Sim Brief: The Doctor, Ben, and their "new" companion, Tegan, leave contemporary Earth. The Doctor wants an easy peaceful start for Tegan's voyages, so he heads to Liana. Liana is a small planet and does not get many visitors. Those that do visit are usually scholars, come to explore the library there. Liana is populated by beastlike humanoids, who are not unattractive. (Perhaps they look like the one on the TV show "Beauty and the Beast." The Lianans has a long-ago history of animal like violence but over time they became civilized and peaceful. The planet itself appears primitive, the Lianans live in hutlike dwellings in small villages--- however the cornerstone of their civilization is their library. The library is a beautiful, strong building made of clean, white local stone and lovingly built by the ancestors of the current Lianans. It is centrally located on the small Lianan island continent. Liana is lush, jungle-like, an beautiful Hawaiian-like setting and the beaches will be irresistible to Ben and Tegan. The Doctor, of course, plans to explore the library (well, he does want to visit the beach but he wishes to appear quite intellectual.) The Doctor has visited Liana before, and he seeks out his friend, the leader, "Mufasa". Mufasa appears downtrodden and defeated, though. Usurped from his position by a violent Lianan, "Scar", Mufasa has seen his planet fall into primitive ways. Worse yet, "Scar" has kidnapped virtually every female Lianan, and taken over the library as his fortress. He plans to breed a new generation of violent Lianans, and a return to the planet's violent past. Can the Doctor help restore Liana to its former peaceful self? *************************************************************************** Cast of Characters: The Doctor......................played by DRTUNA Ben Jackson.....................played by BenJacksn Tegan Jovanka...................played by MsTegan Mufasa (Liana's true leader)....played by CmdrOdo Lena (Mufasa's Daughter)........played by LenaGail Danno (Lena's bodyguard)........played by DanielC71 Scar (The villain)..............played by Surrge Bryll (Scar's next in command)..played by LenaGail Barna (Scar's lackey)...........played by DoctorWho8 *************************************************************************** Lena Gail: >>>Your monitor screens come to life with sound and light<<< >>>The image of DRTUNA dissolves into the image of the spinning TARDIS<<< Lena Gail: >>>>>>>The New Adventures of Doctor Who<<<<<< Lena Gail: >>>>>>>>>>>>>The Scar of Liana<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>Written by Gail Who<<<<<<<<<< Lena Gail: >>>>BEGIN SIM<<<<<<< THE TARDIS LANDS ON THE PLANET LIANA: Lena Gail: :::The Tardis arrives on planet Liana on a hill overlooking a beach::: Lena Gail: :::Liana is a Hawaiian-paradise-like tropical world::: Lena Gail: :::The Doctor, Ben, and new/old companion Tegan emerge from the policebox::: Lena Gail: :::In the village, the peaceful village, the lion sleeps tonight (oops! LOL)::: Lena Gail: :::Lena, her father, and her bodyguard are in the village, slightly inland from the beach::: Lena Gail: :::The village is comprised of primitive huts; the villagers themselves appear to be an attractive combination of humanoid and animal::: Lena Gail: :::Some distance away is the sparkling white Library building which the planet's newest ruler has appropriated as a Fortress and Prison::: Lena Gail: :::He has taken over this peaceful world by using violence::: Lena Gail: :::His strong, violent henchman, Barna, there awaits his master's latest command...::: THE DOCTOR AND CREW PREPARE TO EXPLORE LIANA: DRTUNA: # :::The Doctor engages the view screen revealing a lush tropical paradise outside::: MsTegan: # Ooooh, what is this place Doctor? It's so pretty!! BenJacksn: # :::Wemoweh, Wemowek::: DRTUNA: # Go ahead, I'll be along in a moment. DRTUNA: # :::The Doctor stops at a cabinet in the console room wall. Not a cabinet we have seen before.::: DRTUNA: # :::Doctor hums "Hazy shade of winter" as he places the neural inhibitor inside the cabinet.:: BenJacksn: # It's right nice, though 'ot! DRTUNA: # I hope I do not need that device. Let me see.... DRTUNA: # :::The Doctor removes a magnifying glass, a few oddly shaped small items DRTUNA: # ::: and a strange looking black circle, all side and no edge:: MsTegan: # Come on Ben! The Doctor's busy! Race you to the beach... :: runs out the door:: BenJacksn: # Aww, I don't feel like running ::Slowly follows Tegan out:: DRTUNA: # ::Doctor drops items into his pocket, then mumbles::: DRTUNA: # I feel sort of like Ringo, "I've got an 'ole in me pocket!" MsTegan: # What a party pooper,Ben! Okay, I'll walk. ::slows down:: BenJacksn: # 'Sides 'ow can a bird like you run in those shoes? :::points::: MsTegan # ::Taps foot impatiently:: You're so funny, I wonder why I'm not laughing? BenJacksn: # :::Ignores comment::: Hmm, I don't right remember bein' in a jungle before, kind of interesting. DRTUNA: # :::Doctor steps out of Tardis and joins others::: DRTUNA: # ::Doctor looks around::: DRTUNA: # Now Tegan, this is a wonderful planet! DRTUNA: # Liana is a beautiful Planet, very peaceful, DRTUNA: # no vicious flora or fauna, and the dominant species here is very friendly and advanced. MsTegan: # Yes, it does seem like beautiful place. DRTUNA: # Feel free to enjoy this beautiful spot! DRTUNA: # For me, I am off to the library. Most incredible thing, this library. It is the focus of the life of this planet. DRTUNA: # Your planet could use a little more bibliographic orientation. like that! MsTegan: # You mean just THIS spot? Can't we wander a bit too? BenJacksn: # Always wanted to go safarin' MsTegan: # I want to go safarin', like Ben. DRTUNA: # I would say, explore! MsTegan: # ::Yells:: Yipee!!! DRTUNA: # Farewell, you two, we may wish to meet again at the library or perhaps at the nearby village. MsTegan: # See you later, Doctor! MEANWHILE, IN THE LIANAN VILLAGE, TROUBLE IS BREWING.... Cmdr Odo: $ :: with Lena and Danno:: Cmdr Odo: $ :: in the Village -- wait, wrong British TV show....:: DanielC71: $ ::: Looking for danger, being protective of frail Lena Gail::: Lena Gail: $ To Danno> Will you quit following me??!! Cmdr Odo: $ Lena, let him protect you. Lena Gail: $ To Odo> Father, why must I ? DanielC71: $ ::: She must REALLY dig me... you can tell by how reliant she is on my great strength::: Cmdr Odo: $ Because it's not safe any more. Lena Gail: $ to Odo> At least I should be safe here in the village Cmdr Odo: $ Liana has fallen on hard times. Lena Gail: $ To Odo> Anyway, I miss my freedom Cmdr Odo: $ There are a number of things we all miss. DanielC71: $ :::Wonders how long she can stand to be in my presence w/o fainting::: Cmdr Odo: $ Freedom, safety, many things. Lena Gail: $ I miss my girlfriends...I hope they're alright DanielC71: $ ::: Hoping that her girlfriends aren't counting on dating me.. Lena would kill them::: Cmdr Odo: $ You are lucky that you haven't been taken off. Scar has taken all the other women from the village...... you're the last one left, and I will NOT let anything happen to you! DanielC71: $ :::Nods affirmatively::: Cmdr Odo: $ So please, don't avoid Danno! DanielC71: $ ::: Knows that Lena couldn't live w/o me anyway::: Lena Gail: $ Wellll...if that Scar Lien Surrge is going to abuse all the women, I'd just as soon stay here! Cmdr Odo: $ I would have you remain here, too. So would Danno. DanielC71: $ Hmm! :::Affirmative nod::: SCAR AND BARNA UP TO NO GOOD AT THE LIBRARY FORTRESS: Surrge: % ::wandering thru the Library Halls:: Surrge: % ::looking at Barna, a low, rumble voice::: I knowww you arrre busy.. BUT IF YOU DON'T MIND! Surrge: % I woullld like youuu you brinnng me ... Surrge: % ::curl at the sides of his mouth:: Surrge: % LLLLEEENNNAA... Surrge: % ::A low growling laugh:: DoctorWho8: % Yes sire. Do you want her served on a silver plate? Surrge: % :: putting a paw around Barna::: Surrge: % NO!! DoctorWho8: % Tied up on a pole? Surrge: % Shheee iss to be a .. Surrge: % :::Barna flies against a wall at lightnening speed:: GO! NOW! And bring HERRRR to me! DoctorWho8: % Yes sire, right away sire. :::bows and scrapes on floor upon exit:: Surrge: % ::Walks to his control room:: THE DOCTOR SETS OFF ON HIS OWN FOR HIS OWN MYSTERIOUS REASONS: DRTUNA: + :::The Doctor strides off through the lush undergrowth::: DRTUNA: + You know, Tegan never noticed that our landing was perfect! Right time, right place (Dr. John?)! DRTUNA: + :::(to himself) I hope those two books of Chancellor Hedin's I left here long ago are still safe!::: DRTUNA: + :::(to himself) I wonder what those books contain, and is now the time to learn it?::: DRTUNA: + :::Scolds himself for being so introspective and walks on::: :::Travels through jungle and reaches town:: DRTUNA: :::As the Doctor approaches the library he notices that things have changed.::: DRTUNA: + ::: The Doctor observes that: The grounds are no longer immaculately kept::: DRTUNA: + ::: and many doorways are blocked.::: TEGAN AND BEN GO "SAFARIN" MsTegan: # ::Dares Ben to beat her to the nearest palm tree:: We'll see whose shoes work best, Meanie! MsTegan: # ::Takes off running:: MsTegan: # ::Ben, not wanting to be beat by ANYBODY wearing such ugly shoes, hurries to catch up:: MsTegan: ::Reaches the tree first:: MsTegan: # Ben, huffing and puffing complains, "It's not fair you got a head start!" MsTegan: # ::Dares Ben:: So you want to race again? Or are you going to take it back about my shoes? BenJacksn: # Tegan you cheater! BenJacksn: # Polly used to play like that! MsTegan: # Well, I think I would have liked that girl :) MsTegan: # I STILL don't hear an apology!!! BenJacksn: # Apologize for what? BenJacksn: # I ain't done nothing MsTegan: # Quit making fun of my shoes! BenJacksn: # ::Ignores comment:: Besides, this jungle don't feel right. MsTegan: # Come on, let's explore a bit. BenJacksn: # Well I think we should be careful, in case a lion is near, let me go on ahead. MsTegan: # :: Walks noisily through the underbrush:: BenJacksn: # :::Sighs at Tegan's lack of outdoor experience::: MsTegan: # Scaredy cat, come on, there's nothing to be afraid of here, MsTegan: # The Doctor said so! BenJacksn: # Yeah, but sometimes the Doctor don't know all BenJacksn: # Did you 'ear something Tegan? BenJacksn: # I told you a wild animal!! MsTegan: # ::Points:: Look at that flower up ahead! ::Runs towards it and yells:: I don't hear anything! BACK AT THE VILLAGE THE LIANANS MAKE PLANS: Lena Gail: $ Father, what are we going to do about Scar? Lena Gail: $ We can't just let this happen, can we? Cmdr Odo: $ I don't know, Lena. There has to be some way of stopping him. But I don't know how. DanielC71: $ ::::sighs::: Cmdr Odo: $ I don't even think we can escape, not since the creatures appeared in the ocean. DanielC71: $ Grrr.... :::Seems agitated::: Cmdr Odo: $ Danno? Something on your mind? DanielC71: $ Lena....We should mount an attack, Sire.... DanielC71: $ Take the fight to him... Cmdr