : action by HAVOC and all that : ^) : : Polly Gail: {S glassbrk DoctorWho8: BAM!! BOOOM!! BAM!! Polly Gail: {S explosin} DukeAlbert: * OH MY! BenJacksn: * : : : Wonders: : : Where's the Doctor? DoctorWho8: {S Extermin} DanielC71: * NOOOOOOOooooo...... : : : : BM crumples to the ground: : : : DukeAlbert: Lets get out of HERE! DukeAlbert: * Runs for: : : DRTUNA: I wish I could have done this! DukeAlbert: * Cmon Doll! DanielC71: * : : : Bank Manager expires of a heart attack: : : : I've... beaten you... at last... Great Intelli--- Eva LaRue: * : : Sees the Bank Manager fall to the ground, and decides to look out for herself: : BenJacksn: * : : : Sees Odo fall unconscious, moves to try and save him but too late: : : DRTUNA: * Doctor decides that retreat is in order.: : : Eva LaRue: * : : Slowly moves towards the door: : DRTUNA: * Doctor tries to assist: : : Polly Gail: * : : : Polly holds Albert's hand as they run out: : : BenJacksn: * Come on Doctor!!!! Eva LaRue: * : : Exits room: : Polly Gail: * : : : Polly hold's Tuna's hand with her other hand: : : DukeAlbert: * : : sees the flames bursting around them: : DRTUNA: * Doctor, hooked with pals, zips away: : : Polly Gail: * Oh no, let's get out of here DoctorWho8: + YETI: : : starts to samba dance on Daniel, Odo, and MacLyle: : : DanielC71: DoctorWho* : no... MacLyle: * : : getting danced on: : Ow ow oww yowch hey OWWWWWWWWW! DoctorWho8: + YETI: : : then golden sphere falls out after everyone he stepped on died: : : ON THE WAY TO THE YETI FACTORY DoctorWho8: + : : : the cops follow Barnes to the factory: : : DoctorWho8: + : : : cops are still following Barnes (gosh it's taking so long): : : DoctorWho8: + : : : Barnes slips in Moody Blues cassette and starts singing "Tuesday Afternoon": : : DoctorWho8: + : : : starts head-banging to "I'm Just A Singer In A Rock And Roll Band: : : DoctorWho8: + Barnes- Why do we never get an answer, when we're knocking at the door? DoctorWho8: Barnes & Police arrive at Y.E.T.I.:::BAM!! BOOOM!! BAM!! OUTSIDE OF THE YETI FACTORY Polly Gail: : : : Duke, Polly, Tuna and Ben reach the outside: : : : DRTUNA: * Doctor reaches safety slightly behind companions: : : BenJacksn: : : : helps Doctor has he is too slow Ben feels: : : DRTUNA: : : : Doctor looks back at factory ablaze: : : Polly Gail: : : : outside they find Barnes and lots of cops hanging around: : : DukeAlbert: # : : smiling: : DukeAlbert: # : : holding up a Brief Case: : DukeAlbert: # I wonder what SHE is going back in for? Polly Gail: Where is that woman going?? EVA LaRUE'S LAST MOMENTS Eva LaRue: # : : Runs like heck: : Eva LaRue: # : : Ditches heels in an attempt to run faster: : Eva LaRue: # : : Stops short: : The money!! Eva LaRue: # : : Runs back into the factory: : Eva LaRue: # I've got to get my money, or all this was for nothing Eva LaRue: # I need to get my nail polish collection too! Eva LaRue: # : : Runs inside, reaches office: : Eva LaRue: # : : Fumbles with the safe: : Eva LaRue: : : Grabs cash and stuffs it down her shirt Eva LaRue: : : Eva dies with her nail polish collection in her hands: : Eva LaRue: : : Her blouse stuffed full of cash: : OUTSIDE THE YETI FACTORY BenJacksn: Blimey! Doctor what did you do? DRTUNA: Well, Ben, I managed to make contact with one of the spheres and I.... DRTUNA: ...made it a better deal than it had previously heard. Polly Gail: The factory's on fire! DukeAlbert: # : : taps his case: : probably for this! BenJacksn: # : : : all the cops make Ben nervous because of the deserter thing: : : DoctorWho8: + Barnes- Good lord, what has happened, Dukey? DRTUNA: It may have been great, but it wasn't all that intelligent. DukeAlbert: # : : shows the money in the Case, the outside has the marking of the bank: : BenJacksn: # Always a bang with you Doctor! DoctorWho8: : : : Fire brigade arrives to put out fire: : BenJacksn: # : : Sees Polly and moves to her: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor stares reflectively at factory. Steps away from Ben & Polly : : : DRTUNA: : : : But he uses his directional hearing to snoop...: : Polly Gail: # Now, Ben...however did you and the Doctor find me? Polly Gail: # And what are you doing with him, anyway? I thought you were at sea Polly Gail: # I'd wondered whatever had happened to seemed to just disappear BenJacksn: # Well Duchess, it's like I'm from the future or the past or something like that Polly Gail: # I'm glad you're all right...the future? whatever do you mean? BenJacksn: # you gotta listen to me, don't marry this guy. 