THE CULT OF DJARRKA Character Player Djarrka/Aborigine Gail Who Gularrwuy DanielC71 Tink Tink Abel Ben Jackson BenJacksn Daddy Jovanka DoctorWho8 Jilamey Jovanka Tegan Jovanka Mary Redus/MsTegan The Doctor DRTUNA PART ONE Gail Who: {S dit} >>>Your monitor screens come to life with sound and light<<< Gail Who: >>>The image of DRTUNA dissolves into the image of the spinning TARDIS<<< Gail Who: >>>>>>The New Adventures of Doctor Who<<<<<< Gail Who: >>>>>>>>The Cult of Djarrka<<<<<<<<<<<< Gail Who: >>>>>>>>Written by Ms Tegan<<<<<<<< Gail Who: >>>>>>the music and credits fade away...<<<<<<<< Gail Who: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEGIN SIM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< AT MR. JOVANKA'S FARM DoctorWho8: * : : : Daddy Jovanka is in field examining his crops. He notices that the crops are doing fine: : : DoctorWho8: * : : : looks around and sees something at the edge of the field and goes toward it: : : DoctorWho8: * : : : arrives at spot and see a tremendous amount of run-off, at least he thinks it is.: : : DoctorWho8: * : : : it is blue, slimy, and smells of melted horse manure with the horse mixed in: : : DoctorWho8: * : : : he notices that the nearby plants are twice the size of the others that are not in the slime: : : DoctorWho8: * It must be the new fertilizer I'm using. It has to be! DoctorWho8: * I knew there was something too good about the government giving all that money and having me use that new fertilizer. There's no telling what damage it has done.: : : starts to worry: : : OUTSIDE A CAVE IN THE FOOTHILLS Gail Who: <=====Is an Aussie lizard, the Djarrka, now grown to Giant Gila Monster proportions Gail Who: <=====and is sentient to boot Gail Who: DJARRKA> : : : : hears Aborigine flute played by Tink: : : : Galarrwuy: : : : Tink makes such racket: : : Gail Who: Djarrka>lurks in cave all day, sipping from the stream... Tink Abel: : : : : : : blowing softly .. but intensely: : : Galarrwuy: : : : Tink will get hang of it twenty, maybe thirty, years: : : Gail Who: # Djarrka> : : : lumbers out of cave in response to the flute: : : : Gail Who: # : : : it is the call of the "Benevolent Djarrka" whom the aborigines worship: : : : Galarrwuy: # : : : senses a change: : : Galarrwuy: # Djarrka... Galarrwuy: # Tink! Galarrwuy: # Tink!! Gail Who: # Djarrka> : : : : tongue flicks: : : Good health and long life to you, my followers! Gail Who: # Djarrka> I hear your call and I come so that you may worship Galarrwuy: # : : : bows deeply: : : Mighty Djarrka! (Tink, cut racket & bow!) Tink Abel: : : : bows low : : : : Galarrwuy: # Great Djarrka! Tink Abel: : : : : peeking up at the lizard: : : Galarrwuy: # Tink! No peeking! Tink Abel: : : : looks back at the dry ground: : : Galarrwuy: # Forgive him, mighty one! We honor and worship you, the greatest of all mighty lizards! Galarrwuy: # May Tink gaze upon your magnificence? Gail Who: Djarrka> The servants of Djarrka will bask in the glory of the secret of life! Galarrwuy: # (Be careful, Tink...) Gail Who: Djarrka> All I ask is that they live in peace and happiness Tink Abel: : : : : : : smiles: : : : Galarrwuy: # (GREAT magic here....) Gail Who: Djarrka>And serve the Great and Benevolent Djarrka well! Galarrwuy: # Freedom is the only secret to be found! Take us to that secret, oh Great One! Galarrwuy: # Djarrka knows ALL secrets that lead to freedom. Gail Who: # Galarrwuy, my wise servant! Tink Abel: # : : : looks to Galarrwuy: : : Gail Who: # Djarrka> It is time to again search your village... Gail Who: # Djarrka>...for suitable candidates to receive the secret knowledge Galarrwuy: # How shall I know them, keeper of knowledge? Gail Who: # Djarrka> Ah, they must be young, fresh, and strong! Galarrwuy: # We will go at once! Gail Who: # Djarrka> their minds must not be too full of other ideas Tink Abel: # : : : : straightens slightly: : : : Gail Who: # Djarrka> the special learning of my secrets may only be bestowed on the young! Galarrwuy: # We will go on your bidding! Gail Who: # Djarrka>and the younger the better! Children preferably Gail Who: # : : : Djarrka's fork-ed tongue flicks, he is thinking, "yum yum"> AT AN AIRSTRIP NEAR MILLY MILLY, AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK Jilamey: * : : : checks expensive Gucci jeans pocket for beeper: : : MsTegan: * you wish: P> Jilamey: * I hope we can find out what's going on with Dad quickly- you know I hate being away from civilization Jilamey: * this long. : : : glances anxiously at beeper: : : MsTegan: * : : Bounces into the room: : Hey JJ, ready to go? Jilamey: * : : looks at his sister: : Are you sure those spike heels are suitable for the trip? MsTegan: * : : Waves loafers in JJ's face: : MsTegan: * Come on JJ let's go, I'll race ya to the Cessna : : Starts to run: : Jilamey: * : : winces back from the loafers and smiles at her: : I'm ready if you are. Jilamey: * : : : groans and runs after her: : : MsTegan: * : : Kicks off heels, throws them in the back and hops in: : MsTegan: * Beat ya, slow poke!! Jilamey: * : : : jumps in: : : You had a head start! : -0 Jilamey: * : -) MsTegan: * Put on your seat belt, brother dear : ) Jilamey: * : : : already snapping it into place: : : I'm way ahead of you. MsTegan: * Now is you chance to see how good I am at flying this baby : ) Jilamey: * : : can't wait: : MsTegan: * : : Starts propeller: : MsTegan: * : : Goes through pre-flight check: : Jilamey: * I hope it's better than the way you flew the tail-dragger! MsTegan: * : : Starts to taxi down the runway: : MsTegan: I have been taking lessons you know, and this is the tail dragger, dear. Jilamey: * : : defensively: : I knew that. Jilamey: * : : was too busy trying to keep up with his younger sister to notice: : MsTegan: * : : Turns plane to ready for take off: : Galarrwuy: # We will go on your bidding! MsTegan: * Ready? Jilamey: * : : smiles at her: : Stalling? MsTegan: * : : Does a sign of the cross and throws JJ a wicked grin Jilamey: * : : : is starting to get worried: : MsTegan: * : : Floors it and takes off really fast: : MsTegan: * WHEEEEEE! MsTegan: * Hold on brother dear, : : Takes a sharp bank to the north: : Jilamey: * : : : slams backwards into the seat, grabbing the arms: : MsTegan: * : : Plane dips wildly as it hits an air pocket: : MsTegan: * Ya-hooo!!! Jilamey: * : : : grinding his teeth together: : Tegan.... MsTegan: * What JJ? Jilamey: * ...Never mind. MsTegan: * Time passes and Tegan has lots of fun while JJ endures.. Jilamey: * : : is repressing a strong urge to scream: : : MsTegan: * Hey there's Dad's farm : : Banks severely to the right: : MsTegan: * almost missed it!! Jilamey: * : : : or leap over, knock his sister out, and fly the plane himself: : Jilamey: * : : entertains a brief fantasy of... nah, too violent.: : DoctorWho8: * : : : hears plane and looks up: : : MsTegan: * : : Begins a spiraling decent: : Jilamey: * : : : bites his tongue, yelping: : Jilamey: * Land * horizontally* , Tegan!! MsTegan: * Where's the runway, can you see it Jilamey? DoctorWho8: * Oh dear we are in trouble, aren't we. Jilamey: * : : : points with a long-suffering look on his face: : MsTegan: * Just kidding there it is! MsTegan: * : : Quickly lowers the plane, barely missing the nearby bushes: : MsTegan: * : : Lands HARD!! DoctorWho8: * I think I know who is flying. It must be Tegan. Only she who fly like a lead bird. Jilamey: * gllllkkk! MsTegan: Bounce bounce bounce down the runway!! MsTegan: * Yikes, where are the brakes on this thing? DoctorWho8: * : : : smiles and heads back to his house to meet his offspring: : : WITH A STRANGE MECHANICAL NOISE, A BLUE BRITISH POLICY CALL BOX APPEARS IN THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK. DRTUNA: : : Dr. on Tardis: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor slips a silver tube about 8 inches long into his coat pocket: : : DRTUNA: : : : Doctor Also grabs a handful of bank notes: : : BenJacksn: : : : Ben is in his room in the Tardis finding something to wear: : : DRTUNA: : : : Doctor takes wide brimmed hat and tries it on: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor walks into console room: : : DRTUNA: Ben, can you hear me? pause BenJacksn: : : : selects a long sleep button down shirt and jeans and boots: : : BenJacksn: : : : Comes into console room: : : I'm 'ear Doctor DRTUNA: How about a walk into the heart of the Australian outback? BenJacksn: Blimey Doctor! Why? DRTUNA: Well, to visit a friend, and to investigate the local culture. DRTUNA: Fascinating place, the outback. BenJacksn: Well I've never been to Australia, what's the year? DRTUNA: 1995 : : The Doctor motions towards the open Tardis door: : BenJacksn: : : : Looks out: : : It sure is 'ot! DRTUNA: : : Dr. walks out of Tardis: : : DRTUNA: : : The Tardis seems to have landed in a dry river bed: : : BenJacksn: It sure is in the middle of nowhere DRTUNA: This way, I think...Milly Milly if I am not mistaken. BenJacksn: Who's Milly Doctor? Your friend? DRTUNA: : : : Doctor walks off down river bed: : DRTUNA: Milly Milly is the settlement. DRTUNA: Gularrwuy is the friend. BenJacksn: : : : Exits TARDIS, hates the heat: : : BenJacksn: Oh DRTUNA: He doesn't live in Milly Milly, but to find him we should start there. DRTUNA: : : : Doctor regrets corduroy sport coat: : : DRTUNA: : : : Doctor glad he has timelord cooling system: : : DRTUNA: : : The Doctor admires the nearby brightly colored rock worn away by water: : : DRTUNA: Not much of Planet Earth left like this. BenJacksn: : : : Rolls up sleeves: : : BenJacksn: So how far is Milly Milly? DRTUNA: Should be just over this rise. DRTUNA: : : Doctor points: : And there it is! DRTUNA: Perhaps we should start at the local watering hole? DRTUNA: : : Doctor walking into Milly Milly: : : DRTUNA: : : Milly Milly is kind of a fetid collection of ramshackle buildings... DRTUNA: : : : ...lots of dust, a few lazy dogs lying in the shade...lots of flies... DRTUNA: : : Doctor fails to swat large fly buzzing his nose: : : DRTUNA: : : : Doctor and Ben walk into the "Thunder Lizard" saloon: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor orders a pair of Tooth's KB oilcans: : : DRTUNA: Excuse ,me, sir : : : sez Doctor to guy serving beers: : : DRTUNA: Pleased to meet you, Sir, this is my friend Ben Jackson (he'll be here in a moment) DRTUNA: ...and I am called