Odo: $ I'm not much of a fighter, and I don't want to use his tactics. Cmdr Odo: $ If we sink to his level, we have become as bad as Scar. DanielC71: $ :::grimaces:::: Cmdr Odo: $ It's unpleasant to me, too. Cmdr Odo: $ But I suppose something must be done.... what, though? What is to be done? DanielC71: $ Lena.... Don't wander off! DanielC71: $ ::: Hoping that Lena notices me flexing my DanielC71: $ Lena seems distant, Sire. Cmdr Odo: $ She does, indeed. She's unhappy with the changes that have hit Liana. Cmdr Odo: $ She has seldom been this quiet before. DanielC71: $ I worry. Cmdr Odo: $ As do I. BARNA AND BRYLL HUNT FOR FEMALES: Lena Gail: & BRYLL>Barna, let's get heading towards the village to find Lena for our master! Lena Gail: & BRYLL> :::Bryll and Barna moving through the jungle:::: Lena Gail: & BRYLL, to Barna> Shhh! what's that I hear?? DoctorWho8: & Voices in the sky? Lena Gail: & BRYLL>:::to Barna::: No! Shhh, there's someone in the jungle, right past those trees Lena Gail: & ::::Bryll and Barna see Ben and Tegan::: DoctorWho8: & Let's lynch them.:::notices Tegan::: Look another female. She looks different. Lena Gail: & BRYLL> A female!! I don't know the species..but we better get her Lena Gail: & BRYLL> We'll take both of get the male, I'll get the female... DoctorWho8: & Right. SCAR AND THE DOCTOR HAVE A CLOSE ENCOUNTER Surrge: % ::looking at the screens at the surrounding area:: Surrge: % ::noticing the Dr. coming up to the Library:: Surrge: % WE ARE NOT....ammmmmused. Surrge: % ::a low growl, heads for the door of the Library:: Surrge: % ::standing at the Library Door with 2 armed guards awaiting the Dr.:: DRTUNA: % ::: The Doctor crouches behind a lush bush. Surrge: % ::a low growling rolling voice:: Exxcusse Me.....::to the Dr:: Surrge: % :::looking down his large nose:: and just WHO are you? DRTUNA: % I am just here to visit, perhaps examine a book. ::Smiles::: Surrge: % ::a very wry thin smile::: Surrge: % ::looks to his guards:: DID you HEARRRRRR that boyz? Surrge: % A book. Surrge: % Well, we have plenty inssside.....:::evil grin:: DRTUNA: % ::: Having been spotted, the Doctor runs directly away from the library, DRTUNA: % :::: takes a 90 degree turn, and then dives into a burrow. ::: DRTUNA: % Dr hopes that "hiding in plain sight" still works in this regeneration. ::: THE LUCKY DOCTOR HIDES WITH A NEW EXOSKELETAL FRIEND: DRTUNA: + :::The Doctor hides in an animal burrow in the ground. ::: DRTUNA: + ::: To himself: "I think they may have changed their lending policy." ::: DRTUNA: + ::: The Doctor finds himself in a hole with a very large beetle.::: [very large] DRTUNA: + Doctor to beetle: Excuse me, my exoskeletal friend! I will be withdrawing shortly. DRTUNA: + To beetle: Thank you for the hospitality! Next time I'll bring a housewarming gift! DRTUNA: + :::The beetle wiggles its antennae and scrapes its mouth parts together DRTUNA: + ::: and makes a signal to the Doctor.::: DRTUNA: + ::The Doctor and the bug begin carrying on a sort of conversation::: DRTUNA: + The Doctor takes out two sticks and a whistle to talk "back" to the large beetle insect.::: DRTUNA: + (to beetle) Yes, I will keep that in mind! SCAR GOES BERSERK AND THE WHOLE PLANET HEARS: Surrge: % GEET HIMMMM or YOUR hydes will be MY RUGS!! Surrge: % ::guards chase him but don't miss him:: Surrge: % ::attempts to SMELL him:: Surrge: % ::and the rain begins to fall lightly:: Surrge: % RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!! Surrge: % ::turns and goes back inside:: Surrge: % ::the sound of the ROAR is heard for a very long time:: THE VILLAGERS CONTINUE THEIR DEBATE: DanielC71: $ How should we fight then Sire, if not with violence in return? Cmdr Odo: $ We can remove the sources of his power. DanielC71: $ How?! Cmdr Odo: $ If we can get rid of the creatures in the oceans, he will have less hold on us. DanielC71: $ If only we knew what they WERE... Cmdr Odo: $ We could try a trap, to lure them in. DanielC71: $ Did you hear something? Cmdr Odo: $ Yes.......... a roar? Lena Gail: $ LENA> What, are you hearing things Danno? DanielC71: $ :::amazed at how awed Lena is with me::: It sounded like a roar. Cmdr Odo: $ If only my old friend the Doctor were here.... ::SIGH:: DanielC71: $ Who? Cmdr Odo: $ Yes. BEN AND TEGAN CAPTURED!!! (THE COMPANION'S INEVITABLE FATE ;) Lena Gail: # :::Bryll and Barna LEAP into the clearing, roaring!!!::: BenJacksn: # Get back Tegan!!!!! MsTegan: # ::Stops abruptly:: Lena Gail: # :::They overtake Ben and Tegan quickly and throw them to the ground::: Lena Gail: # BRYLL>:::grapples with Tegan::: DoctorWho8: # :::Jumps at Ben and knocks him out::: MsTegan: # Is totally overwhelmed for an instant. BenJacksn: # :::Struggles:::Get off me mate!! ::knocked out::: Lena Gail: # BRYLL>Quick! Let's tie them together MsTegan: # :: Fights back to no avail:: MsTegan: # ::Kicks Bryll:: Lena Gail: # :::Whips out some strong vines and ties a half nelson slipknot whatknot knot:::: DoctorWho8: # :::gets rope and does a fancy slip knot::: MsTegan: # :: Yells:: Let us go!! I'll guard these two Lena Gail: # :::Bryll is thinking that this strange female will be far too fascinating to Scar::: MsTegan: # ::Spits at Bryll:: You'll regret this!! Lena Gail: # BRYLL> Alright, Barna. You go see if you can kidnap Lena. SCAR BORED WITH HIS HAREM: Surrge: % ::looks over his brood of females:: Surrge: % :::sadly, bored almost::: Tellll me wont you? I mean, among you alll you MUST have a Surrge: % lick of wit. Surrge: % ::sighs