DW: Murder on the High Seas, p.1 DR WHO Online Simulation America Online Gaming Forum MURDER ON THE HIGH SEAS May, 1995 CHAPTER ONE LIFE AND DEATH MERGE AND PART AGAIN Gail Who: >>BEGIN SIM<< Gail Who: The Tardis is being handled by the Master and the Rani... Gail Who: The Doctor lies dead on the floor of the console room... Gail Who: with Ben and WarWitch crouched on the floor beside the body... WarWitch: ::cradling the Doctor and lost in thought:: DRTUNA: <-- The Doctor::The Doctor's body is cold and lifeless..:: LtMasterov: %:::Somewhere in a dark, room::: :::Staticy voice::: Has all been prepared? Cmdr Odo: ::punches a button... a sign lights up saying "please do not press this button again." BenJacksn: <=Aiming to leave the TARDIS at first opportunity Gail Who: Meanwhile, on the Atlantic Ocean, a large fishing boat, circa 20th century, goes about Gail Who: its business... LtMasterov: %::A man somewhere in the dark room responds:: Yes, they will be contacted at exactly 0800 tomorrow LtMasterov: %::Voice:: Good... WarWitch: ::mourning, weeping:: Cmdr Odo: Rani, we've got to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow! Gail Who: RANI> This Tardis is such an antique, it's impossible to fly when it's *not* broken! BenJacksn: :::Wonders what to do with the Doctor dead and enemies all around::: LtMasterov: <%=Dark room, none = tardis, $=ship> DRTUNA: ::DR. HALLUCINATES:: Gail Who: Rani> Well? :::to Master::: Can we make this thing land or shall we just let it fall apart Gail Who: with us in it?? Cmdr Odo: I'd be inclined to say land. Gail Who: Rani> Well then let's try to materialize!!! BenJacksn: :::mumbles::: I 'ope the Rani falls apart Cmdr Odo: Right....... hang on. Cmdr Odo: ::pushes a few buttons, does the usual BBC special effects thing:: WarWitch: ::has a vague creepy feeling like the Doctor is still around:: DRTUNA: The spark of the Timelord's being flares briefly in the darkness of eternity. Cmdr Odo: Got it...... rematerialization beginning now. Gail Who: {S brkdown DRTUNA: It is lost in a storm of images. WarWitch: ::senses the spark:: WarWitch: ::Notices no one else sensed it:: Gail Who: Rani> Well, that didn't sound like a *normal* landing!! Cmdr Odo: Not really...... let's see what the scanner shows. Assuming it works. Gail Who: Rani> I think it's landed its last landing...dead ship...dead owner, eh, Master? WarWitch: Perhaps you should all go see where we've landed. I DRTUNA: DRHALLUCINATES:: WHO AM I? Cmdr Odo: Fitting, in a way. WarWitch: 'I'll take care of the Doctor BenJacksn: :::not waiting for the others, Ben opens the TARDIS doors and leaves::: Cmdr Odo: ::turns on scanner, sees what looks like the hold of a fishing boat:: WarWitch: Since no one else seems to give a hoot about him now he's gone.. DRTUNA: DRHALLUCINATES:: is anybody there? Cmdr Odo: WarWitch, I hate to be rude, but I can't say I cared for much for the Doctor before Cmdr Odo: he was dead, to be honest. WarWitch: ::Gently places the Doctor's head on the floor of the Tardis, turns to face the Master:: WarWitch: GET OUT OF HERE THEN!!! DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: FACE OF Davros: Too bad for you... I am here, BenJacksn: :::As Ben leaves, the tears finally appear in his eyes::: Gail Who: Rani>Ah, let the Master have his day...he's been waiting to gloat about this for so long... DRTUNA: in your memory, where I can always act to destroy you! WarWitch: ::Stands and confronts the Master:: Cmdr Odo: ::glowers at WarWitch:: WarWitch: Get out, I say! Have some decency and leave me to mourn in peace! DRTUNA: DRHALLUCIN::FACE OF Cyberman: Doctor, at last you face eternal destruction. This is excellent!::: BenJacksn: :::wipes tears and notices he is on a ship, he inhales the sea breeze Cmdr Odo: ::raises eyebrow:: Very well. Enjoy your dead Doctor, your dead Tardis, and ::sniffs:: Gail Who: Rani>Well, Master, I do think we should assess our situation...shall we? Cmdr Odo: all the dead fish. {S fishie2 WarWitch: ::Becomes very emotional:: Cmdr Odo: ::makes a face:: Cmdr Odo: ::to the Rani:: Yes, I think we should! DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: Black Guardian: Nyaaaa Haa Haa! Die Doctor, die! WarWitch: ::Begins to keen and wail and rock slowly back and forth:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU::WHO AM I? Gail Who: Rani>Especially since Monkey