'e's trouble sure! Polly Gail: : : : the YETI factory finally goes up with a bang: : : : Polly Gail: {S explosin} Polly Gail: : : : Polly grabs at Ben when the explosion occurs and he holds her close for a moment: : : Polly Gail: # Ben?? What do you mean don't marry Albert! You don't even KNOW him! Polly Gail: # I love him, he's wonderful! BenJacksn: # : : : enjoys holding her: : : BenJacksn: # No, I do know him, he's no good and he'll drive you to worse! Polly Gail: # : : : listening intently to Ben: : : Polly Gail: # : : : his eyes speak the truth: : : BenJacksn: # I know the future, you're future and I have to change it BenJacksn: # You'll meet a bloke name Jonathan and.... DukeAlbert: # : : goes to the ast. mgr: : DukeAlbert: @ hello old bean DukeAlbert: : : looks at Tuna: : DukeAlbert: @ Say.. who are you? DoctorWho8: # Hey, will somebody PLEASE tell me what the devil is going on? DRTUNA: : : : Doctor to Duke: : : Come sir, Milord. DukeAlbert: @ : : goes to 8: : DukeAlbert: @ I would like to talk to you about a new position.. DRTUNA: : : : Doctor looks into Duke's eyes: : : DukeAlbert: @ : : : looks to Tuna: : DRTUNA: : : : To Duke: Bad business this. Can you remember anything about it? [hypnotizes Duke, meddles with his memory, even though he hates doing it.] DukeAlbert: Umm... what? DanielC71: : : : If the BM was alive he'd have been proud, Eva!: : : DRTUNA: To Duke: I agree, your grace, you should prepare to leave. DRTUNA: : : : Doctor hears Ben: : : DukeAlbert: yes.. we should be leaving. DRTUNA: : : : Doctor goes over to Ben and Polly. Polly Gail: # Jonathan? DukeAlbert: : : goes to Polly: : DukeAlbert: # .. its time we were to be leaving Polly Gail: # Who's he? What about Albert? BenJacksn: # ...well he's not right, he's worse DRTUNA: Ben, are you sure you are doing the right thing? DukeAlbert: # : : walks up to them: : DoctorWho8: # What is this new position that you have for me. Dukey boy? Polly Gail: # : : : jumps slightly at Albert's appearance by her side: : : BenJacksn: # Umm hello Doctor. : : : Looks down: : : DukeAlbert: : : to dok 8: : You are now Manager of my Bank my boy! DRTUNA: Polly , can I speak to you for a moment? DukeAlbert: : : turns to: : BenJacksn: # : : : feels ashamed but doesn't quite know why: : : DukeAlbert: : : looks to Ben: : I say! good show old boy! DukeAlbert: nicely done! DoctorWho8: # Oh really? Do I get paid vacation? DukeAlbert: By the Way.. DukeAlbert: WHO are you? BenJacksn: I'm just a friend. Just a sailor BenJacksn: Nobody important DoctorWho8: Who, me? DukeAlbert: yes, doc8.. you get what everyone else gets.. DukeAlbert: you get a lifetime DukeAlbert: : : smiles: : DoctorWho8: of what, jelly-babies? DukeAlbert: Ahh.. I once served in the British Secret Service.. BenJacksn: : : : looks down: : : DukeAlbert: but.. ahh.. that's another story! DRTUNA: Polly , I always cared very deeply for you! DRTUNA: : : : Doctor touches Polly's forehead gently: : : DRTUNA: Farewell, young woman! Polly Gail: : : : drops to the ground, unconcious: : : DukeAlbert: : : sees her fall: : DukeAlbert: Polly! DoctorWho8: SHE'S DEAD!!!! DukeAlbert: : : Goes to her: : DukeAlbert: : : checks her pulse: : DRTUNA: : : : TO DW8: Look, sir, a bug on your forehead! DukeAlbert: she's fine.. BenJacksn: : : : looks at Polly, and wants to go to her but doesn't: : : DukeAlbert: : : Polly looks up at him. DukeAlbert: what? DRTUNA: : : : Touches DW8 on forehead: : : DoctorWho8: What?: : : slaps forehead: : DoctorWho8: Oi, stop that, you're making me giddy! Polly Gail: : : : Barnes drops to the ground, unconscious: : : DukeAlbert: oh dear... DukeAlbert: : : watches him fall to the ground: : DukeAlbert: : : scoops up Polly: : DukeAlbert: I got you Polly Doll DukeAlbert: : : carries her to the phone box: : DukeAlbert: : : calls the police: : DukeAlbert: hello? DukeAlbert: I think we need some more Bobbies DukeAlbert: and firemen DukeAlbert: and... DukeAlbert: perhaps. DukeAlbert: a DOCTOR DRTUNA: To Ben: I assure you, Ben, they are all perfectly well. They will awaken in a few moments. BenJacksn: But Doctor DRTUNA: To Ben: Albert has been mind erased. His was more gentle. Less erasing. Polly, too, but her mind is far more complex. She fainted. DRTUNA: To Ben: Perhaps we should be going. Our van? BenJacksn: Yes Doctor. Are you mad at me? DRTUNA: Ben, when you do what your heart tells you, you are being true to yourself.... DRTUNA: ...but we must use our heads as well. DRTUNA: : : : Doctor gets into blue van: : : Polly Gail: : : The