heavily::: You ALL cower.. like bugs.. Surrge: % but not Lena.. :::a small currl of a smile:: Surrge: % She will BE PURRRFECT. Surrge: % ::Goes to his throne room and sits wearily and bored:: Surrge: % WEHERE is that Barna! RTUNA: + = Doctor in jungle DRTUNA: + ::Seeing the way is clear, the Doctor exits the beetle burrow. ::: DRTUNA: + :::The Doctor heads swiftly towards the village. ::: DRTUNA: + Doctor continues toward village and wonders about what the beetle told him.::: BACK AT THE VILLAGE, BARNA FAILS TO GET LENA DoctorWho8: $ :::Barna heads for the village to find Lena::: Cmdr Odo: $ The Doctor could help us. DanielC71: $ I've never heard of anyone named that. Cmdr Odo: $ Old friend of mine. Could get himself out of nearly any situation. DoctorWho8: $ :::enters castle, and seeing Lena heavily guarded decides to turn back::: DanielC71: $ There may be an intruder nearby... Cmdr Odo: $ Do you hear something? Lena Gail: $ LENA> :::feels scared suddenly and presses near Danno::: DanielC71: $ .... No. It's gone. DanielC71: $ ::: Finds this development w/ Lena extremely exhilarating::: Cmdr Odo: $ Scar must be trying to capture Lena. DanielC71: $ Mmm.. DoctorWho8 $ :::Slips away and enters jungle to find BRYLL.::: TEGAN AND BEN SET FREE BY BRYLL: Lena Gail: # :::Bryll begins to untie Tegan and Ben::: Lena Gail: # BRYLL> to Tegan: wake your friend up, and GO, quickly! MsTegan: # Hold on! what do you think you are doing? BenJacksn: # ::Ben wakes up::: What appened? MsTegan: # ::Grabs Ben:: Come on, let's run for it! MsTegan: # She let us go, come on Ben!! MsTegan: # ::Pulls Ben up:: Lena Gail: # BRYLL> Wait! BenJacksn: # :::half groggy, Ben follows::: Lena Gail: # BRYLL> Please! You must make it look like you broke free MsTegan: # ::Turns to Bryll:: Lena Gail: # BRYLL> or I'm done for! (to Ben): Please, hit me, knock me unconscious! MsTegan: # Yeah, well why should we? DoctorWho8: # :::Calls:: BRYLL BRYLL!!!! MsTegan: # After you tied us up and all, let's just go Ben!! BenJacksn: # What are you saying? Lena Gail: # BRYLL> Hurry, Barna's coming back!! BenJacksn: # I...I..can't DoctorWho8: # ::Calls again:: Bryll where are you? MsTegan: # ::Sighs:: Oh I'll do it!! ::Grabs a rock and knocks out Bryll:: Lena Gail: # :::Bryll falls over unconscious::: MsTegan: # ::Pulls Ben:: Come on!! Run!!! BenJacksn: # What did you do that for? Oh me poor pate! MsTegan: # Someone is coming! Let's get out of here! BenJacksn: # Right, we'll 'ide 'ere! MsTegan: # ::Clamps hand over Ben's mouth:: whisper will you? MsTegan: # ::whispers follow me:: MsTegan: # ::Takes Ben straight into the dense dark jungle:: THE DOCTOR MAKES HIS ENTRANCE: DRTUNA: $ ::Doctor lurks on edge of village to make sure things are as expected::: Cmdr Odo: $ Did you hear that? DanielC71: $ There IS someone out there! DanielC71: $ Making a LOT of noise... Cmdr Odo: $ I guess you did! Cmdr Odo: $ Over........ there. Lena Gail: $ Oh, Father, I'm scared! Don't let Scar get me! DanielC71: $ This way... :::stalks the noise of DRT::: DRTUNA: $ :::The Doctor arrives at the village. ::: DRTUNA: $ Greetings! I come in peace. DanielC71: $ STOP! :::to DRTUNA::: Cmdr Odo: $ Who are you? DRTUNA: $ I am known as the Doctor. DanielC71: $ Shall I kill it Sire? Lena Gail: $ :::gasps:: :::this creature isn't Lianan!::: Lena Gail: $ The Doctor? Cmdr Odo: $ You are the Doctor? You've changed. DanielC71: $ Who? Cmdr Odo: $ Yes, who. DanielC71: $ Oh. Lena Gail: $ I remember you...right, Father, the Doctor looked different. DRTUNA: $ Many of us are not what we seem. BARNA FINDS BRYLL OUT COLD AND THE CAPTIVES GONE! DoctorWho8: # :::runs up and sees Bryll unconscious::: Bryll wake up, where are the prisoners? DoctorWho8: # :::thinks never let a woman do a man's job::: DoctorWho8: # :::shakes Bryll uncontrollably::: Lena Gail: # BRYLL> :::comes to:::: Oh, what 'appened? DoctorWho8: # Wake up. You were hit. We'd best get back to Scar THE DOCTOR TRIES TO FIND OUT JUST WHAT IS GOING ON: Cmdr Odo: $ Yup, that sounds like the Doctor. Welcome back to Liana, my friend. DRTUNA: $ I have changed, but I assure you that I am the Doctor. You remember me from before, Mufasa! Lena Gail: $ Hakuna Matata, Doctor! DRTUNA: $ I left some books here in your distant past, you know of this as well. Cmdr Odo: $ You remember Lena, my daughter, and Danno, my associate. DRTUNA: $ :::Embraces Musafa. Speaks vowel-laden native language to him::: Cmdr Odo: $ Indeed, I remember you visiting our library. DanielC71: $ Doctor... :::Still suspicious but trusts Mufasa::: DRTUNA: $ What is going on here? I have just been denied my library privileges! Cmdr Odo: $ That is because of Scar. He has taken over the library, and it trying to take over Cmdr Odo: $ the whole planet. Somehow, he has denied us any means of escape from this island Cmdr Odo: $ by sowing all sorts of vicious animals in the sea. Cmdr Odo: $ He intends to turn Liana into a violent planet. DRTUNA: $ :::Listens carefully to Musafa::: THE COMPANIONS MAKE IT TO THE VILLAGE BenJacksn: * :::Regains senses::: 'ey where are we going? MsTegan: * ::To the village I hope! MsTegan: * Gee, Ben, I like this place, no bugs MsTegan: * Did you notice? BenJacksn: * Yeah, I'd noticed that too MsTegan: * ::Snickers:: Just big hairy cats, instead! BenJacksn: * 'Ey there looks like the village! MsTegan: * Wow! I led you right to it! BenJacksn: * But let's be careful, the Doctor may be in trouble! MsTegan: * Okay. I think I'd better listen to you this time, Ben. TEMPER, TEMPER! SCAR GETS IMPATIENT: Surrge: % hmm...::sharpening his claws::: SQEEEK!.. what shall I make of his.. Surrge: % pathetic... Surrge: % miserable... Surrge: % mangy... Surrge: % hide.. hmmmm? ::SQUEEK!:: Surrge: :::walks to the Door of the Library:: Surrge: % ::ROARING:: BBBBAAARRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Surrge: % ::birds scatter and animals run in fear:: DOCTOR AND COMPANIONS REUNITED: DanielC71: $ There it is again... that roar. Lena Gail: $ Danno, I hear voices! BenJacksn: $ :::Sees Doctor::: Doctor!!!! BenJacksn: $ Doctor watch out them Lion creatures are up to no good!!! DRTUNA: $ Ben, Tegan...there you are. Lena Gail: $ Look, two more creatures like the Doctor-creature! Cmdr Odo: $ He has captured almost all of --- who is this: ::points at Ben:: DanielC71: $ HALT! DanielC71: $ HALT, FEMALE THING! MsTegan: $ ::Walks up to the Doctor:: DanielC71: $ DAMMIT, STOP WALKING! BenJacksn: $ :::To Tegan::: C'mon female thing! MsTegan: $ Watch it Ben! DanielC71: $ (mutters) Well she looks like a female... maybe... Cmdr Odo: $ Excuse me, Doctor, who are these? DRTUNA: $ My two friends and companions, Ben and Tegan, who may be of great assistance to us. Cmdr Odo: $ I see. DanielC71: $ Oh... :::disappointed again::: Cmdr Odo: $ Hello. BenJacksn: $ :::Looks at Danno::: take it easy mate! DanielC71: $ Grrrrr.... Lena Gail: $ :::smiles::: Hello, Ben, Hello, Tegan Lena Gail: $ I am Lena MsTegan: $ Hello Lena, ::shakes hand:: DanielC71: $ :::steps between Tegan and Lena::: DanielC71: $ GRRRRR... BenJacksn: $ :::To Danno:::'ey mate, It's okay! BenJacksn: $ We're just friends MsTegan: $ ::Notices a big hairy tom lion:: Cmdr Odo: $ We are honored to have you, Doctor. And Ben and Tegan. MsTegan: $ The honor is ours Musafa. DRTUNA: $ We are proud to be your guests, Musafa! DanielC71: $ Mufasa, are they to be trusted? Cmdr Odo: $ Yes, Danno, any friend of the Cmdr Odo: $ Doctor can be trusted. DanielC71: $ Yes, Sire. DRTUNA: $ I have served this planet before, young man, and I can do it again! B&B REPORT TO SCAR, POOR THINGS: DoctorWho8: & :::Bryll and Barna enter Scar's domain:: Surrge: % ::looking at B&B:: Surrge: % Oh I DO so hate it when you make me SHOUT. Surrge: % ::looks to Bryll:: DoctorWho8: % Sire, I have bad and good news. Surrge: % and, what, prey tell, HAPPENED to her? Surrge: % ::oozes over to Barna::: what's the matter? Surrge: % CAT got your tongue? DoctorWho8: % We couldn't get Lena. She was guarded by many guards. Surrge: % you ......COULDN'T.... W H A T? DoctorWho8: % But.. we did find another female. Surrge: % I simply ask a small thing of you.. and you bring me back a wounded female... Surrge: % ::stops turns and looks at him and blinks:: Surrge: % and? where is she? DoctorWho8: % She evaded us. She looked different. She only had fur on top of her head and was with a male DoctorWho8: of her kind. They knocked Bryll out. Surrge: % :::A low deep disturbed growl:: Surrge: % knock her out.. THAT is why I sent YOU. DoctorWho8: % But sire.... Surrge: % and so... what you are telling me..... Surrge: % ::putting a paw around Barna:: Surrge: % there is a female out there.. Surrge: % one who can beat the head out of Bryll.. Surrge: % and... instead of bringing me HER..... Surrge: % you BRING me a less fit FEMALE? DoctorWho8: % I believe so sire. Surrge: % ::squeezing him very very tight:: Surrge: % is THAT what you're telling me? DoctorWho8: % Sorry sire. THE COMPANIONS BRING THE DOCTOR UP TO DATE: DRTUNA: $ Ben, Tegan, Musafa is telling me of the most awful developments! DRTUNA: $ What else, Musafa? BenJacksn: $ :::Remembers:: Doctor! Somebody tried to kidnap us! DRTUNA: $ Kidnap? Who, why? MsTegan: $ ::Agrees with Ben:: They tied us up!! BenJacksn: $ Some other lion creatures, I was out cold, but Tegan saw! MsTegan: $ There were two of them, one male, one female! MsTegan: $ But once the male left, the female set us free Cmdr Odo: $ That would be Scar and his forces. DanielC71: $ Scar.... grrrr... DRTUNA: $ What are they hunting for? Cmdr Odo: $ They are hunting for you. BUGS? FOR DINNER? Lena Gail: $ :::looks Ben over with interest::: DanielC71: $ ::: Sees Lena's look, world of self-delusion shattered::: Lena Gail: $ Are you hungry? :::to Ben::: BenJacksn: $ Uh, sure Luv BenJacksn: $ ::Ben true to form, barely notices Lena::: Cmdr Odo: $ Come, let's eat. I have some wonderful bugs to feed you all. Cmdr Odo: $ Hungry? DRTUNA: $ Doctor sees meal offered by villagers:::: Lena Gail: $ How about all of you...would you like some grub? DanielC71: $ Mmmm.... grubs.... Lena Gail: $ :::hands out plates of bugs::: Here's the grub MsTegan: $ ::Thinks:: Did I hear him say bugs?????????????? DRTUNA: $ :::Doctor declines to eat bugs and takes a piece of fruit.::: Cmdr Odo: $ Bugs. Nice juicy ones, too. Cmdr Odo: $ Yum! Lena Gail: $ :::munching bugs:::: Tastes like chicken! DanielC71: $ :::Eats a Beatle::: MsTegan: $ ::Takes a plate< trying not to barf:: BenJacksn: $ Sorry luv, I only can 'ave bugs once a year and that's not now. DRTUNA: $ :::Munching on fruit::: Sorry, I don't oppose eating bugs, DRTUNA: but my life was just saved by one a few minutes ago Cmdr Odo: $ But they are really hard to catch! .DanielC71: $ :::tasty little John that was:::: MsTegan: $ ::Decides:: if they can do it, so can I!! ::Eats a handful:: BenJacksn: $ :::Eats some fruit::: DRTUNA: $ ::: Doctor really seems to be enjoying fruit. MsTegan: $ ::Is surprised:: Ohhhh. Yummy!! DRTUNA: $ ::Juice dribbles slightly down his beard. He wipes it with a hanky from his