Boy has already decided to go outside... BenJacksn: :::Moves to explore::: WarWitch: ::Gets louder and louder:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: IMAGINES Face of Master: Well, what's the matter Doctor? Gail Who: Rani>don't want him to get to any advantageous people first...I want to get off this DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: IMAGINES Face of Master: Not able to face up to your own death? How disappointing! WarWitch: ::speaks:: A new emotion, this grief, I think I'll explore it further Gail Who: godforsaken planet and back to my Tardis and standing around in a dead Tardis just Gail Who: isn't the way! Gail Who: :::Rani and Master head out the door:::: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: IMAGINES Face of Rani: You sniveling excuse for an intellect, WarWitch: ::Slams door shut:: Cmdr Odo: ::Exits with Rani:: BenJacksn: :::hears Rani/Master and quickly dives into a door as to be unnoticed::: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: IMAGINES Face of Rani: die and get out of the way like all weak hearted creatures should! WarWitch: ::Laughs triumphantly:: the fools, good riddance! OnlineHost: Lt1 Dundee has entered the room. DRTUNA: DRHALLU::WHO AM I? Gail Who: Lt1Dundee, Welcome to the Doctor Who Online Simulation! Please stand by for an IM :) WarWitch: I sense that the Doctor is still here somehow... DRTUNA: DRHALLU::Face of EMPEROR DALEK: You are out enemy, and without you, the Daleks can march to victory! WarWitch: I can feel a very faint psychic presence... OnlineHost: Lt1 Dundee has left the room. Gail Who: & DRTUNA: DRHALLU::I can stop those robots? Are they evil! WarWitch: Perhaps his mind is still intact... DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: Face of Chancellor Goth from first trial: We have heard your plea, Doctor! WarWitch: Perhaps he still has a regeneration left in him... WarWitch: ]Maybe the Valeyard has failed DRTUNA: DRHALLU::Face of Goth: There is evil in the universe, and you still have a role to play against it! BenJacksn: Cor! I'm 'ungry, but sea rations I ain't that desperate! WarWitch: Perhaps he has NOT removed all the Doctor's remain regenerations as he said he had. WarWitch: ::Kneels beside the Doctor:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU::WHO AM I? LtMasterov: quarters::: WarWitch: ::Speaks:: I think you can hear me.. DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: Face Adric: Doctor, what are you doing? You can't give up! WarWitch: I am going to try to help you regenerate... WarWitch: I don't know exactly what to do, but I'm sure I'll think of something ::sighs:: DRTUNA: drhallu: imagines WW briefly but her face fades away... LtMasterov: $to the fish freezer, so it'll stay, at which point it will be turned over to the authorities::: DRTUNA: DRHALLU::Face of Valeyard: Die Doctor, there is no reserve of power you can call on now, WarWitch: ::Feels a psychic touch, shudders:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU::Face of Valeyard: no spark to cause regeneration! Farewell, oh miserable side of myself! WarWitch: ::Yells at self:: Think you emotional fool!! DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: face of Ace: Come on Professor, don't take a lie down now! WarWitch: The console, I'll check the data banks! DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: Faces of Tegan and Bernice: T says: Is that all it was all for Dr., WarWitch: ::Stands and powers up the Tardis computer:: WarWitch: ::Initiates search for regeneration files:: WarWitch: ::Sees mention of a zero room:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: Faces of Tegan and Bernice: T: to die in a heap in this rackety tardis? DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: Face of Bernice: For claiming to plan ahead DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: Face of Bernice: you seem to have lost it this time, Doctor. No rabbits left in that hat? WarWitch: ::Heart leaps for joy:: A restful pinkish gray room, smells like roses, blocks out the DRTUNA: DRHALLU::WHO AM I? WarWitch: outside world, aides in regeneration!! WarWitch: ::Calls up Tardis map, looks for zero room:: OnlineHost: OGF Ryan has entered the room. WarWitch: ::Heart despairs:: It was ejected!!!! @#$%$$#@@ Why would he do that??? Gail Who: Ryan, Welcome to the Doctor Who