the Doctor. DRTUNA: There you are Ben, care for a brew? DRTUNA: To bartender: I have come to Milly Milly hoping to meet up with an old friend. DRTUNA: Gularrwuy is his name. Elder of the Yolngu. DRTUNA: : : : Bartender to Doctor: : : Well, mate, ya mite find em camped on toward Murchisons if yur lucky. DRTUNA: And how can we find them once we head that way? BenJacksn: : : Hates the Australian outback, it's so bloomin' hot: : : DRTUNA: ::Bartender to Dr.:: Head out the dry river bed and you can't miss em! DRTUNA: :::Goes to rest room::: OUTSIDE THE YOLNGU VILLAGE OUTSIDE MILLY MILLY Tink Abel: # : : : flute: : : : Galarrwuy: # : : : MUCH dream time there...: : : Tink Abel: # : : : plays: : : Tink Abel: # : : : : hops down to join Gala: : : : Tink Abel: # we go! : : : : thinking ... children?: : : : Galarrwuy: # Come Tink! Run to the village! Tink Abel: # : : runs: : : Galarrwuy: # Don't wait! I will gather any who are in Milly Milly! Tink Abel: # : : runs on ahead: : : : Galarrwuy: # : : : trekking through outback toward Milly Milly: : : The time has come! Galarrwuy: : : : Hears badly landing plane. Wonder what fool is at controls.: : : Tink Abel: # : : : stops as plane lands in front of him : : : Galarrwuy: # : : : Hopes Tink isn't killed by that pilot.: : : Tink Abel: # : : : sitting in the tree : : : : Galarrwuy: # : : : Unless Tink kills him first with dijereedoo...: : : Tink Abel: # : : : pulls out ....: : : Galarrwuy: # : : : Maybe pilot has new Pink Floyd tape: : : AT MR. JOVANKA'S FARM Jilamey: * You're enjoying this, aren't you?! MsTegan: * Stops plane just three inches from a tree at the end of the runway: : Jilamey: * : : : mutters something about women drivers...: : : MsTegan: * Yah, like to see you all hot under the collar : : Smiles and slaps JJ on the back: : MsTegan: * Come on, race you to the house : : runs: : Jilamey: * : : throws seat belt off and walks after her: : DoctorWho8: * : : : runs up to the plane: : : Oi! Who do you think you are landing a plane in front of my house! Jilamey: * Wasn't me, Dad. I don't know who taught her to fly that way.... MsTegan: * : : Flings arms around Dad: : Oh Dad, you're such a joker! MsTegan: * : : Kisses dad: : MsTegan: * What's wrong Dad, you look worried? DoctorWho8: * : : : hugs children: : : So what have you two been up to besides giving your old man more white hairs? Jilamey: * Yeah, Dad, what's been going on? DoctorWho8: * Oh nothing, nothing at all. MsTegan: * Taking flying lessons!! Jilamey: * : : : mutters "not ENOUGH lessons, either!: : : MsTegan: * Hey, Pop, I can tell you're holding back! MsTegan: * Something's eating at you... MsTegan: * Come on, tell us what's up DoctorWho8: * Well, I am trying a new fertilizer and look : : : points to field: : : MsTegan: * : : Looks at the field: : Crops look great, Pop! MsTegan: * You always did have a green thumb! MsTegan: * What's the problem? DoctorWho8: * Yep. The government paid me a lot to try a new fertilizer. Jilamey: * : : frowns, squinting at the fields: : Is that what all that blue stuff is? MsTegan: * What blue stuff? MsTegan: * : : Runs to the blue stuff: : DoctorWho8: * No, I think that it is some kind of run-off reacting with left over fertilizer. MsTegan: * Ewww! What is this crud, Pop? MsTegan: * Looks sick, is it healthy? DoctorWho8: * I don't know, my dear but don't touch it might harm you. MsTegan: * : : Drops a stick in the stuff and it goes limp: : MsTegan: * Where does this stuff go? DoctorWho8: * Oh dear. MsTegan: * Hey, Jilamey want to hike and follow the blue stinky trail? Jilamey: * : : looks at the stick, yuppily grossed out: : If it does that to a dead stick, what's it doing to the Jilamey: * crops? DoctorWho8: * I don't think that's wise Tegan. MsTegan: * Come on, let's follow the trail!! Jilamey: * : : smiles at his sis: : : Blue stinky stuff? You always did have a unique way of expressing yourself, Jilamey: * Teg... DoctorWho8: * TEGAN!: : : runs after them: : : MsTegan: * : : Stops, Hands on hips: : Jilamey: * : : : breaks into a sprint, determined for once to outpace her, and finds himself whooshing past: : MsTegan: * What? got a better idea?? Jilamey: * : : stops and turns around: : What is it, Dad? DoctorWho8: * I told you, don't go. Unless....I come along. Jilamey: * Why? Have you followed the trail before? MsTegan: * Is it too far to follow on foot? DoctorWho8: * Yes, so I suggest we use your plane, BUT I'll fly. Jilamey: * : : : looks at Tegan, debating which is the lesser of two evils: : MsTegan: No way Dad, first one there flies the plane : : Yells as she runs for it: : Jilamey: * : : sprints after her with all his might: : MsTegan: * : : Reaches the plane first: : Jilamey: * aaaaaargh! DoctorWho8: * : : : : runs like the devil and gets to plane first: : : OUTSIDE THE CAVE OF THE DJARRKA Gail Who: & : : : : Djarrka lumbers back into her cave and awaits the dinner---er, worshippers: : : Gail Who: & : : : a group of aborigine children are escorted into Djarrka's cave: : : Gail Who: & : : : an adult whirls the flute and then departs as Djarrka approaches: : : Gail Who: & Fast food! Gail Who: & Feed me fast! Gail Who: & I've been waiting for an eon Gail Who: & And I just won't last Tink Abel: yes......elder Gail Who: & I want fast food...I want food fast Gail Who: & No I haven't booked...I don't want it grilled...I don't want it cooked... Gail Who: & I don't even want it killed Gail Who: & Djarrka>If it's dead, I heave, it makes me sick, Gail Who: & So check that it can breathe and bring it to me quick! Gail Who: & I want food--fast! I want fast food...frisky little children, served up in the nude.. Gail Who: & keep them coming...if you want my gratitude...Bring me food fast! Gail Who: & I want fast food! Gail Who: & : : : And now, Djarrka's true nature begins to be seen!: : : : Gail Who: & Djarrka> : : : : burps: : : : Gail Who: & Djarrka> ::: spits out a little pile of leftovers at the mouth of the cave and goes back inside ::: Gail Who: & Djarrka> : : : : has a lovely little herd of regular size lizards in her cave: : : Gail Who: & Djarrka>: : : mates...and also being fed the waters of the stream so that they are in a Gail Who: & : : : state of growth and growing sentience and HUNGER: : : : Gail Who: & Djarrka>: : : To her mates: : : keep drinking the waters, my fellows... Gail Who: & Djarrka>soon you shall be large like me...though NEVER as smart as me... Gail Who: & Djarrka>And you shall help me to take over and rule this land! Gail Who: & Djarrka> There are many living creatures in this place...lots of food Gail Who: & Djarrka>It shall be : : : : flicks fork-ed tongue: : : tasty and pleasant to rule here! AT THE THUNDER LIZARD SALOON, IN MILLY MILLY Galarrwuy: : : : Walks into Thunder Lizard: : : Ah! Beer! Galarrwuy: Tink! Tink Abel: yes......elder Galarrwuy: You got buck fifty? Old man needs burger and 4X lager. Tink Abel: : : reaches in his ... socks: : : : hands him a fiver: : : BenJacksn: Doctor what's wrong? Galarrwuy: Soon Djarrka will tell us great secrets... and I'm hungry. Galarrwuy: Barman! One burger and two brews! Tink Abel: want to know secrets.... now...: : : frowns: : : Galarrwuy: Tink? What you drink? Tink Abel: water do fine.... Galarrwuy: OK! One water, one brew, one burger! Much here to celebrate! BenJacksn: : : : Ben is drinking in the bar talking to some locals: : : DRTUNA: :::Returns from rest room::: Tink Abel: : : : : takes water: : : : pours back: : : Galarrwuy: : : : Eats big bit of well done burger: : : Galarrwuy: : : : Gulp of 4X: : : Galarrwuy: : : : burp: : : Gail Who: : : : : a panting Aborigine runs into Milly Milly in a panic: : : : Gail Who: : : : : Galarrwuy!!! Galarrwuy!!!: : : : : Galarrwuy: : : : Collapses at table: : : Oooh.... Tink Abel: : : looks up at tribesman: : Galarrwuy: I... hear... you... great.... uhhh..... DRTUNA: : : Doctor feels an ache in his side. Ribs not yet fully healed: : : Gail Who: Aborigine>: : : : runs up the street, calling Galarrwuy's name: : : : Galarrwuy: : : : hits floor: : : BenJacksn: Can't we just stay 'ere Doctor? Tink Abel: : : lifts Galarrwuy: : : Tink Abel: hey! Tink Abel: : : shakes him: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor greets Galarrwuy in aboriginal dialect out of respect.: : DRTUNA: We have been so far apart, but always there is a tree branch between us. DRTUNA: I walk that branch, knowing that you are here. Galarrwuy: I'm dreaming... I see vision of dead children.... WHO is that? Galarrwuy: Who speaks in my tongue? DRTUNA: : : : talking to Galarrwuy: : : Tink Abel: : : : : looks around the room for help: : : Gail Who: Aborigine>: : : : runs into tavern: : : Galarrwuy....It's the Djarrka! DRTUNA: Galarrwuy, it is I, the Doctor! Gail Who: Aborigine>It''s...awful!!! He ate the worshippers!!!! Galarrwuy: The Doctor! : : : big smile, embraces him: : : : My friend! Galarrwuy: I have a terrible vision! DRTUNA: I saw this in the dream time. You called to me. Gail Who: Aborigine>Oh please, you must come to village right away! Tink Abel: : : amazed at the recover of his elder: : : Galarrwuy: Who ate the worshippers?! Gail Who: Aborigine>Everyone is in a right panic DRTUNA: I seek advice, old friend. Galarrwuy: WHO?! Gail Who: Aborigine>The Mighty and Benevolent Djarrka DRTUNA: They are difficult questions. Galarrwuy: NO!! : : : falls to knees, clutching Doctor: : : Tink Abel: : : : eyes widen: : : Gail Who: Aborigine>He who was to be watching over us...bestowing peace and health... DRTUNA: : : Doctor listens in: : : Galarrwuy: Doctor... Gail Who: Aborigine>It is a mighty hungry LARGE lizard DRTUNA: Worshippers were eaten? Galarrwuy: The Djarrka has eaten... our children.... Tink Abel: we must go back! Galarrwuy: Doctor... no time for your questions... Galarrwuy: no yet.... DRTUNA: What do you know of this creature, Galarrwuy. I seem to remember...... Galarrwuy: The great one! DRTUNA: Is there any way I can help you? I have never known you to show such fear! Galarrwuy: Only Djarrka knows where everything is above & below the water... Galarrwuy: Help us! Help us... KILL... the Djarrka! Tink Abel: : : : : grabs flute... shoves it in waist band: : : : DRTUNA: You mean this lizard is a source of knowledge... DRTUNA: Right! The Djarrka! Galarrwuy: Tink... Help me. I have been a fool. Help me... Tink Abel: : : : : nods: : : BenJacksn: Doctor let's