coat pocket. ::: BenJacksn: $ :::Surprised by Tegan::: MsTegan: $ You really ought to try some Ben! BenJacksn: $ Cor Blimey Tegan, you're full of surprises!! DanielC71: $ Mmmm.... centipedes! MsTegan: $ Thanks Mufasa! That really hit the spot. Can I have some more? DanielC71: $ Puuuurrrrrr..... tarantulas.... Lena Gail: $ Oh, yes, look like a man who could eat like one of us BenJacksn: $ No thanks, it ain't me bug night SCAR DECIDES HE MUST HAVE TEGAN: Surrge: % ::looking almost like "one of the guys"::: Surrge: % oh.. well. you're SORRY... Surrge: % Well THAT makes it ALL BETTER doesn't it. Surrge: % ::EXPLODING::: I MUST HAVE THAT FEMALE!!! Surrge: % ::sends Barna reeling:: DoctorWho8: % YES SIRE!! :::Runs like a box of jelly babies on fire::: Surrge: % ::snatches Barna by the Mane::: Surrge: % OH no you don't.. ::very quiet and in his ear::: You see.. Surrge: % You and I will do this.. Together... :::licks his face:: Surrge: % :::SLLLUUUURRRP:::: DoctorWho8: % I wouldn't do that if I were you sire, I wouldn't want you to get hurt. Surrge: % :::starts go chuckle. low. and then louder. and then laughing harder::: Surrge: % ::and then stops:: Surrge: % what are you saying...hmm? Surrge: % ::looking him RIGHT in the eyes::: Surrge: % I am not GOOD enough to be KING? DoctorWho8: % A man of your position shouldn't do the things I do. Surrge: % Lets pretend shall we Barna... Surrge: % Lets say I am strong enough to rule the ENTIRE planet.. I think capturing ONE female is easy enough Surrge: % COME ON! lets go get her. NOW Surrge: % ::takes off into the jungle:: Surrge: % ::leaning into Barna::: you see.. "Im not just good....::growling a chuckle:: Im GRRREAT!" DoctorWho8: % Yes almighty and grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat king. THE BEACH SOUNDS GOOD: MsTegan: $ What I'd really like is a handful of this stuff to take with me to the beach. Cmdr Odo: $ The beach! What a good idea! MsTegan: $ When will we get to try the water at the beach?? BenJacksn: $ Beach? That's right, we we're going there. I could use a good swim! BenJacksn: $ Got me trunks too Lena Gail: $ :::frightened:::: oh not the beach! Cmdr Odo: $ Now, now, the beach is fine, just as long as you stay out of the water. BenJacksn: $ :::crestfallen::: why not the water? DanielC71: $ Yes, NOT the beach. DRTUNA: $ Musafa, why is this gentleman seeming to guard Lena so? Cmdr Odo: $ The water is safe, but only for the flesh-eating monsters that live there. Lena Gail: $ I...I don't know if I want to go to the beach... MsTegan: $ ::Stands:: Well, I want to go, come on Ben. MsTegan: $ ::Thinks:: What a wimp that Lena is Cmdr Odo: $ Beach is nice and safe. DanielC71: $ If you say so, Sire. Cmdr Odo: $ So unless you want to become dinner, I advise against swimming! Cmdr Odo: $ But it's a lovely view on the beach! DanielC71: $ Aye! MsTegan: $ Well, maybe I'll just wade then BenJacksn: $ Aww, it's probably nothing more than just a few crabs Cmdr Odo: $ Don't even wade. The monsters eat anything. Cmdr Odo: $ ::to Ben:: Those crabs have 10-foot long claws and poisonous fangs. DRTUNA: $ How did the waters become so dangerous? Cmdr Odo: $ I think Scar put them in the water, somehow. DRTUNA: $ And what else is this blackguard trying to do? DRTUNA: $ I cannot imagine the peaceful sea creatures of Liana being made so vicious in so short a time! DRTUNA: $ This villain in the library must have great skill for evil! MsTegan: $ Let's go have a look at it at least. I won't wade if you say so. ::Fingers crossed:: BenJacksn: $ C'mon Lena, it'll be safe!!! BenJacksn: $ I've dealt with giant crabs before, Called Macra!!!! BenJacksn: $ And if I can deal with those, I can deal with these! Lena Gail: $ Oh, they sound just awful, Ben! Lena Gail: $ But really? You can deal with the creatures? You must be sooo brave... MsTegan ::Starts walking towards the beach:: Anyone else coming? DanielC71: $ Sire! Shouldn't we STOP this? MsTegan: $ ::Calls back:: Aw come on Ben, Lena! It will be fun! Cmdr Odo: $ I need you with us, Danno. BenJacksn: $ Tegan and Lena will be okay, I'll watch them MsTegan: $ ::Grumbles under breath:: as if I need Ben to look after me! DanielC71: $ But Lena...! Cmdr Odo: $ Lena will be safe with the Doctor's comrades. DanielC71: $ Oh smeg... LENA, BEN, AND TEGAN REACH THE BEACH: Lena Gail: & I sense that you have much power in you :::smiles::: BenJacksn: & Power? What are you off about? Lena Gail: & I...can sense...the animal in are more than you seem... BenJacksn: & Plus I can show Tegan a few tricks Lena Gail: & :::proceeds to walk::: Come, I'll show you the path to the beach Lena Gail: & Come on, Tegan, Ben MsTegan: & Finally! MsTegan: & ::Follows Lena and Ben BenJacksn: & Animal? I don't right follow you, but I admit I like the attention. MsTegan: & ::Snickers to self:: BenJacksn: & :::At the beach::: MsTegan: & The water looks too inviting to stay out Lena Gail: & :::holds back from the water's edge::: Oh, Tegan, I'm scared! BenJacksn: & :::Ben quickly takes off his outer clothing to reveal a bathing suit, circa 1970!!! ON THE WAY TO THE LIBRARY, THE DOCTOR REVEALS SCAR'S PLANS: DRTUNA: $ To himself: I might be tempted to leave this to the Lianans, DRTUNA: $ :::.... but there is something very important in that library that I am going to need! DRTUNA: $ Well Musafa, what now? Cmdr Odo: $ To the library, perhaps? Cmdr Odo: $ I was hoping you could help us solve our dilemma. Cmdr Odo: $ Danno, if you would join us? DRTUNA: $ I want to pay a visit to him. My