Doctor and Ben climb into the blue VW bus and drive away: : : : BenJacksn: I think we need to leave 1970 Doctor Polly Gail: : : : sound of VW starting up: {S demat DRTUNA: We must learn to live our lives once, and do it with courage.... DRTUNA: ...and judgment. DRTUNA: To Ben: We need to teach each other these qualities. BenJacksn: : : : Ben whispers good-bye to Polly DRTUNA: : : : Van drives away into sunset. Pink Floyd starts up. Polly Gail: : : : Polly awakens with memory erased, and all goes on as it was meant to: : : DoctorWho8: : : : Barnes wakes up: : : Cor blimey, Gov, WHO hit me. Polly Gail: {S dit} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END SIM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE DEADLY BANKER, PART FOUR LOGS OF THE MAJOR CHARACTERS Date: Mon, Jun 5, 1995 3:25 PM EST From: DanielC71 Subj: BM log 2 LONDON TIMES OBIT. Mr. Daniel St. John Phipps, 54, of London, in the Wednesday blaze at the Young England Textiles, Incorporated. He is survived by his mother, Elma Peters Phipps, 78, on Sheffield. Last Wednesday, a mysterious fire completely destroyed the aforementioned building by a cause yet to be determined by police. Mr. Phipps was Bank Manager at Tellson's in London, where he was responsible for business loans, including the account for Y.E.T.I. As yet, police have not rules out foul play, but at this time have not laid any formal complaints. Phipps began his business career at the age of eleven, when he joined his father in London to work as a part-time assistant after school. He read mathematics in university and was considered one of Tellson's most promising employees until recently, when the YETI scandal came to light. Tellson's president, Mr. Norman Featheringay Smith-Smythe-Smith, informed the Times that whatever unfortunate business decisions that Phipps was involved in before his untimely death, he was certain no impropriety had been done. Tellson's is currently under investigation by Her Majesty's Government to determine what, if any, role Phipps had in Y.E.T.I. Undisclosed sources say that even the United Nations Intelligence Task Force is looking into the matter, a statement which was poo-pooed by Smith-Smythe-Smith. Date: Mon, Jun 5, 1995 2:17 PM EST From: MsTegan Subj: Log for 5-31-95 sim ::The London Globe-Mail paperboy hawks the latest edition, hot-off the press, by yelling:: "FIRE POLISHES OFF MYSTERY WOMAN" "Read all about it"" ::Londoners flock to buy the paper, ever eager for the latest sensational tidbit:: The lead headline on the front page reads: "FIRE POLISHES OFF MYSTERY WOMAN" in all caps followed by a rather fuzzy picture of an open bank vault lined with 263 glass bottles of finger nail polish lying scattered across the floor. A female hand can be seen in the upper left-hand corner seemingly reaching for the bottles of nail polish... ::Curious, an old woman from the crowd begins to read the story outloud:: "Late yesterday evening, an loud explosion rocked the warehouse district of our fair city. A three alarm fire broke out in the Young England Textiles Factory owned by Duke Albert himself. Despite valiant efforts, our firefighters were unable to save all but a small portion of the building." "When arson investigators entered what remained of the building, they came upon a grisly sight indeed. An unknown woman was lying on the floor of the company's walk-in safe. She had apparently been thrown against the wall of the vault by the force of the explosion, and then smoke from the fire finished her off." "The woman was wearing a pink flouncy dress with a purple feather boa, and heels. The bodice of her dress was stuffed with an unspecified amount of the company's earnings, and we can't help but assume that it wasn't for the purpose of enhancing her already well-endowed figure!" ::The old woman stops to cackle before reading on:: "The strange part of the story is that the woman was clutching a hand bag that was stuffed with nail polish in every shade and hue known to man. There were also bottles of the polish strewn across the floor of the safe, presumably from the force of the explosion. The woman appeared to be reaching to gather up the errant bottles of polish as she was taking her last breath, and yet the hand reaching for the nail polish had two broken fingernails. This would appear to be at odds with a woman who so obviously loves her nail polish and takes great pride in her manicure!" ::Hooting, the crowd urges the old woman to read more!:: "Just who was this mystery woman? Why