go and kill. Blimey! Just stand around and talk all the time!!! BenJacksn: It's killing Children!!!! Galarrwuy: Djarrka... She protects the way of freedom... and now turns into a monster! DRTUNA: Ahem, right Ben. Perhaps investigate is a better word! DRTUNA: Lead us and we shall see. Galarrwuy: Tink, lead the way. Doctor, help me to the... : : : spits: : : Djarrka! Tink Abel: : : grabs Galarrwuy: : : : we go BACK DRTUNA: : : Doctor walks out of Thunder Lizard saloon: : : Galarrwuy: Tink! We go back! Tink Abel: : : runs out of the saloon: : : DRTUNA: Come on, which way? Damn, didn't finish my beer! Tink Abel: : : : : dragging Gala: : : : this way! Galarrwuy: Doctor! Come! : : : out the door w/ Tink: : : Tink Abel: : : : : : jogging through the brush: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor follows Tink out of Milly Milly: : : Galarrwuy: : : : follows Tink wearily: : : Tink Abel: : : : : jumping the rocks: : : : BenJacksn: : : : follows: : : Galarrwuy: : : : heart already broken but follows: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor's ribs still hurt: : : Tink Abel: : : : : slowing occasionally to tug at Gala: : : : Galarrwuy: Thanks you, good friend Tink... Tink Abel: : : : : : smiles: : : : Tink Abel: no time for friends! Galarrwuy: : : : If the Doctor cannot slay this thing, then I will choke it with my living flesh: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor fingers things in his pockets: : Tink Abel: this way! DRTUNA: This money is useless! Tink Abel: : : : : points toward a hillside: : : Galarrwuy: : : : pants: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor handles silver tube in his pocket. Smiles: : Galarrwuy: : : : nods to Tink and Doctor: : : Tink Abel: : : : jogs around Gala: : : : Tink Abel: come... Tink Abel: COME Galarrwuy: Yes... Galarrwuy: : : : goes: : : AT MR. JOVANKA'S FARM MsTegan: * : : Hops in the pilot's seat: : MsTegan: * ;;turns on the props: : DoctorWho8: * Wretched girl. MsTegan: * You know you love me, Pop : ) Jilamey: * : : : hops in the back seat, bracing himself: : MsTegan: * : : Turns plane on a dime and faces the other end of the runway: : Jilamey: * Brace yourself, Dad... you're in for quite a ride. DoctorWho8: * : : : sticks out tongue and pouts: : : Jilamey: * : : : impressed despite himself: : Nice turn! MsTegan: * : : Yells, close the door JJ, here we go!: : Jilamey: * : : slams it closed hastily: : MsTegan: * : : Takes off perfectly and smiles at JJ: : MsTegan: See what I can do when I want to?? Jilamey: * : : : rolls his eyes at her: : DoctorWho8: * : : : sees life pass before his eyes and makes the sign of the cross: : : MsTegan: * : : Banks slightly to the right and follows the blue trail: : MsTegan: * Help me keep an eye out DoctorWho8: * : : : thinks he's air sick: : : MsTegan: * : : throws Pop and air sick bag: : MsTegan: * Follows the trail to the Murchison River: : DoctorWho8: * : : : drops bag and pukes on JJ: : : MsTegan: * Looks like it ends near the river MsTegan: * Gross Dad, really gross DoctorWho8: * Sorry about that, JJ> MsTegan: * You know the old adage Jilamey: * Oh, no, not on my Eddie Bauer polo shirt! MsTegan: * the puker is also the cleaner Jilamey: * : : : : peels it off in disgust (good thing it wasn't the pants...): : : : MsTegan: * : : Banks sharply to the left and looks for a level spot to land: : Jilamey: * : : tosses it at the front seat: : DoctorWho8: * I'll take care of you later, Tegan : : : gives menacing stare: : : MsTegan: * : : Throws it out the window, only it comes back in and hits JJ Jilamey: * Yeah, puke on HER next time! MsTegan: * : : Begins a sharp descent: : Jilamey: * I think I'm walking back. MsTegan: * : : Starts to set down: : DoctorWho8: * I just might : : : feeling sick again: : : MsTegan: * : : The plane is hit by a cross current, and tossed wildly: : MsTegan: * : : Tegan aborts the landing: : Jilamey: * : : moans: : MsTegan: * : : Banks round and tries again: : DoctorWho8: * Mother heifer, Tegan, can't you land yet? Jilamey: * Maybe * I* should be flying this. MsTegan: * : : Lands perfectly: : MsTegan: : : Sticks tongue out at JJ: : DoctorWho8: * Ha ha, VERY funny. MsTegan: * anything you can do, I can do better!! Jilamey: * Oh, very ladylike, Teg. : : smirks: : MsTegan: * Chill, JJ DoctorWho8: * Now, now children, on to where ever this blue stuff goes. MsTegan: * Hey, : : jumps from plane: : Want to race to the blue stuff? DoctorWho8: * Tegan. We will walk. Jilamey: * : : firmly: : No! Jilamey: * Walking's just fine. MsTegan: * : : pouts: : oh all right! MsTegan: * After you..: : waves hand: : DoctorWho8: * Anyway, a woman your age shouldn't be running around all over the place. Jilamey: * : : laughs: : Jilamey: * He's right, you know, Teg. MsTegan: * Well, you could be right Pop, but since when do I ever follow the rules? DoctorWho8: * Since I set them. DoctorWho8: * So do what I say. MsTegan: * Okay, okay, I'll be good : : seething inside, he still treats me like a kid: : DoctorWho8: * Or I'll give you a watermelon. MsTegan: * Walking toward river with Pop, doesn't want a watermelon Jilamey: * : : follows them along: : MsTegan: : : Sees people in the distance: : MsTegan: : : Hey, look over there! What's going on? Jilamey: * : : dryly: : Well, it's not a Grateful Dead concert. Tink Abel: : : pulls out the flute: : : DoctorWho8: * : : : walks over to JJ and talks quietly while they approach the cave: : : MsTegan: : : Stands and looks at TUNA closely: : OUTSIDE THE CAVE OF THE DJARRKA DRTUNA: : : Doctor follows brave Tink: : : Tink Abel: = the children....... Galarrwuy: My dream... my nightmare... BenJacksn: : : : thinks: : : Why am I here? Galarrwuy: Those people... NO! Galarrwuy: You Ben! Stop them! Galarrwuy: Get them away from the cave!! Tink Abel: : : : : looks ahead to the cave: : : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor looks on and is confused: : : BenJacksn: : : : Stopping them: : : Galarrwuy: Tink, wait, this is Ben's journey... Tink Abel: : : : : : runs full out toward it: : : : Galarrwuy: Oh well... Tink Abel: : : : stops: : : Tink Abel: : : : : feet kicking up dust: : : Galarrwuy: Come Doctor... at a slower pace. : : : move toward cave mouth: : : Tink Abel: OK DRTUNA: What have you brought us to see? : : Doctor creeps into cave: : Galarrwuy: Tink! Guard the Doctor with your life... Tink Abel: : : : walking behind Doctor and Gala: : : Galarrwuy: : : : rests on rock: : : Tink Abel: : : : : stands at attention: : : Galarrwuy: Go ahead... quickly! Tink Abel: : : pulls out the flute: : : Tink Abel: : : : : begins to play: : : DRTUNA: I have a bad feeling about this cave. I would rather meet its citizens out in the open. DRTUNA: Perhaps this music will help... Gail Who: & Djarrka>: : : : hears the flute: : : Ahhhh, a snack has arrived for us, my lovelies! Gail Who: & : : : : Djarrka lumbers out towards the cave entrance: : : Gail Who: & : : : Tuna feels the ground shaking : : : Gail Who: Djarrka> The Benevolent Djarrka is here, o worshipful followers : : : snacks, she thinks: : : Tink Abel: : : : back turned to the lizard for a moment: : : Galarrwuy: Djarrka! I bring you a final morsel! Finish him if you can! DoctorWho8: * : : : walks over to JJ and talks quietly while they approach the cave: : : Tink Abel: : : : : : a sad... song....: : : : Galarrwuy: : : : wonders if Djarrka is at home: : : Tink Abel: : : : : : inviting: : : : : MsTegan: : : Stands and looks at TUNA closely: : Gail Who: & Djarrka>: : : : hears the flute: : : Ahhhh, a snack has arrived for us, my lovelies! DRTUNA: Doctor pulls back. Gail Who: & : : : : Djarrka lumbers out towards the cave entrance: : : Galarrwuy: Djarrka arrives... DRTUNA: This might help : : : shows silver tube to others: : : Gail Who: & : : : Tuna feels the ground shaking : : : MsTegan: : : Walks up to Ben: : , who is that man? BenJacksn: : : : Ben falls and knocks himself unconscious: : : DRTUNA: It is a neural inhibitor. : : : he is shaking: : : DRTUNA: It makes many creatures lose full neural control. DRTUNA: Of course, it only makes some other creatures more..... DRTUNA: HUNGRY! Galarrwuy: Tink, guard the Doctor. don't worry about me. A foolish old man... Tink Abel: : : : : : turns to see the large lizard: : : : Tink Abel: : : : bravely places himself between it and the DOCTOR: : : MsTegan: : : Gasps: : Hears him called the "Doctor", can it be?? DoctorWho8: Who? Galarrwuy: Doctor! DJARRKA comes!! MsTegan: : : Turns to Dad: : Tink Abel: : : : : looks to the DOCTOR: : : : MsTegan: Its him, I think, Its the Doctor, the one I told you all about!! Galarrwuy: : : : Feels legs getting weak: : : DRTUNA: I am ready. Gail Who: Djarrka> The Benevolent Djarrka is here, o worshipful followers : : : snacks, she thinks: : : Tink Abel: : : : back turned to the lizard for a moment: : : BenJacksn: : : : wakes up and decides to round up the natives: : : Galarrwuy: Djarrka! I bring you a final morsel! Finish him if you can! MsTegan: : : Takes Dad by the elbow and leads him to the Doctor: : DoctorWho8: Tall, blond hair guy with a police box? BenJacksn: : : : Talks to natives, telling them of their false god who eats children: : : MsTegan: Yeah, that one, only he must have regenerated, he looks different DoctorWho8: Oh: : is now confused: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor runs toward Djarrka, holding silver tube front of him: : : : MsTegan: But it has to be him, he turns up wherever there is trouble Gail Who: : : : natives rumble with mutiny and murder, and grab weapons: : : Gail Who: : : : they have wondered what's become of their children these days: : : : DRTUNA: : : : Doctor runs in Djarrka's gaping mouth, and stabs lizard in tongue with device: : : Gail Who: : : : Ben leads a group of angry villagers to the cave: : : : BenJacksn: : : : Leads the natives into action: : : Tink Abel: : : : steps aside: : : Galarrwuy: Die Djarrka... DRTUNA: : : : Lizard doesn't notice and swallows Doctor: : : MsTegan: : : Sees natives, wonders what the Doctor has gotten himself into now DRTUNA: : : : Djarrka seems unhurt by Doctor: : : Gail Who: Djarrka>: : : swallows: : : DoctorWho8: Well, lets go. Come on JJ. MsTegan: : : Gasps, look at that Lizard thinggy Dad: : DRTUNA: : : : Doctor is gone, swallowed: : : Gail Who: Gail Who: Galarrwuy: NO!!! : : : stands: : : Tink Abel: DRTUNA: Gail Who: DRTUNA: MsTegan: Doctor!!!! Galarrwuy: Tink! KILL IT! Tink Abel: : : throws himself at the lizard: : : MsTegan: : : Runs to the Djarrka thinggy: : Tink Abel: : : : : : : stabbing at it with his flute: : : Gail Who: : : : Djarrka gets mad and starts thrashing about: : : MsTegan: : : Beats on it: : Galarrwuy: : : : Tries to get Tegan out of the way: : : DoctorWho8: : : : sees rock and throws it at lizard. JJ joins in: : : Gail Who: : : : : her little lizard boyfriends advance on Tink and Tegan: : : : MsTegan: : : Screams: : Spit him out!! Tink Abel: : : : : : : jabs the flute into its eye: : : Galarrwuy: : : : Kicks Djarrka: : : MsTegan: : : Pushes Ben away: : DRTUNA: : : : Doctor has been swallowed. He is badly mauled but still alive: : : Gail Who: : : : Djarrka howls with pain as that flute thingy hurts!!: : : : DRTUNA: : : He thinks that the contents of Djarrka's stomach is gross: : : Gail Who: : : : : Ben's crew starts offing the little lizards: : : : MsTegan: : : Turns to see more Lizards coming: : Tink Abel: : : : : prying open it's mouth as it screams: : : Galarrwuy: : : : Falls to ground: : : Modern women... Tink Abel: : : : : : : : reaching in: : : Gail Who: : : : : Djarrka senses a need for Maalox: : : : : MsTegan: : : Helps Ben fight them off: : Tink Abel: help me! MsTegan: : : Helps Galarrwuy up: : Galarrwuy: : : : Helps Tink: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor begins using device on lizards entrails: : : BenJacksn: : : : fighting them: : : Gail Who: : : : : Djarrka strains to close her jaws but too many people holding her mouth open: : : DoctorWho8: : : : gets out "super-duper pocket knife for crocodile wrestlers" and charges to lizards stomach: : : MsTegan: : : Turns to Ben, what do we do?: : Galarrwuy: Djarrka!! Die!! Gail Who: : : : Djarrka is feeling really odd inside: : : : Tink Abel: : : : grabs for Doctor inside the lizard: : : DRTUNA: : : : Djarrka vomits forth badly mauled Doctor: : : : Gail Who: : : : Djarrka feels like she's gonna be sick, to put it politely: : : Galarrwuy: You... will.. NOT... have... the Doctor now! DoctorWho8: : : : slices lizard's stomach: : : BenJacksn: I don't know MsTegan: : : Grabs the Doctor and pulls him away: : Tink Abel: : : : : rolls forward with the vomit: : : Gail Who: : : : : Djarrka howls as her stomach is cut: : : : Galarrwuy: : : : Helps Tegan w/ Doctor: : : DRTUNA: : : Doctor lies on the ground gasping in pain: : : DoctorWho8: : : : Runs away and joins Tegan: : Gail Who: : : : : in death throes: : : : MsTegan: : : Yells: : Way to go Dad!! Galarrwuy: : : : Finds Tink: : : BenJacksn: Doctor! DoctorWho8: : : : JJ faints: : : DRTUNA: : : : Doctor still grips device: : : Tink Abel: : : brushing off vomit: : : Galarrwuy: Tink, you are a HERO! Tink Abel: : : : stands: : : MsTegan: Yeah Tink : ) Tink Abel: I am? DRTUNA: : : : Lizard dies as it vomits forth its guts: : : DRTUNA: : : : Doctor's device caused uncontrollable spasms in the Djarrka's entrails and it vomits forth its entire innards...all over everyone! : : : : Galarrwuy: : : : Hands him flute: : : Play forever! DRTUNA: : : : A huge, steaming, smelly mess: : : BenJacksn: whatever DoctorWho8: Darn, now I don't get cussed out by the Doctor. Gail Who: : : : Tink plays taps on the flute, LOL: : : Tink Abel: : : : looks at the vomit covered instrument: : : Galarrwuy: Oh... a bit messy... DRTUNA: : : : Doctor passes out: : : Gail Who: {S dit} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PAUSE SIM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PART TWO THE LOGS OF MAJOR CHARACTERS Date: Mon, Jun 19, 1995 4:51 PM EST From: WGRed Subj: Tegan's Diary Dear Diary, I'm still kind of confused by today's events. I need to write things down and get things straight in my mind. The day started out normal enough. I met Jilamey at his airplane hangar. We'd decided to fly out to check up on Dad, who had been acting awfully strange lately. When I walked into the hangar and saw Jilamey standing there like such a stuffy snob, I couldn't help it. I just had to get back at him for making me take all those extra flying lessons, even though I know I needed them. I took him up in the plane and took great delight in scaring the wits out of him, before I showed him that I really am a competent pilot. Something about JJ makes me act like a jerk. He really is a sweetheart, giving me a job and all. If he just wasn't such a chauvinist pig, always acting superior just because he's a guy. Anything he can do, I can do better. Well, anyway, when we got to Dad's he was all preoccupied, and finally admitted why. It turns out he was testing a new fertilizer for the government, that had a nasty looking run-off. He was worried that the run-off might have an effect on the environment. We decided to follow the run-off from the air, and hoped into the plane. I'm afraid I was a bit distracted as I flew. You think you know your parents, and then you find out you don't know them at all. I always took Dad for a simple farmer, and here it turns out he's some kind of scientist working for the government. My mind was spinning so fast trying to absorb that fact, that I almost did us all in when I landed the plane, not really paying attention to the cross winds. Of course, JJ just took it as another sign of my incompetence. Oh well. We got out of the plane and saw a group of people over by the cave where the run-off ended. We set off in that direction, and what happened next blew my mind. I still can't believe it. The Doctor was there! What were the chances of ever meeting him again? True, he had been heavy on my mind lately. I'd even told Dad and Jilamey about him. Jilamey, of course, dismissed it as some kind of woman's fantasy, and Dad seemed to not be really listening. It took me a minute to recognize him. He must have regenerated since I'd seen him last, when I'd treated him so rudely after he'd rescued me from Helixx. I asked a young man who had run up if it was really the Doctor, but I don't remember his response. The Doctor was in trouble, and this time I wouldn't let him down. He was being gobbled up by some horrible looking monster lizard! I screamed and ran to try to help him. I don't know what I thought I could do against that thing, but I had to try. The Doctor needed me, and I wasn't about to let him die on me. I pounded on the beast, and that pesky young man tried to stop me, so I pushed him off. I was proud to see that Dad even tried to lend a hand. The Doctor somehow freed himself, with the help of a local aborigine, and rid us all of the beast as well. My mind is a bit hazy about what happened next. An aborigine healer, named Galarrwuy took over, and administered a drink to the Doctor that seemed to revive him. He also organized a group of aborigines to see to cleaning up the Doctor, who was really gross looking after being in the beast. Once he was refreshed and revived, the Doctor looked my way and called me over. I sat beside him and he said, "Well, young lady, just what have you got to do with all this?" I smiled then, knowing that this was the Doctor indeed. I told him about following the run-off here, and he became very animated, asking to speak to my father. The two of them became lost in working out the mystery of the Djarrka beast and the effects of the run-off. I stood back and enjoyed the repartee they seemed to share. It made me feel good to see them getting along. For some reason, that was really important to me that they get along. I quickly got bored with the Doctor's long winded explanations and possible theories about the Djarrka. I never really did understand all that techno-speak he likes to babble. I noticed the young man I'd seen before, kind of standing around and looking as bored as I was. I walked right up to him and asked him just who he was, and why he looked so familiar. He seemed rather surprised, then admitted he had been trying to figure the same thing out about me. He told me his name was Ben, and explained a bit about himself. We finally realized that we'd met once before, on the Tardis, that time the Doctor had saved me from Helixx. (I decided not to mention the fact that Ben had been in the nude at the time, as he seemed rather red in the face and a bit embarrassed that I'd remembered him.) Kind of a cute reaction really. Like he had anything I hadn't seen before, growing up with five brothers in the house! The Doctor and Dad reached some kind of agreement about the Djarrka, and announced that they wanted to take the body to the University for further study. They walked over to the Tardis, and called back to Ben and I that they'd meet us there. They entered the Tardis, and it dematerialized, then rematerialized briefly around the Djarrka and disappeared. It felt kind of funny to see that again, and kind of good, too. I can tell I've got a lot of thinking to do to sort out my true feelings about the Doctor. Ben didn't seem too upset to be left to fly back with JJ and I. He seemed to be glad for the diversion. Well, he was until JJ started telling him all about my piloting skills. Of course, then I made a point to get JJ back by banking sharply and practicing a few stalls on the way back home. JJ promptly begged for mercy and I made him take back everything he'd said. Ben was keeping awfully quiet, and he didn't barf either. Can't decide if I like the guy or not. Those strong silent types are hard to figure out. Date: Sat, Jun 10, 1995 7:32 PM EST From: BenJacksn Subj: Ben's Log 6/7/95 Sim Ben's Log 6/7/95 Sim I feel really bad. I realize the Doctor is tryin' to be friendly to me and make me feel needed. It's just what I need after meetin' up with Polly again. But I goes and complain about where we're at, and 'ow boring and 'ot it is. I was so full of feeling sorry for myself, I didn't realize it at the time that the Doctor was just tryin' to 'elp me. He thought a night quiet spot away from trouble and some good drink would be just the thing for this sailor. Don't right know much about Australia. Learned about it before I left school, but I don't remember much of what was said. The "outback" area they call it is certainly is miles from anywhere. The Doctor said 'e was lookin' for something 'ere, but 'e didn't tell me what. We get to a small outpost and 'eads towards a pub. At least I think that's what is was supposed to be. The smell was