Online Simulation! Cmdr Odo: WarWitch: ::returns to regeneration files:: DRTUNA: DRs Hallucination continues::Consciousness coalesces into a skyscape. WarWitch: ::Reads:: Presence of loving companions helpful, though not necessary.. DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: The sky fills with a bank of clouds. Storm clouds. Lightning can be seen. WarWitch: ::Cries:: I love him, but it's not enough:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: Rain and thunder fill the sky...along with strange balls of light. WarWitch: This is futile!!! DRTUNA: DR. HALLU:: The balls of light begin to form into faces...ancient faces. WarWitch: ::tries to calm self:: Take a deep breath:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: The smirking faces of Rassilon and Omega lurk in the clouds of hallucination. WarWitch: ::Thinks:: Perhaps I can initiate a mind meld... WarWitch: ::Kneels beside Doctor, takes cold balmy hand:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: WHO AM I? WarWitch: ::Closes eyes, concentrates:: Gail Who: WarWitch: ::Thinks hard:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: The face of Omega smirks from the darkness: You are nothing, WarWitch: ::Tries to meld with the Doctor's mind:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: Omega : you are a mote of dust in an infinite universe, be gone in your insignificance! WarWitch: ::Sweats with effort:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: A powerful wind begins to whip the clouds DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: and blow against the faces of the ancient timelords. WarWitch: ::Feels a faint presence:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: The faces blend together and scowl::: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:::Faces: GO! Be gone, and take with you what little you remember. WarWitch: ::Begins to feel faint, concentrates:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: The wind increases. A stronger, clearer voice emerges DRTUNA: :: I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! I KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! DRTUNA: DRHALLU::The strong voice becomes that of previous Doctors::: WarWitch: ::Drops Doctor's hand, falls back shaking:: WarWitch: It's too hard, just too hard.. DRTUNA: DRHALLU::#1: I know what you have done! I know your crimes. DRTUNA: #1 My refusal to take part in them made me an outcast, and I fled to live. WarWitch: I know he'd there. I felt him. But it was so faint. I fear I shall lose him altogether! DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: #2: But I did live, and I carried the secret of your crimes DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: #3: I know who I am, and I know what I have done. I remember what Kenpo taught me! WarWitch: I must hurry!!! Think!! Think, fool!! Don't let your love slip away from you!! DRTUNA: DRHALLU::#4: I have seen the tawdry facade behind which the WarWitch: ::Gasps:: there is one more thing. DRTUNA: self-centered machinations of your empire of time do their dirty work. WarWitch: I am afraid to try it, afraid not to try it.. DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: #5: I have been your President, but to what honor, and to what purpose? WarWitch: ::Steels self, rises and leaves console room:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: #6: You pretend to judge, but the goal is not to control and judge the universe.... WarWitch: ::Searches the Tardis for wire, electrodes, and a blanket:: DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: #7: The goal is to SERVE THE UNIVERSE DRTUNA: #7:.....and its teeming life. Life is the measure of all things... WarWitch: ::Finds jelly babies, a recorder, and an ugly wardrobe:: WarWitch: ::Wonders aloud:: Gad, who is this person I think I love, anyway? WarWitch: ::Returns to task at hand:: Gail Who: WarWitch: ::Walks by a mirror:: WarWitch: Now, I can't have him see me like this, can I? DRTUNA: DRHALLU:: I know who I have been. I know who I am. I know who I am yet to be..... WarWitch: ::Searches for a new dress, changes,:: WarWitch: ::Grabs supplies and heads back to the console room:: WarWitch: ::Attaches electrodes to the Doctor's forehead, and wires them to another set:: DRTUNA: DR. SHUDDERS AFTER REMAINING MOTIONLESS FOR SOME TIME. WarWitch: ::Attaches the other set to her own forehead:: DRTUNA: DR. whispers to WW. "Help me. Help the Tardis help me...." WarWitch: ::Covers the doctor, and hears him whisper:: WarWitch: ::Whispers back :: I shall! Gail Who: :::somewhere on the ship Ben cringes LOL::: WarWitch: ::Looks under the console panel:: WarWitch: ::Finds what she needs:: WarWitch: ::Steels herself:: this is highly dangerous, but anything for you love! WarWitch: I shall attempt a bio-connection with the Tardis. DRTUNA: ::The Doctor's body begins to glow, and a strange semi-material fluff begins to encircle it::: WarWitch: ::Sticks finger into socket:: DRTUNA: ::The glow increases, and the Doctor's body fades from sight::: WarWitch: ::Feels an electrifying sensation:: WarWitch: DRTUNA: :::The glow surrounding the Doctor's body begins to throb:::\ DRTUNA: :::The glow subsides and reveals::: DRTUNA: :::5'11 1/2", stocky, short beard, longish flowing brown hair, green eyes, wide mouth, noble brow::: WarWitch: ::Concentrates, as finger fries in console panel socket:: DRTUNA: :::Aged about 35 in human terms.::: DRTUNA: :::blinks eyes::: DRTUNA: ::speaks to himself::: I know what I must do! WarWitch: ::Begins to feel faint:: DRTUNA: ::Sits up rapidly::: WarWitch: ::Head feels light and giddy:: DRTUNA: :Looks around the console room::: DRTUNA: ::Quickly focuses on WW::: Gail Who: Racer X447, Welcome to the Doctor Who Online Simulation! Please stand by for an IM :) WarWitch: ::Thinks:: I feel myself fading away... WarWitch: anything for the Doctor... DRTUNA: ::I say, my good woman, are you at all well?:: WarWitch: ::Doctor! You made it!:: WarWitch: ::Barely whispers:: I feel so weak DRTUNA: ::To WW:: I am sure I know you, Refresh my memory, you know regeneration is always a bit different.. WarWitch: I feel that this is it for me... DRTUNA: This regeneration did seem a bit dodgy. Sort of like my life went by me. WarWitch: I am WarWitch, the one who loves you best.. DRTUNA: But, what has happened to you, my good woman? What has done this to you? WarWitch: though perhaps you never knew it... WarWitch: I did this to myself, WarWitch: I attempted a bio-connection to save you.. DRTUNA: Self inflicted damage? WarWitch: It seems I was successful DRTUNA: For me? But why? WarWitch: Because I love you with all my heart and soul, and would do anything to save you WarWitch: Even give my life for you.. DRTUNA: ::Stunned to hear this from someone he can barely remember::: DRTUNA: ::Face becomes engulfed in sadness, he stares at her feet humbly:::: DRTUNA: How have I deserved such devotion? WarWitch: Don't worry love, knowing you will be okay is all I need WarWitch: I'm not sure, but in you I found a kindred spirit. DRTUNA: My dear, I feel called in this life, as if to a mission, unlike any feeling I have had before. DRTUNA: What do you know of such a calling I might have? WarWitch: I see you as a peacemaker, a friend to all DRTUNA: **sighs** WarWitch: ::slowly fades:: DRTUNA: That I have been pulled back from the abyss of death, to be given life again, only to meet death.. DRTUNA: ...in your fate. WarWitch: ::Smiles:: One last favor before I go?? DRTUNA: What purpose this strange juxtaposition of alternate ultimates? DRTUNA: Tell me, oh noble one! WarWitch: ::Remember me always as the one who loved you best:: WarWitch: ::Dies peacefully with a smile on her face:: DRTUNA: ::The new incarnation of the Doctor is stunned::: DRTUNA: :::He kneels next to the body::: Gail Who: >>PAUSE SIM<< CHAPTER TWO: THE MYSTERIOUS WORMS LtMasterov: %:::Somewhere in a dark, room::: :::Staticy voice::: Has all been prepared? Gail Who: Meanwhile, on the Atlantic Ocean, a large fishing boat, circa 20th century, goes about Gail Who: its business... LtMasterov: %::A man somewhere in the dark room responds:: Yes, they will be contacted at exactly 0800 tomorrow LtMasterov: %::Voice:: Good... LtMasterov: <%=Dark room, none = tardis, $=ship> LtMasterov: $:::Dmitri the head fisherman is hauling up the nets for the day::: Padraic02: ${S Russian} translate to ::::geeze this is boring:::: LtMasterov: $::The huge fishing nets slide up the side, and Dimitri begins to unpack them...:: Padraic02: $::::unpacking the net dimitri notices a hand...::::: Padraic02: $::::dimitri frantically unpacks the rest of the nets and finds the body of a woman::: Padraic02: $:::recognizes the body of that