did she have such a fetish for fingernails? How on earth did she come by 263 different shades of fiongernail polish? Just what exactly is Y.E.T.I. and what product did it produce? (We can find no records of any Y.E.T.I. products on the market.)" "And perhaps most curious of all, what part does Duke Albert play in this mystery? Eyewitnesses claim that they saw the Duke himself beating a hasty retreat from the scene, not long after the fire began. Wild speculations are flying about the Duke. Perhaps he set the building on fire to collect insurance..maybe he was involved with the mystery woman, and wanted her out of the picture before his formal engagement announcement to Miss Polly Gail Lopez, currently his lovely secretary." ::The crowd gasps, "Ooooh, a royal scandal? Goodie!" :: ::The old woman reads the final sentence:: "We, the staff and editors of the Globe-Mail, promise to relentlessly follow this story until all these questions are answered for you, our loyal readers!" ::The crowd laughs and disperses, discussing all the mystery woman and her 263 bottles of fingernail polish. :: Date: Sun, Jun 4, 1995 8:09 PM EST From: BenJacksn Subj: Ben's Log 5/31/95 Sim Ben didn't feel much like talking to the Doctor as they drove back towards the TARDIS. But it didn't matter much for he knew this Doctor loved to talk...and talk...and talk! And since most of what he talked about was way over Ben's head, Ben learned to shut out most of it. But this time it was different. He was intent on hearing every word the Doctor said about futures, time streams. and choices. Ben wanted to be comforted, reassured somehow, that to let the future for Polly unfold as it should. But he couldn't find it. He knew the Duke she would marry would bring her nothing but unhappiness. And eventually push her into rejoining the TARDIS. Then Ben, the blockhead, would never realize what he had in Polly and watch her go into the arms of Johnathan Chance. Ben sighed heavily but then with grim determination decided to finally lay it to rest. Polly would find her future with JC and now Ben had to get on with his life. There had to be a place for him somewhere in the universe and he was determined to find it. Howver he knew he wouldn't find it in 1970 driving in a van listening to Pink Floyd. So he wished the Doctor would hurry as fast as possible back to the TARDIS. Doctor's Log Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.776669.rel Well, now that it is over it doesn't seem as exciting as it was at the time. I did, however, manage to work up a couple of broken ribs in the affair. I was right to have been suspicious about Ben's doings. He did, in fact, meet up with Polly as I had suspected. After waiting outside the bank for him, I finally saw Polly and another man being taken away in a car when Ben appeared out front. I drove to pick him up, but we also gained an added passenger....a ruffian with a gun (if they are so tough, why do they almost always need guns?) who told us to drive to A certain location. You can imagine my concern when we arrived at Young England Textiles, Inc. That was simply too much of a coincidence! Y.E.T.I. indeed! As usual, we were tied up in a stinky room and threatened by the original ruffian and a female who, though physically fit, seemed morally depraved. Nice fingernails, though. Ben and I managed to break loose and overpower them just as a fire seemed to be starting somewhere in the factory. I managed to question the female, a Ms. Eva LaRue, about the nature of the operation. I wasn't much interested in the sordid financial details, but when I learned that the purpose of the operation was to build some strange robots and then they were building something she didn't understand....that got my interest. Ben went off to find Polly. I was sure that she was in this facility. The same Ms. Eva LaRue was the one I saw taking her and a man away before Ben appeared outside the Bank. I was also concerned about the fire. Eventually, we were recaptured (and I, in the process, got thrown across the room [bruises I still have] and eventually got kicked in the chest so hard by Ms. Eva LaRue that she broke two ribs) and I managed to be taken right to the heart of the operation. I did, however, manage to drop my sonic screwdriver in a high traffic area thinking it might help Ben or Polly. It was YETI all right. And they were building a pyramid out of the golden spheres. That could only mean....the Great Intelligence. This had to be stopped before it managed to come