awful, and it made me a little queazy. The Doctor, being like the Doctor I knows, goes and acts like 'e's a local askin' for somesuch drink and askin' directions. I get a pint of something I don't right know what it is. But is sure 'ad a kick. But I knows better to drown my sorrows in this. Me stepdad, if the old bugger taught me anything, showed me that it isn't the way. There were two other people in the pub. One was a native, the other was some outdoors type with a big ego and a big knife. The Doctor goes and talks with them about local events. The native, who's name is Galarrwuy, is a friend of the Doctor's it seems. I found out long ago that the Doctor has friends in the strangest places. I suppose that's a good thing considering the places we tend to be at sometimes. But it seems that there's this monster there posin' as a god to the natives and eatin' their children! I don't understand the Doctor sometimes. There 'e goes just talkin' away like 'e 'as to justify or analize the situation, and not just gettin' up and doin' it. I am beginnig to think if it wasn't for me, the Doctor wouldn't get anything done. So 'e finally agrees to go and take care of this false god called Djarrka. But we soon realize that we ain't strong enough to take out this Djarrka. The Doctor, again, gets hesitant. I wonder sometimes, is 'e afraid? I can't believe that, but it does look like 'e ain't too excited about facin' danger. We soon reach a cave in which Galarrwuy says the god is at. It sure did stink something awful. Even more than that pub. But what was worse was seein' about three locals walkin' up to the cave like it was a Sunday mornin' walk or somethin'. It's a good thing the Doctor 'as old Ben to do the rough stuff for 'im. So I go and tries to stop them from makin' fools of themselves. It was an older gent, a young man, and a loud mouthed girl. The girl look right familar, but that didn't matter right now. Anyway, they seemed to know not to go farther. Then it occurs to me that if I could get the natives from Galarrwuy's village to 'elp, and not to worship this creature, that would be great. Well, it seems they were achin' for a fight anyways for givin' that god their children. They just needed a good talkin' to to see reason. So 'ere I comes with this army of natives, and we starts to kill of these little lizards that were apparently the offspring of the god. Lots of screamin' in that cave, especially from that loud mouth woman. Crickey, you could 'ere 'er a port away. Seems the Doctor was doin' like always and gettin' into trouble from all the shouts. I wanted to go an 'elp 'im, but the natives wanted me to stay and lead them killin' the lizards. I finally able to gets to the cave just in time to see the Doctor comin' out of a bloomin' giant lizard! Covered in gunk 'e was, none too pleasant to look at. I was glad to see 'im alright, but it got me to thinkin' again. Did 'e allow 'imself to be eaten so as to kill the lizard, or did 'e get caught unawares and the others 'ad to save 'im? I wasn't there so I didn't see what 'appened. I don't know, I don't feel right around this Doctor. I'll be loyal to 'im, but is it enough to see 'im through this? I 'ope so. Date: Fri, Jun 23, 1995 11:20 AM EST From: Gail Who Subj: Djarrka's log from 6/7/95 sim Djarrka -- Log for 6/7/95 sim If a lizard could write down its thoughts Djarrka's might've gone like this... Sitting on a rock...forked tongue flicking in and out...catching and eating bugs, drinking the water from the stream in the cool, cool cave... Growing...growing...becoming aware...two-legged creatures come to look at me...they think I do good things for them...they -- what is it called? -- they worship me. Two of the creatures came to worship alone one day...a man and a child...I was so hungry...I ate them. The man was tough muscular meat. The child...tender, succulent. I must have more of that!!! Quickly!! I am hungry! growing! and I want to reproduce! I need a mate...the water makes me large and strong...I call to the males and they come to me. They are now drinking the water and growing, too. After I breed, they shall shall breed with my daughters. We will take this land and be strong and survive. We will make the child-creatures our food...there certainly seems to be an endless supply! These man-creatures do seem to reproduce often. Ah...bring me food fast...I want fast food. Ah-the children have arrived! :::ummmummm mmmummm munch munch mmmumm crunch yummm ummm ummm::: (Cookie-Monster-like eating sounds) Ahhh...*wait*! Two-leggers...but large ones, not children. They are staring at me...they want to kill me...I eat the one that comes nearest...they others cry out "Doctor!!!!" I wait for the others to flee in fear but they instead seem to get angrier and redouble their efforts to harm me. Then...I start to feel so...odd...inside...was it something I ate? ...The two-leg!! He's somehow----- AARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ::::all awareness goes black and the Djarrka is killed as she regurgitates the Doctor:::: Doctor's Log Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.776671.rel I should be tired but I am not. I am expectant. This last adventure had been illuminating. I had been confronted by as frightening a scene as I have ever witnessed. A giant goana lizard was eating children. The food chain is full of such incidents, but this seemed somehow profoundly unnatural. This was NOT an ordinary situation. This was not the process of a normal ecosystem. Just like the worms of the North Pacific, this too was the product of environmental abuse. And Tegan was there! No time to do "How You Do" Red Kang style or any style. I acted without thinking too much about it. I did not have time to be afraid or sit back and let others act. Realizing that I had pocketed the neural inhibitor I knew what I had to do. The odd thing about the neural inhibitor is that it is effective on just about every organic creature, but you never quite know what it will do. Sometimes it: paralyzes, convulses, puts to sleep, causes pain, or (I hate this one) incites the appetite. I certainly knew which reactions I was hoping for as I lunged at the Djarrka. I knew that there was a central nerve point on many such reptiles that exists at the hinge of the jaw, so it is there that I struck, driving the neural inhibitor (it was quite sharp) into the skin and ligaments near the jaw hinge, sinking it deep into the monster and activating it. The bad part about this plan is that it presented me as a meal-on-a-plate should the plan not work. The Djarrka turned to me. Nothing happened. It did not fall asleep or stop moving. Faster than I could move it scooped me up in its mouth and swallowed me whole. I thought, "Well, Doctor, there has to come a time when one of your supposedly brilliant schemes will not turn out too brilliantly." I found myself almost immediately in the beast's stomach. I could not breathe. The foul digestive juices were scalding me. I had been lacerated in several places by the Djarrka's teeth. I also realized that I was sharing space with a number of recently eaten children. I grabbed the neural inhibitor again and, for lack of a better plan, kept jamming it into the stomach lining and activating it over and over again. Just as I was blacking out (it was the juices more than anything else) I felt the stomach begin to convulse. I was barely conscious of being vomited forth by the beast. I hit the ground with a thud and blacked out. When I awoke, apparently only moments later, I looked up to see a ring of faces around me. Foremost among them seemed to be Gularrwuy, who had apparently given me some sort of potion. And what a sight! The entire surroundings was covered with a foul mixture of the contents of the Djarrka's stomach and the entrails of the beast itself. Seems like the neural inhibitor triggered off a deadly convulsion where the beast actually vomited forth its entrails. Not a pretty way to die. Apparently a friend of Gularrwuy's named Tink had been most brave in my defense, and Ben had gathered the tribe to help. I want them both to take the credit, but I think I managed to get it to act like a sea cucumber (pepino, beche de mer, whatever) which vomits forth its guts to distract its predators, but in this case vomiting up its "guzintas" allowed me to escape. I had been in danger and I had acted to protect others at great risk to myself. My worries about bravery have been lessened somewhat by this event. We were all a foul, bloody, stinky, mess. AND we had to walk quite a way back to Milly Milly on a very HOT day. When we arrived, we were one of the rankest groups I have ever seen. This was the most odorous ending to any event I can remember! Date: Tue, Jun 13, 1995 1:26 AM EST From: DanielC71 Subj: Galarrwuy's log Galarrwuy's log. [Galarrwuy is illiterate, so his statement was recorded some years after the event by an anthropologist, Dr. William Pate II of Wichita State University, in the Kangaroo Pub, south of Milly Milly, Austrailia.] Galarrwuy: Get me another brew! Pate: But sir, if we could-- G: Oh shut up and get me a brew! No Foster's! Four X or no story! P: OK, here's your beer. Now if we could return to the story of the Djarrka-- G: Djarrka! [spits] Screw Djarrka! P: Maybe you've had too much to drink? G: Drink?! I'm participating in an old ritual here! I hate you white anthropologists coming here to change us just for your Ph.D.s! P: Actually, I'm half-Vietnamese. G: Oh, OK, I hate half of your anthropologist guts then. P: Whatever. Give me a drink of that. G: NOW you're talking! [sings] Tie me kangaroo down sport! Tie me kangaroo down! [Pub joins in, chaos ensues, Pate drinks Galarrwuy under the table before passing out. Not much of a log really. But then, Galarrwuy was always a bit of a party animal in the outback. Be thankful Pate wasn't there to transcribe Galarrwuy's insistant shouts to the visiting PM Margaret Thatcher about meeting him in his tent and inspecting her kangaroo pouch!] Note: William [Bill] Pate is a friend of mine who doesn't like DW much, is not online, and doesn't know he appeared in this, but nonetheless, this represents his 15 minutes! Enjoy Bill! PART THREE THE BRUCES - OR - PUB IN WOOLLAMALLOO >>>Your monitor screens come to life with sound and light<<< >>>The image of DRTUNA dissolves into the image of the spinning TARDIS<<< >>>>>>The New Adventures of Doctor Who<<<<<< >>>>>>>>The Bruces<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>Written by M Python<<<<<<<< >>>>>>the music and credits fade away...