uncooperative but sexually oriented librarian. DanielC71: $ Yes... Sire. DRTUNA: $ I learned something about him from a friend in the forest. DRTUNA: $ He plans to dominate the entire reproductive cycle of your race! DanielC71: $ And Lena Cmdr Odo: $ He does? DanielC71: $ She's the last, and your daughter. DRTUNA: $ Yes, that is why he is stealing your females. Cmdr Odo: $ I see. DRTUNA: $ :::To Mufasa and Danno::: Yes, we must find out what is going on SCAR AND BARNA REACH THE BEACH AND BEGIN TO HUNT: Surrge: $ ::STOPS::: Surrge: & :;STOPS even:: DoctorWho8: % I said that with many "r"s sire. BenJacksn: & Cmon Tegan, the water looks great! Surrge: & ::bats down Barna:: ::whispers:: be quiet you fool! MsTegan: & ::Dares Lena:: Stick your big toe in! BenJacksn: & :::Wades out::: Surrge: & ::sniffing:: cant you SMELL it... MsTegan: & ::steps into the edge of the water:: Lena Gail: & Oh! Tegan, be careful! Surrge: & ::looking onto the beach:: MsTegan: & See, you can see the bottom, there aren't any crabs! BenJacksn: & :::Begins to swim::: Blimey this feels good DoctorWho8: % :::sniffs::: Something stinks. happening MsTegan: & Let's join Ben, look at him. He's okay! Surrge: & Barna.. look. ::points to the beach:: BenJacksn: & C'mon Tegan!!! Lena Gail: & Ben does look like he's having fun out there...maybe it *is* alright, after all... Surrge: & YOU get Lena..and I will get the other! DoctorWho8: & It's them! BenJacksn: & :::Dives::: MsTegan: & ::Turns towards Ben:: Surrge: & ::launches out and ROARS!:: MsTegan: & ::Hears something:: BenJacksn: & :::Ben lets up for air::: Lena Gail: & :::Turns suddenly and sees Surrge and Barna pouncing upon them!!!!!!!:::: Lena Gail: {S pollyscr} TOO LATE THE DOCTOR REALIZES THAT TEGAN AND LENA ARE IN GREAT DANGER: Cmdr Odo: $ Did you hear that? DRTUNA: $ Wait a minute! If he is after females..... DanielC71: $ Yes... DRTUNA: $ ...we have just sent some females to.... Cmdr Odo: $ The beach! DanielC71: $ QUICK! Cmdr Odo: $ Run! DanielC71: $ ::: sprints to the beach::: DRTUNA: $ :::Running to the beach:::: Cmdr Odo: $ ::running back to the beach:: DRTUNA: $ How could I have been so stupid? Of course, he is after a specific prey. DanielC71 $ BLAST! DRTUNA: $ We've got to get to ...THE BEACH! DanielC71: $ SCARRRR!!!! DRTUNA: :::The Doctor hurries toward the beach.:: DRTUNA: :::The Doctor is out of breath...out of shape...:: SCAR NABS TEGAN AND LENA , AND A MACRA NABS BEN!!!!!!!!!!! Surrge: & ::TACKLING Tegan:: MsTegan: & ::Falls into the water:: Surrge: & ::looking down on her:: HEELLLoooo Pretty! MsTegan: & ::Screams:: Get off of me you beast!:: DoctorWho8: & :::dives for Ben::: BenJacksn: & :::Hears scream::: What? Tegan? Lena Gail: & ::::Suddenly a huge CRAB comes up from the water and GRABS BEN::::: Surrge: & ::grabs BOTH women and leaves:: Surrge: & RRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Lena Gail: & :::Kicking and screaming:::: BenJacksn: & :::Struggles::: Argghhh!!! MsTegan: &::Pounding Scarr with all her might:: Surrge: & ::NOT feeling it a bit:: BenJacksn: & :::Ben is caught by the chest, one arm pinned::: Lena Gail: & :::Beating on Barna's back::: Help! Father! Danno! Anyone!!!! MsTegan: & ::Yells:: Let go of me! Surrge: & ::Running thru the jungle with Lena and Tegan:: Lena Gail: {S dit} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PAUSE SIM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ___________________________________________________________________________ CHARACTER'S TIME LOGS FOR LIANA, PART ONE ____________________________________________________________________________ Doctor's Log Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.77673.rel My previous vision haunts me. I had seen Rassilon, Omega, and Gimel urging me to die and not regenerate. They wanted me to die so that my knowledge would die with me. What knowledge? Aren't all three of them dead? From whence do they call me? The answers to these questions must be some kind of link to the Dark Time, before time travel, before regeneration, and before Timelord society took its current form. There are three options open to me if I wish to learn more about those dark times: 1. Travel to that time in the Tardis and find out for myself what happened. This is extremely dangerous, as even the slightest influence might disrupt the timestream in a HUGE way. 2. Find someone with memories of the Dark Time and ask them. In Rassilon's tower? Prof. Chronotis? The Master? Who might know what I do not of those days? And how do I find them? 3. Retrieve the books given to me by Hedin. They are documents from the Dark Time. He admired and served Omega and even threatened my life when he stole my Bio Data Extract (Arc of Infinity). But earlier he had given me two books and asked me to take them away from Gallifrey and protect them....but not to read them. I had left them on Liana for safe keeping....and so that I would not be tempted to read them. Now, as I was giving in to that temptation. I need to learn more of the Dark Time, about Rassilon, Omega, and Gimel, and these two books may give me the information I need....or at least a lead on finding it. Course #3, go to Liana and retrieve books, is my choice. form there, perhaps course #2. Before stepping out of the Tardis onto Liana, I stopped at my device depot just off the console room. I put the neural inhibitor back (still a little stinky with Djarrkas guzintas) and took some other items. I found a magnifying glass(might need it to read the text), a few