through the hole they were going to create with this focus point. I managed to pocket one of the spheres from a YETI who had been overcome in a previous brawl. Polly was there. It brought back very fond memories of our times together...those past and those yet to come. Together we hatched a plan. She would distract those guarding us, I would attempt to reach the other YETIs by communicating with the golden sphere in my pocket (I wish it hadn't fallen so far inside) and persuading them to act against these human pawns of the Great Intelligence, ands finally to destroy the pyramid....perhaps by ramming into it with a very large and powerful forklift which seemed to be hanging about. Just then all hell broke loose as Ben burst onto the scene with his usual flair for changing the atmosphere. YETI and human-pawns and humans on our side and YETI who had answered my call (simple...join me and be set free, stick with the GI and remain as a traffic intersection between dimensions) all began brawling. I just confess that I was frightened by it all. My ribs hurt very badly, and I just did not want to fight. Was I afraid? Was I just following an ethic of non-violence? What if the ruffians had won, would I have blamed myself as they murdered Ben and Polly and the others? Was I too ethical to fight...or simply afraid to put myself on the line for my friends? I did not have much of a chance to worry about this. While I was engaging in timid introspection Polly gunned the forklift across the cavern floor (picked up quite a bit of speed, too) and rammed into the partially completed pyramid....saving all of us. The contact with the Great Intelligence was broken (although it did let off a few threats as it slipped away) and all things turned to our side. We exited the scene of disabled robots and spreading fires and gather outside. I stood apart. I was ashamed. Had anyone noticed? Then things really took a turn for the worse. The Duke (apparently Polly's fiancˇ) seemed to be asking a lot of questions, as did another chap. Had we done too much in this time? But coup de grace was when I overheard Ben talking to Polly, warning her of the Duke, telling her of the future, and warning her about Jonathan Chance! I knew what I had to do and I hated myself for it. I had to commit a mental assault on Polly. I had to erase her memories of this incident. With tears in my heart I told Polly that I loved her (not as Ben does or the Duke does, but as the Doctor does) and I placed my index finger on her forehead. I did what Salyavin (Prof. Chronotis) had taught me to do. Polly fainted. I had had to do too much, change too many memory synapses. I also did this trick on the Duke and that other fellow, but it was far less severe (very few connections between this event and any other memory they have). I wanted to be angry at Ben. How could he have forced me into committing this act of intellectual violence on Polly....wonderful Polly! But, I could not be angry with him. How I could have been angry with him when a few minutes ago he was fighting to save us all and I was worried about my sore ribs and trying to avoid the action? I had said earlier that we have to live our lives only once, and do so with courage and judgment. If I need to teach Ben about better judgment in matters such as these, he needs to teach me a lot more about courage. I have much to learn. I think we need to leave 1970. Our future lies ahead of us, and I can only change what lies ahead. I hope I will have the courage to face whatever it is. Doctor's Log Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.776671.rel I cannot ever remember being a coward. Now, I have that memory to add. Who am I in this new regeneration? All noble talk but nothing more than fear when the time comes. So far I have not had to put my life on the line. I avoided the action at Romney Woods. I got the sailors and Ben to do the fighting on the Soviet ship. And now I had been inactive while my friends were fighting for their lives. Polly had saved me! Ben can help me. I can learn from his determination. But, I need more than that. I need to know who I am before I put others at risk. If I cannot gather my courage, perhaps I shall go back to Gallifrey and simply observe from the Citadel. I would like to go to Australia, 1995. My old friend and mentor, Galarrwuy, lives in the outback. It will be isolated and uneventful. He is a master of the Dream Time. Perhaps that is where I need to go to learn about myself. I will suggest it to Ben.