<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEGIN SIM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< : : : Our story begins as the Tardis travelers arrive: : : : : : at the University of Woollamalloo with the Djarrka's corpse: : : : : : which the University wishes to study: : : : : : Tegan, reluctant to take leave of the Doctor just yet: : : : : : has come along in the Tardis to talk and visit: : : : : Meanwhile, a faculty meeting in the Philosophy Department is about to begin: : : : : : inside a bunch of manly men, dressed in khaki outback gear, are drinking: : : MsTegan: C'mon Ben, I'm about to do a perish myself : : heads to the bar: : MsTegan: : : drags Ben to the bar orders for him: : He wants a Shirley Temple : : wicked laugh: : DRTUNA: : : Says hello in general and goes to the bar: : : DRTUNA: : : Orders: I'll have a Tooth's please, frigid if possible. BenJacksn: : : With the Doctor, at the bar: : : Galarrwuy: : : : Ambles up to the bar next to the Doctor: : : Galarrwuy: Four X! DRTUNA: : : Turns to Gularrwuy: : : DRTUNA: Hello, again, are you well beveraged my old friend? Galarrwuy: TInk, my friend, Four X is on me! Tink Abel: : : slaps him on the back: : : thanks! DRTUNA: Well, Gulwarruy, did you like the way I made that four legged golliwog toss up its guzinters? Galarrwuy: : : : Claps DRT on the back: : : Doctor, you were as much a hero as Tink. DRTUNA: : : Turns to Tegan at the bar: : DRTUNA: Is that the right way to say it, did I make it lose its guzinters? MsTegan: : : Laughs: : Sounds right to me, Dr.! Tink Abel: : : : looks to Galarrwuy: : : DRTUNA: Tegan, let's have a seat and we can catch up on things. MsTegan: : : Follows the Dr. to a table: : BenJacksn: So Doctor was Tegan always this loud? MsTegan: : : Laughs at Ben: : What's the matter, don't like your drink? MsTegan: Hey! I'm not loud, just opinionated!! TomFODW: Here y'are Tink (dishes out 5 enormous steaks to Tink) Dig in! Lunch'll be served in a few minutes Galarrwuy: : : : Join MsTegan and DRT at the table: : : BenJacksn: Who the bloody 'eck do you think I am? A landlubber? DRTUNA: : : Seated: : Tegan, my memory suffered a bit in this last regeneration. It was a rough one, I'm afraid. DRTUNA: : : Motions for Gul to join them at table: : : Galarrwuy: Doctor. Tegan. May I sit> MsTegan: : : Takes the drink: : Give it here, I'm about to do a perish, I'll drink it then!! Galarrwuy: : : : Sits: : : BenJacksn: : : : whispers to Tegan: : : like there's any other type of regeneration DRTUNA: This all seems quite delightful, people here know how to have a good time. DRTUNA: But I have other thoughts on my mind. MsTegan: : : Smiles at Ben and thinks: : maybe he's okay after all DRTUNA: For you two, especially. MsTegan: What's up, Doc? DRTUNA: And Ben. BenJacksn: Me Doctor? MsTegan: Me, too? DRTUNA: Tegan I wanted to ask you how your trip in Tardis earlier impacted you, did it make things..... DRTUNA: ...a lot harder for you to adjust and fit in? Galarrwuy: : : : Listening to DRT & ignoring Bruces & Mr. Humphries: : : MsTegan: Well, yes it did, I'm afraid. MsTegan: I was pretty shook up for a while BenJacksn: I can't imagine 'er being scared of anything MsTegan: : : Kicks Ben under the table: : DRTUNA: I mean, just snatching people out of their times, even if they want to come along, is a lot of..... DRTUNA: ...interfering! BenJacksn: Oww Cor Blimey girl! Galarrwuy: Then why do it? DRTUNA: That's the point, Gul, what are we doing it for? Why not stay right here and just live! MsTegan: I had a lot of soul searching to do. I hate soul searching... Galarrwuy: : : : Drinks 4X: : : DRTUNA: : : Sips Tooth's KB: : BenJacksn: Maybe it okay for those folks who what got something to be there for Galarrwuy: Where are you then, Ben? BenJacksn: There's nothing for me in England in 1969 now MsTegan: Me either. I want to travel in the Tardis again. DRTUNA: Just as there may be nothing for me on....where? Galarrwuy: Where are you now Ben? Galarrwuy: Tegan? DRTUNA: Where am I going? Galarrwuy: Exactly. BenJacksn: You sure talk weird Galarrwuy DRTUNA: : : Looks at Gul: : : AND where am I? Galarrwuy: Here. Galarrwuy: What time is it, Time Lord? MsTegan: I'm siting at a table wanting a drink that's where I am...gad you are strange Gal DRTUNA: Well, the obvious answer is the date and hour. But the real answer is..... DRTUNA: ...the time is NOW! Galarrwuy: Now. DRTUNA: ...always NOW MsTegan: to Ben> Does the Doctor always talk like this now? Galarrwuy: Very good Doctor. A Time Lord should never lose time. DRTUNA: Wherever I go, when I get there, it is always NOW! BenJacksn: You Australians sure 'ave got strange customs! : : : Says Ben as politically incorrect as ever BenJacksn: Yeah, pretty much so Galarrwuy: Tegan, Ben, if you are not satisfied with here, now, where are you? DRTUNA: Ben, you travel with me, where would you like to go? BenJacksn: : : : Anger rising: : : Listen mate, what do you want me to say? DRTUNA: If you come along Tegan, where is our next destination? MsTegan: to Ben> watch me, I'm going to do it too : : Laughs: : MsTegan: I am trying to find where I am that's where I am BenJacksn: Doctor I just want to go away!!! Galarrwuy: You are not here, not now. You will never be happy. The TARDIS will not help you. MsTegan: I'd follow you anywhere Dr. really I would DRTUNA: What if we do not travel by accident? How shall we set our course? BenJacksn: To Gal>I've given up on being 'appy mate! Life hasn't been kind to me so I don't look for BenJacksn: it DRTUNA: I am seriously considering an end to my wandering. I am thinking about going places with a purpose! MsTegan: Set the course for a place we can work together for good Galarrwuy: So you have lost life so you have given up searching for it? BenJacksn: I 'elp the Doctor since 'e's the only person in my life now. MsTegan: : : Looks at Dr. seriously: : I want to be a better friend than I was before Galarrwuy: Have you helped yourself? DRTUNA: When I was regenerating I had a vision. MsTegan: Tell me about it, please DRTUNA: I had a vision that Rassilon, Omega, and Gimel wanted me to die. NOT to regenerate. DRTUNA: I do not believe it was just a vision. DRTUNA: But all three of them should be DEAD. Galarrwuy: : : : Drinks more 4X: : : MsTegan: How could it be anything but a vision? They weren't there were they? BenJacksn: What do you mean 'elp myself? MsTegan: Maybe it was just a bad dream DRTUNA: It was too real. But it was real. I believe I was in the dreamtime. Galarrwuy: When will you stop chasing what is lost and find what is here, now? DRTUNA: Dreamtime...that's were you come in, Gul. BenJacksn: Nobody ever gave me anything, I gotta 'elp myself Galarrwuy: Dreamtime... DRTUNA: Ben, you do more than just help yourself. Galarrwuy: And by helping yourself, you help your friends.... MsTegan: : : Looks at Ben and wonders what makes him so bitter: : Galarrwuy: .... Here. Now. DRTUNA: If you only helped yourself, Ben Jackson, I would not be here. DRTUNA: I would be dead. Galarrwuy: But Doctor... DRTUNA: As far back as Wotan. Galarrwuy: If he saves you and dies himself, lost... BenJacksn: Well, I'd do anything for you Doctor Galarrwuy: He will have died in vain. If he saves himself and through himself, you... Galarrwuy: He will have lived. DRTUNA: Which is why you are a damn fine companion. I can only try and reciprocate. MsTegan: : : Gets up to get a drink : : thinks I hate gobbledygook talk: : Galarrwuy: : : : More 4X: : : DRTUNA: I cannot promise a random journey, or misplaced attempted vacations, but..... DRTUNA: Wherever we go, we can depend on each other, we can do what we think is right, and we can..... DRTUNA: ...improvise! Galarrwuy: : : : smiles: : : : MsTegan: : : Orders a Margarita on the rocks, looks at all the weird Bruces and tries not to laugh: ; Galarrwuy: : : : raises bottle in salute: : : BenJacksn: : : : Looks down: : : Thank you Doctor Galarrwuy: ah, Doctor.... It's good that you are here, now. MsTegan: : : Hums along as she returns to the table: : DRTUNA: Well, Tegan, what are your immediate plans? MsTegan: There is nothing to keep me here, I'd like to go with you if I may. DRTUNA: But you know the track record...pain and difficulty seem to follow my path... BenJacksn: I'd like the company Doctor MsTegan: I;m a stronger person than I was before, I've changed DRTUNA: have grown tired of this before. MsTegan: Yes, I did. But I've thought a lot about it since then, too. I think I understand you BenJacksn: It's been sort of lonely since Peter and Polly left MsTegan: better than before. DRTUNA: What say, Ben, have we room for another? Galarrwuy: : : : Drinks meditatively: : : MsTegan: : : Looks to Ben, hopefully: : BenJacksn: Well....she could 'ave maybe Polly's room DRTUNA: : : : Sips brew: : : MsTegan: : : Watches the Doctor: : DRTUNA: : : Raises eyebrows at mention of Tegan in Polly's room: : : BenJacksn: I don't think Polly won't mind Galarrwuy: : : : whispers to doctor: : : He's taken a new first step. MsTegan: I won't run out on you this time, Doctor, I promise DRTUNA: Brave heart, Tegan! Galarrwuy: : : : Motions to Tom for a steak: : : DRTUNA: How can we go wrong with a brave heart like yours! TomFODW: : : flings steak at Galarrwuy: : Galarrwuy: : : : catches steak with handy plate: : : DRTUNA: ...and I could use a little extra bravery these days, it seems. MsTegan: My heart is a lot braver than it used to be... DRTUNA: : : Turns to Gul: : : Galarrwuy: : : : Pulls out knife & fork: : : MsTegan: Hey, did you know I can pilot a plane now? DRTUNA: Gularrwuy, how can I learn from my experience in the dream time. MsTegan: Tell him, Ben!! BenJacksn: Yeah she can, but I can pilot the TARDIS! Galarrwuy: : : : Thinks: : : Galarrwuy: Do you trust your dreams? MsTegan: Hey, I did that a couple of times myself!! DRTUNA: I trust this one enough to want to find out more. DRTUNA: Must I invoke a vision again? MsTegan: You should have seen my landing on Castrovalva!! BenJacksn: Say Tegan, do you know Nyssa? DRTUNA: Now Tegan, that may have been the Master operating the controls. Galarrwuy: No... MsTegan: Yes, Ben I do! DRTUNA: : : Turns