morpheus fruits (very delicious but highly'll sleep for a good while after eating one of these tasty morsels), and one last item....a hole. A marvel of spatial engineering, it is all entrance and no side view. It literally is a who you can roll up and put in your pocket. Let's see, "Yellow Submarine," Ringo, yes, I remember. I had too much spare time when exiled on earth during my third incarnation. I seem to have soaked up too much of the culture of the period. Ringo, indeed! Well, it's off for a quick trip to the library (I wonder where I left my card) and then perhaps a swim and some time on the beach with Tegan and Ben. Or I can read the books right away. Perhaps after the swim and sun. My mood might be spoiled if I read them right away. ____________________________________________________________________________ Tegan's Log for 6-21-95 Sim ::Tegan paces back and forth within Scar's harem compound, simply furious at the turn of events, and also deeply worried about Ben. :: ::Thinks:: I wish I had my diary with me. If I did I sure would have a thing or two to write down today! Carried off like a side of beef by some hairy Neanderthal with an overactive libido and a lascivious glint in his eye, indeed! If he thinks I am going to just sit here and cower like Lena and the rest of them he's crazy! I'm no jelly-belly! I need to get out of here and help Ben, and by golly I'm going to have a go at it. ::Turns to face the other women in the compound and speaks:: I'm sure you are all really want to grease your skates and get the heck out of this place as much as I do. I know everything seems all onkeypoo, but we're not gone a million yet! I say let's put our heads together and come up with a plan to free ourselves. There's no way I am going to sit still for this, just waiting for Scarr to lay his dirty paws on me. Surely you don't want that either. Think of your lovers, your families, your children waiting for you. ::Raises voice:: What do you say ladies, shall you join with me? Who wants to get out of this onkey room and show that drongo, Scarr a thing or two in the process? ::The Lianan females raise their voices in a mighty roar of agreement! Even though they aren't quite sure what the strange looking female is talking about, they got the part about going home, and for the first time in a long time, they begin to feel hope. :: ____________________________________________________________________________ Ben's Log 6/21/95 Sim The year: 1995 The scene: Ben, after appearing on the cover of Time,, is with friends at a restaurant. He is the toast of the town. Emma> But Ben, why didn't you ask me to star in your latest picture? You owe me one you'll remember. Steven> :::laughing::: Careful, Ben, you're a married man. Ol' Emma there may want to come collecting in other ways. Remember this picture you're doing still hasn't got a big name star yet. Ben> Oh stuff it Steve. At least I 'ad nothing to do with "Waterworld". And that 'as big names galore. It's the story that's important, too many people don't see that bit of common sense these days. Diana> Let's not talk anymore about work shall we? Just listening to you all go on about it makes me weary. Now Ben, we've took the liberty of ordering for you. Seafood! And the specialty of the house....crab legs. Ben> :::Turning pale::: Crab? Cor Blimey Diana! I can't stand the stuff!!!! I 'ad me fill of crabs with Macra and others to last me all me life. (Gets up and starts to leave). Sorry mates, but I'm late for my son's football game. Emma> :::Crying::: Oh dear! Now he'll never ask me to play the part of Polly in his movie! ____________________________________________________________________________ Lena - Log for 6/21/95 Sim I wonder what my fate shall be.....Scar has finally gotten his way and every female on Liana is now in his paws. I was the last one taken. He has also, at the same time as my capture, taken another female, one not of this land -- the Doctor's friend, Tegan. My father, if you ever read this....I do not blame you for my predicament. Scar is evil and violent and intent on having his way. You are strong, honest and peaceful. You protected me in you way as well as you could. You entrusted my care to good strong animals like Danno and the Doctor's other friend, Ben.(Though also not of this land, I sense Ben is sometimes ruled by an animal instinct not unlike our own.) I wish now I had perhaps stayed with Danno. Poor Ben is dead by now most likely----I hesitate telling Tegan this though. As Tegan and I were carried away by Scar and Barna, I saw Ben being attacked by one of the awful water creatures I was so fearful about. I saw it pulling him under and grasping him in its huge claw. My hope of rescue, and the hope of peace on Liana, shall lie with my Father and with dear Danno. Tegan adds that she is sure the Doctor will not leave here without here. So I shall remain close to Tegan's side. If the Doctor comes for her, I shall flee as well. I'd rather risk death during escape than to live as Scar's brood mare!! ____________________________________________________________________________ Scar's Log 6/21/95 Sim :::Yawns::: isn't THIS interesting....all the birds within my cage.... :::Small upturned smile::: I SUPPose I should prepare for THOSE meddlers to come get these FEMales... :::Heavy sigh, looks to some of the harem::: Do I look BORED? :::They nod like sheep::: ::: Blinks::: You have KNOW idea::: ____________________________________________________________________________