back to Gul: : BenJacksn: She's just the prettiest thing there is MsTegan: Oh Dr., don't tell me that! I always thought it was me!! Galarrwuy: But was the one in question enough? MsTegan: Yes, but she was smart, too. DRTUNA: Should I follow my dream into the waking time, dream again, or learn from the one I have had? MsTegan: To Ben, quietly> I'm worried about the Dr. Galarrwuy: I think Doctor, that you are the rare person to whom... Galarrwuy: ... the dreams will follow YOU. BenJacksn: Why is that? Galarrwuy: If they appeared to you, they will find you. DRTUNA: : : : Thinks about this carefully: : MsTegan: : : Whispers: : This dream thing, it seems to have him all shook up DRTUNA: : : Gul has some heavy stuff to lay down here!: : : Galarrwuy: Then they will reveal themselves. As they have before... MsTegan: : : Whispering still: : I think he needs you, now more than ever! Galarrwuy: Logopolis... eh? BenJacksn: I noticed that too, but I don't know what to do DRTUNA: : : Dr. continues thinking about what Gul has said. Takes a deep swig from his Tooth's KB: : : Galarrwuy: : : : Finished 4X.: : : DRTUNA: : : Stares in direction of T & B but seems preoccupied: : : MsTegan: I guess just stick with him and see what happens MsTegan: Do you think he will let me come too? Galarrwuy: : : : Gets up & goes to bar for another 4X: : : DRTUNA: : : : Shakes head: : Excuse me, Ben, Tegan, I am not used to this brew, I am afraid. Galarrwuy: : : : At bar: : : Another 4X ya nasty Bruces! DRTUNA: Ben, Tegan, tomorrow morning, perhaps? BenJacksn: Why not? MsTegan: You mean I can come too? DRTUNA: How about 9 AM? MsTegan: : : hugs the Dr. around the neck: : MsTegan: : : Yells in Ben's ear: : Hoooraaaay!! Galarrwuy: : : : Gets beer.: : : Damn, I need trousers! It's COLD in here! DRTUNA: Or would 10 AM be better? MsTegan: : : smiling: : Any old time at all is wonderful with me BenJacksn: I'm an early riser Doctor, you know that DRTUNA: Ben? DRTUNA: And do you know where we will be going at 9 AM? MsTegan: Where will we be going? DRTUNA: I haven't the slightest idea! : : : Laughs: : MsTegan: To Logopolis again? I hear Galarrwuy mention it.. BenJacksn: As long as it isn't the Macra colony DRTUNA: No, not to Logopolis, not now. We will go where we have always gone..... DRTUNA: Where our destiny calls us, and hopefully where we are needed most. MsTegan: Sounds good to me MsTegan: Well that was real rip snorter, Bruce Gail... BenJacksn: Fine by me Doctor DRTUNA: What's say we go for a walk, and we can catch up on old times? DRTUNA: I want to hear of Tegan's adventures, and the grill seems to be closing. MsTegan: I'd like that very much Dr. : : stands: ; DRTUNA: : : : Finishes brew: : : Galarrwuy: : : : Sees DRT & Co. head out and wonders what their fate will be...: : : BenJacksn: I'll just go back to the TARDIS Doctor TomFODW: No, DrTuna, the grill's back open. I forgot about the late afternoon snack. MsTegan: Come with us Ben, please DRTUNA: Right, Ben, see you there. MsTegan: I'll see you later then, Ben, Dook on it? DRTUNA: I have been called that before. Haven't we all? BenJacksn: : : : Smiles: : : Yeah right MsTegan: : : Shakes Ben's hand: : DRTUNA: : : Turns to Tegan as Ben leaves: : Jonnuk, that sailor! MsTegan: Yes, he is at that!! DRTUNA: : : Walks towards door: : Shouts at Gail Bruce: : Now, that's what I call a rip snorter. MsTegan: : : Can't help it, throws a bowl of hash-me-gandy before leaving: : DRTUNA: Gotta grease my skates! BruceGail1: : : : howls of derisive laughter: : : DRTUNA: : : Dr. and Tegan take a walk in the outback. She tells him of her recent past, hopes, fears, etc.: : : DRTUNA: : : They end up at the Tardis: : : DRTUNA: Well, Tegan, here it is. DRTUNA: You know, some times I think the Tardis is the center of the universe. DRTUNA: And I just happen to be along for the ride! MsTegan: : : Looks at the Tardis: : I'm ready, : : enters: : MsTegan: It was certainly the center of my universe for a while. DRTUNA: We really aren't that much different. Both passengers. MsTegan: It feels like I'm coming back home in a way DRTUNA: Neither of us were born here, but for both of us it is now home. MsTegan: Yes, it's good to be back where I belong DRTUNA: If you do stay in Polly's room, be careful with her things. We may see her again. MsTegan: Can I have my old room back? DRTUNA: : : : Hugs Tegan briefly: : Of course you can! DRTUNA: ...and Tegan.... MsTegan: yes, Doctor? DRTUNA: I'm different this time. I need your help. DRTUNA: Good night. MsTegan: I'll try to be a better friend this time, see you in the morning DRTUNA: : : Doctor vanishes down hallway: : : BruceGail1: {S dit} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PAUSE SIM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PART FOUR MINUTES OF MEETING & LOGS OF MAJOR CHARACTERS Date: Fri, Jun 23, 1995 11:20 AM EST From: Gail Who Subj: Bruce Gail--6/14/95 sim University of Woollamalloo Department of Philosophy Minutes for June 14, 1995 Faculty Meeting --Bruce Gail greeted the attendees: BruceLady, Bruce Tink, Bruce Tom, Bruce Odo, "Cousin" Brucie Surrge, and some donk by name of Mr. Humphries. Not quite sure what his position here is, but 'e seemed right interested in our pants. 4 guests also attended, descroibed below. --Fosters and Four X passed all 'round, except the odd little man, who took a peach Schnappes. Must be from Pommie-land!! Ah, spit!!! The guests took their drinks at the bar (didn't know we even 'ad a bar!!) --Sing-a-long time. Bruce sang "Rover the Drover", Bruce sang "A Wizard's Staff Has a Knob On", and Bruce led us in the "Philosopher's Song". We noticed our guests in the room for the first time when we heard one of 'em singing "Close To You". --Once we were all warmed up and the beer flowin' freely, Bruce fired up the barbie and grilled lunch steaks and jumbo mammoth shrimp for all. Owah guests turned out to be the crew that hauled that Djarrka corpse all the way down from outback Milly Milly way. Now *that's* a walkabout!! Bruce threw some steak and shrimp on Bruce, then threw some more steak and shrimp on the barbie for the visitors...but Bruce ate it all. Howls of derisive laughter! --Guests: Galarrwuy-- holds his drink well, a great bastard even though he's an abo. Ben Jackson -- Pommie, but a sailor, so that's alright then. Bloody great at tying and untying knots. The Doctor -- Talks a lot. Didn't quite catch 'is name or if 'e said where 'e's from, but 'e ate and drank like a good mate. Scarfed a whole jar of Vegemite, too. Tegan Jovanka -- A Sheila! Bush pilot, she says. But planning now to go on walkabout with the Doctor and 'is mate Ben. She's a good Sheila, and not at all stuck up. We wish the lot well, and they're welcome anytime to come 'n raise their wrists with us 'ere at God's Own Earth. To continue the meeting: --Show and tell --all the Bruces examined and compared their knoives. Bruce boasted of 'is mosquito-hunting exploits. --Padre gave the prayer. --Bruce Gail read the rules of the Department, with help from Bruce, Bruce, Bruce and Bruce. (We're fairly sure that that Humphries fella violates rules 1,3,5, and 7!!) --Padre gave another prayer to conclude the official business. --We cracked the tubes --We waved the wattle --We sang some more "Philosopher's Song", some Men At Work and Midnight Oil tunes, and Bruce in a drunken stupor began singing some nonsense about rings on their fingers and bells on their toes. --Bruce Gail concluded the meetin'. (Somehow, wise-man Galarrwuy knew that ending the meetin' was a violation of rule #8!!! Oi!!!) Date: Sun, Jun 18, 1995 8:40 AM EST From: BenJacksn Subj: Ben's Log for 6-14-95 sim Ben's Log 6/14/95 Sim Alone in his room on the TARDIS, Ben decides to "clean house". The events of the last few weeks have kept him from keeping his room in top shape. Ben despised a messy room, and so he went about putting his possessions in their proper place. He soon comes across Polly's journal she gave him right before she departed the TARDIS. Ben was slightly guilty for not finding much time to read it, so he casually thumbed through the pages, and came accross this entry: ENTRY 142 "I was so happy that the Doctor took me on a shopping trip on Earth in 1995. The future! While Ben is getting treated on Terminus. But I came across something that I feel I should not have. In a store called "B. Dalton's Bookstore", I saw in the corner of my eye the latest issue of "Time" magazine, and saw something that made me yelp! "It was Ben on the cover! Looking only about 10 years older, but unmistakably him! I couldn't believe it! Smiling a big smile with a caption "Benjamin Jackson Sci-Fi's next George Lucus!" I nervously grabbed the magazine and started to open it. But then I stopped. I suddenly realized I wasn't so much interested in knowing Ben's future than knowing if I was a part of it. That's something I knew was wrong from travelling with the Doctor. So I slowly put it away and left the store. "Later, I tried to ask the Doctor about what I saw. But true to his nature, he was evasive. But he did let on that it was only a possible future, and in no way should I let it enslave me in the choices I make regarding my own future. I am afraid that I may have to make some of those hard decisions soon." Ben puts the journal down, amazed and more than a little afraid of what he just read. The very thought that in a possible future he was famous felt totally alien. After all, he often said to others, he was just a typical bloke born on the wrong side of London. Nothing ever special about him. But then the words of Galarrwuy came back to him. Words that meant little to him then, nonsensical ones he thought. He realized now, however, that they weren't. Ben knew he didn't think much of himself, and maybe that's what was wrong with him. Why he was so unhappy. He was expecting the TARDIS to eventually dump him on the perfect world, where he would be content for the rest of his life. And he realized that this just wasn't going to happen. Ben smiled. Galarrwuy was right. What Ben needed to change himself was within him all along. And hopefully, with the aid of his friends, things would start to get better. Date: Sat, Jun 17, 1995 1:41 PM EST From: MsTegan Subj: Tegan's Diary for 6-14-95 sim Log for 6-14-95 sim ::Tegan enters an unused room in the Tardis, and closes the door behind her. She sits down on the bed, too excited to go to sleep for the moment.:: ::Suddenly she realilzes that she hasn't brought ANYTHING with her except the clothes on her back, and the few things she had in the fanny pack she was wearing. :: ::She flops back on the bed, and lets out a loud exclamation:: "Gad, I'm such a DONK coming here unprepared!! But then it's not like I knew I would be boarding the Tardis again. Just like me, to run off without thinking things through!!" ::Tegan removes the fanny pack and fumbles around in it, looking for something. Relieved, she lets out a sigh :: "Well, at least I've got my diary! Maybe writing will help me to sort out what's happened today." ::Rolling onto her stomach, Tegan makes herself comfortable, opens the diary and begins to write. :: 6-14-95 Dear Diary, Today is a day to remember. For the longest time, I have been thinking about the Doctor. Little things have been bringing him back to mind; snatches of songs, winds blowing through my hair, clocks ticking as time plods by, dreary. Life seemed kind of boring after knowing the Doctor. Then out of nowhere he appears in my life again! Everything with the Djarrka happened so fast, that I didn't have time to talk with the Doctor like I wanted to. Today, at the pub in Watermalloo, I got the chance I'd been looking for. There were a lot of dillies in there having a smashing jamberoo, which made it kind of hard to talk and hear. In fact, I thought I was hearing things!! Because when I finally got the nerve to tell the Doctor that I'd like to travel with him again, he said YES!!!! Even Ben agreed, which made me happy. I'm afraid I probably busted his eardrums when I shouted for joy! Ben didn't seem to mind in the least, though. Then the Doctor and I left the pub, and walked through the outback to the Tardis. On the way I was able to tell him some of the things I'd been needing to say. I told him I was sorry for running out on him the last two times we'd met. That I was seeing a pattern in myself ... a pattern of running away instead of facing life's challenges head on. I told him how I'd run from home in a mad huff when I'd gone to live with Auntie Vannessa, and how I'd run after being hurt by Glenn. The Doctor asked if that was what I was doing now - running from something again. I felt it was a fair question, and was happy to honestly answer no. I told him that I felt I was running "to" something instead of away from it. I felt at peace going to the Tardis. It felt like returning home after being gone too long. The Doctor seemed to be happy to hear it, and then turned and faced me seriously. "Tegan," he said, "I need to know something else. The Tardis is not a holiday bus. We will be bound for tragedies, triumphs, challenges and failures. You seem so happy as a bush pilot, are you sure you want to leave it all behind?" I took a deep breath and thought a moment before answering. I told him that I realized things wouldn't always be fun and games. I told him that there seemed to be a lot of injustice and suffering on this world and many others. That everyone is bound to meet up with it. But what I admired about him was the way he met injustice head-on, and always stood for what's right. I realized that sometimes he was faced with terribly difficult choices, but that I felt he always made the choice for the greater good. That I had come to admire him even more than I had before. Then it was my turn to face him squarely, and get serious. I told the Doctor that I wanted to be a better friend, that I wanted to help him in his travels....that I was hoping to have the chance to learn how to face reality, instead of fleeing from it all the time. I thought I saw him smiling, and barely heard him mutter, "Brave heart, Tegan," under his breath. Anyway, Here I am in the Tardis, now, and I can hardly believe it. I hope I can live up to all the things I said on the walk to the Tardis. I mean to try. ::Closing the diary, Tegan realizes that she will have to either sleep in her clothes and get them all wrinkled or sleep without them. She opts for the later. As she removes her outfit and lays it on the foot of the bed, her eye is caught by the monogram above the right hand pocket of her reads "Way Outback Tours"....Tegan falls to the bed in a fit of laughter!! "Wouldn't you just know that I'm starting my time on the Tardis with nothing to wear but my uniform from work? AGAIN!! At least I don't have to worry about bending over in a short skirt or running in high heels. Oh well, maybe Ben can help me find something else to wear, or at least let me borrow a shirt for the time being!" :: ::Still smiling, Tegan falls into a happy sleep. :: **************************************************************************** (Remember that Jilamey was wanting to promote the feeling of an outback tour guide, but of course Tegan took as much liberty with the uniform as she could to soften it's look and make it a bit more feminine.) A sleeveless white cotton blouse with a pocket on the right side. Above the pocket is a monogram of an airplane dragging a mesage behind it...The message reads "Way Out Tours". Tegan wears the blouse open with a yellow tube top underneath. The blouse is rolled up from the bottom and tied at the waist. (Much to JJ's dismay.) Next is a pair of knee-length walking shorts, with a brown, hand-braided leather belt around the waist. (Tegan rolls up the shorts when JJ isn't looking. One thing she is vain about are her long legs, after all.) She also wears a brown leather fanny pack. The fanny pack enables her to carry small items when hiking, and still have her hands free. On Tegan's feet are Birkenstock sandals. Tegan's sandals are made of cork and leather and have two leather instep straps and a wrap around heel strap. This is one item Tegan agreed with Jilamey on. The sandals absorb shock when hiking in the outback, and they don't mind getting wet either. She wasn't about to totter around in the ouback wearing heels. Tegan's hair is cut short and has red-highlights. She is 36 years old, but looks 30. Doctor's Log Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.776672.rel After a brief recovery, and because I felt that things were not yet done here, I agreed to accompany Tegan's father to the University at Woollamaloo to examine the body of the beast. Sure enough, it was just a normal goana, but had been changed by the new secret fertilizer which the government was developing. Not surprisingly, it was hushed up. I was assured that it would be destroyed and never used again, but I was unable to get the government officials to tell what had really happened and who was really to blame. Instead, they wanted to just make it out as a "freak lizard" story and confine it to the pages of tawdry tabloids. I can see the story in the _News of the World_ now. I took a faculty member I met there up on an offer to visit the professorial watering hole...a quaint pub-style establishment with a huge smoking grill for cooking chunks of meat. There, the event that I had been expecting took place. Some closure to this event and an opening to the future. Several things happened: 1. I told Gularrwuy of my dream-vision. I had seen Rasillon, Omega, and Gimel (that evil security chief of Rasillon's) mocking me, wishing for me to die. But they were all dead. This vision seemed too real to be a simple hallucination during regeneration. Why did they want me dead? What secrets do they wish to kill with me? I asked Gularrwuy if I should follow this vision, or try to re-enter it from the dream time. His advice was sound: if it is a real event, and not a vision, then it will find me. 2. Gulwarruy asked me a question which shook me deeply. He said, "What time is it, Timelord?" All of a sudden things came together. My struggle with the timestream, my conclusion that lives can only be lived once, and my fear of making a mistake ... something which has not been influenced by the fact that I can travel in time. I may travel to the times of others, but I cannot escape my own time, my own timestream. What time is it? Not June 14, 1995, not Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.776672.rel, it is always NOW. Wherever I go, whenever I arrive, it is always now. Ben and Tegan and I are, and will be, always in now! Gularrwuy had slapped me in the face with the truth I couldn't face ... life is for the living, and as I was told once back in November, 1963 when ordering a cup of tea, the best thing is to get on with it! I can tolerate some introspection, but I must learn to devote myself to action. Ben can help show me this. 3. I am tired of being so random. I am not fleeing any guardians or time traveling Daleks, and if the Timelords really wanted me they would just have to catch me when they did! I am now plotting a course and going places for a reason. 4. Tegan is joining us. She seems to have changed a great deal since I last saw her. She has grown and matured, she seems more self-sufficient and less likely to lose control in a tough situation. She has been a bush pilot and on her own, and seems to have benefited from that. Perhaps these are the companions I need to face the trials ahead, and hopefully I am the one they need to do the same. I have decided to set the course for the planet Liana. There is an incredible library there. I once owned a pair of books which Hedin had given to me and told me never to open. I had left them in the library they were building on Liana long ago. I left them there for safe keeping as well as to avoid the temptation of reading them. Now, perhaps it is time to read them. Besides, it is a beautiful and relaxing planet, and it will be a good way for Tegan and Ben and I to begin our travels together. All of our stops may not be so nice, now that I am setting a course and not just wandering. I could use some healing as well. My broken rib is barely healed, and now I have some nasty scars from the Djarrka and my skin was burned a bit by those digestive juices. Perhaps a stay in the zero room? For now, I am not tired. I should rest before we leave in the morning. Instead, I think I will go to the console room and set a course for Liana. And play chess with K-9's head (sticking out of the console...might make a good auto-pilot) until Ben and Tegan awake. "Time, time, time, See what's become of me..."