as Katrina. (would recognize it any where) his former lover: Padraic02: $Oh my lord.... what has happened!!!!::::Cries loudly::: LtMasterov: $:::Dimitri's cries bring the crew to come look what he has discovered::: LtMasterov: $:::To their shock they see the body of a young woman entangled in the nets::: LtMasterov: $::The cried grab the attention of the Capt.. and first mate who come over to investigate as well::: LtMasterov: $::The captain takes charge of the situation and has a few crew people bring the body to the LtMasterov: $ infirmary::: Cmdr Odo: $ ::gets a whiff of the fish:: Yuck. BenJacksn: $:::Is in the galley::: Padraic02: $:::looks around at crew:::: I...I...I.... she was just there.... in the net... BenJacksn: $:::It is deserted, a large pile of potato(e)s are in the corner::: Gail Who: & LtMasterov: $::A few of the crew comfort Dimitri and lead him aside... the captain just gives him a sorry look::: Gail Who: & What a ghastly smell! Reminds me of the Tetraps' planet! :::shudders involuntarily::: LtMasterov: $Crew: How did she fall over? What happened? ::Confusion begins to set in again::: BenJacksn: Cor! I'm 'ungry, but sea rations I ain't that desperate! Cmdr Odo: & Yuck... let's get to some fresh air. Padraic02: $I...I...I... just in the net.... :::starts mumbling incoherently:::: LtMasterov: $:::The captain comes from the infirmary and is approached by another officer coming from his LtMasterov: quarters::: Gail Who: &:::sees the hubbub on the deck::: look at those sorry-looking terrans... Cmdr Odo: & ::breathes fresh air:: Whew! Gail Who: &Rani>:::to Master::: Let's get this over with, we're on their boat, we'll have to talk to Gail Who: them LtMasterov: $:::Karvitzov comes out from the infirmary, and yells for some more help, there going to move the body LtMasterov: $to the fish freezer, so it'll stay, at which point it will be turned over to the authorities::: Cmdr Odo: & ::grumbles:: I suppose you're right.... we have to talk to them. LtMasterov: $A few crew members pat Dimitri on the back, a few others give him cold looks... the officer who was LtMasterov: $talking to captain comes over to Dimitri::: Cmdr Odo: & ::Rani and Master walk over to sailors:: BenJacksn: :::leaves Galley and heads towards infirmary::: Gail Who: $:::walks over to crew::: Padraic02: $:::looks up at approaching officer::: LtMasterov: $::The crew looks oddly at the Rani and begin sneering:: LtMasterov: $::Looks rather surprised at the presence of some strange woman::: LtMasterov: $:::Distracted form Dimitri Masterov turns to face the new arrivals::: LtMasterov: $:::TO GAIL::: Who are you? Cmdr Odo: $ ::to the Rani:: Soviet fishing ship, it seems. LtMasterov: $::The crew gather around master,, and Masterov:: Gail Who: $::to Masterov, oblivious to male looks::: That is none of your business! Cmdr Odo: $ ::to Russian crew:: Zdrastvytsye, tovarishchi. Gail Who: $Rani>We wish you to put to port and...:::looks at the Master:::: LtMasterov: $::Fuming, his face turning read:: Look here... I know who is onboard and who isn't that makes you Gail Who: $::to Master::: Whatever is that? Cmdr Odo: $ Menya zovut Master. Cmdr Odo: OnlineHost: OGF Ryan has left the room. LtMasterov: $:::One of the crew laughs::: And I'm a large bee!! Buzz Buzz! LtMasterov: $::The captain having a very bad approaches the newer commotions...::: Cmdr Odo: $ ::stares at Masterov:: This is the. Gail Who: $:::aside, to Master::: ah, that's better... LtMasterov: $:::To the master::: And you are both stowaways... Cmdr Odo: $ ::stares at Masterov:: Nyet. We are not stowaways, Comrade Sailor! LtMasterov: $:::Not as angry as before though::: LtMasterov: $No, not stowaways... Cmdr Odo: $ ::doing a bit of the hypnosis thing:: We are your Glorious Soviet Socialist Comrades! Gail Who: $:::to herself::: oh, brother... LtMasterov: $OH yes, a round of cheers for the investigators, come quickly to solve our problem!!! Gail Who: LtMasterov: $::CAPTAIN:: Oh are they, that was quick, come one where do you want to start? LtMasterov: $:::The crowd growls low::: Cmdr Odo: $ ::leads cheer:: Da zdrastvytsye Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovietskogo Soyuza! Gail Who: $:::Rani feels an unusual lurching in her Time Lady innards but fights it down::: Gail Who: McDuff7164, Welcome to the Doctor Who Online Simulation! Please stand by for an IM :) Cmdr Odo: $ ::whispers to the:: I'm doing my best with what we have to work with! LtMasterov: $::Dimitri in the commotion goes inside...::: Cmdr Odo: $ Master> Now, comrade sailors, please to be telling what is problem! LtMasterov: $::Crew:: The Girl! Found her! Net! She was tangled up!!! :::Captain interrupts the rabble:: LtMasterov: $We found one of our slime line workers in the fishing net, and Dimitri brought her up in the net Cmdr Odo: $ Then, in the name of the glorious Workers' Party, we have to find the killers! LtMasterov: $She probably fell overboard, but we have to be above the board now don't we, it has to official... LtMasterov: $:::MAsterov grins::: Oh yes we must!!! BenJacksn: Well, I am a fully trained surgeon LtMasterov: $::Karvitzov:: Oh err the bulkheads were we keep the fish frozen Gail Who: $So why not perform an autopsy for the official glorious records? Cmdr Odo: $ Of course, Comrade surgeon! LtMasterov: $Oh that does seem like a good idea, I'm not trained though... Gail Who: Cmdr Odo: $ Comrade Soviet Socialist sailors, please to be leading to body. Gail Who: $Yes, let's get this over with :::gets elbowed by Master::: LtMasterov: $::Karvitzov leads them towards the infirmary::: Cmdr Odo: $ ::whispers to:: How are we going to get out of here? From a broken TARDIS LtMasterov: $:::Karvitzov leads them in, the girls body is sitting on the table::: Gail Who: $:::in the infirmary, the instructs crew in making ready for autopsy::: Cmdr Odo: $ to the bowels of the Worker's Paradise.... LtMasterov: $::Karvitzov being the only trained medic prepare to aid the ::: Gail Who: $:::Rani begins examining the body, cuts away the clothing methodically:::: Gail Who: :::somewhere on the ship Ben cringes LOL::: LtMasterov: $::She finds that the body is extremely bruised::: LtMasterov: $:::As the autopsy continues they find a small knife wound and are about to announce it when out leaps LtMasterov: $::A huge nasty worm::: Cmdr Odo: $ ::sees the worm:: LtMasterov: $:::THe worm sees the master::: LtMasterov: $:::The worm leaps at the Master...::: Gail Who: $Well that isn't a normal part of the human body, is it? LtMasterov: $:::Karvitzov retches::: Cmdr Odo: $ ::dives to the side:: Cmdr Odo: $ ::reaches for Tissue Compression Eliminator:: LtMasterov: $:::Worm smashes into the wall::: LtMasterov: $:::Suddenly an ax is raised high::: Gail Who: Racer X447, Welcome to the Doctor Who Online Simulation! Please stand by for an IM :) Cmdr Odo: $ Definitely a vrag naroda. LtMasterov: $::And Lt. Masterov smashes the worm to nasty bits with it::: Gail Who: $:::smiles::: well done, Lieutenant... LtMasterov: $Karvitzov: The sea worm crawled out of that gash in her side... Cmdr Odo: $ So she was eaten, eh? LtMasterov: $::Karvitzov:: yeah, after she was dead, those things must have crawled in while she was at the LtMasterov: $bottom... Cmdr Odo: $ Are they native to these waters? Gail Who: $Rani> that gash was made by a knife...right handed user...knife about 10 in. long... LtMasterov: $::Karvitzov::yes, we find them in the fish, they eat the insides out... Gail Who: {S fishie1} LtMasterov: $::But how did that gash get there... they have no ability to do that? LtMasterov: $::Captain:: Well, comrades why the gash? Cmdr Odo: $ She must have been murdered. Either that or the worms are bit more deadly than Cmdr Odo: $ I would like to consider. LtMasterov: Gail Who: $::to Masterov::: You fool, she was obviously murdered BenJacksn: LtMasterov: Gail Who: LtMasterov: $::MAsterov:: no that's not possible, maybe she fell on the scale... LtMasterov: $::Captain::: Well that settles it though... we have to do something about this now Cmdr Odo: $ Or maybe someone stuck a knife in her. Gail Who: {S idiotic} LtMasterov: $if it was murder the person must still be on the ship.. and I now see shore leave must be canceled Cmdr Odo: $ I would recommend it! LtMasterov: $I will announce it now... :::Leaves to make the announcement::: LtMasterov: $::Masterov:: No... LtMasterov: $::Masterov:: not now.. LtMasterov: $:::Suddenly cries are heard outside::: LtMasterov: Gail Who: $Rani> My..err...Comrade...now that we've done our...noble duty...we'd like to leave Cmdr Odo: $ Why, do you want to give the killer time to escape? LtMasterov: $:::Before Masterov can answer, there is a gunshot outside::: Gail Who: $Rani> Primitive firearms :::sneers::: LtMasterov: $::The shouts of the crew are heard as they brake into a riot::: Cmdr Odo: Gail Who: $:::Rani and Master go outside to see what the hubbub's all about::: Cmdr Odo: $ Did I ever mention I hate fish? Gail Who: $:::The crew sees the two strangers and advance on them menacingly::::: LtMasterov: $:::As they walk out the crew yells:: There they are the ones responsible for our loosing shore leave! LtMasterov: $::The crowd closes in::: Cmdr Odo: $ Comrade sailors, we are not at fault! LtMasterov: $:::Cries are drowned out by the mob mentality as they pick up big blunt things LtMasterov: Gail Who: $Rani> :::aside to Master::: these ridiculous humans Cmdr Odo: $ ::reaches for Tissue Compression Eliminator:: Ridiculous, but about to get much less Cmdr Odo: $ so..... much less of everything, in fact. Cmdr Odo: $ ::aims at one of the crowd:: Halt! DRTUNA: :::He kneels next to the body::: LtMasterov: $::The crowd continues on:: Gail Who: $:::cut from shot of sad Doctor to menacing crowd::: Gail Who: >>PAUSE SIM<< =============== THE DOCTOR'S DIARY Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.776643.rel I have regenerated again, and it has been a very disturbing experience, both for me and for another. Why is it so painful to cross my path? I recall the Valeyard (could that really be a manifestation of myself? I doubt it, somehow!) attempting to rob me of my remaining regenerations and then stressing my body until it died...incapable of repair. Fortunately, the bio-connection I previously made with the Tardis disguised the true information from him, and he made off with "aliases" of my remaining regenerations, but not the real ones. Fortunately, I was able to reestablish contact with the Tardis and gain access to my remaining regenerations. It is all sort of hard to remember, but some points stand out. My consciousness was swimming on the edge of oblivion while I awaited reconnection to the Tardis. I remember being mocked by my traditional adversaries as well as encouraged and scolded by my friends and companions, much as I recall from some of my previous regenerations. However, this time there was a disturbing difference. THEY were there. I saw their faces looming out of the darkness, hoping I would die and remove the last witness to their sins. Rassilon and Omega. They want me to die, to vanish, so that no one will remember. I remember. I remember their crimes, their genocides, which are at the heart of our Timelord race and its powers. How could they still be alive, or were these only memories, like my memory of Adric? No, they seemed decidedly different. I have a feeling that these two have not really ceased to exist. It was the mocking hopefulness of Rassilon and Omega which pulled me back from the brink. I could have drifted into oblivion and missed my regeneration, but my anger at them brought me back. When I regained consciousness I found myself in the console room of the Tardis. The connection had been made for me by a woman, but somehow the name I have for her does not match either her actions or my memory of her. War Witch? Rather, a life giving sister who sacrificed herself to save me. She was killed as the power the Tardis had for me was channeled through her. My conversation with her was one of the most shattering and startling I have ever had. I hardly knew or remembered her, yet she gave her life for me as an act of love. She said to remember that she "loved me best." How have I deserved such devotion and sacrifice from someone I cannot remember? At the same time I was feeling such remorse for her death, I was feeling a new force stirring deep within my being. I feel driven, by a mission, by a need to accomplish something. What is it? How shall I know it? What kind of a new life am I to have if it means being committed to a goal and a plan which I cannot even now describe? As my dear savior passed away, she said that she sees me as a peace maker, and as a friend to all. How shall I interpret this? There are just too many mysteries surrounding my new life. I must start to sort them out one by one. I have laid my dear savior into a tomb underneath the cloister bell, at one end of the courtyard, near the bench where Tegan once sat lost and afraid. I have inscribed her last words on the stone above her head, probably because I know so little of her. It is what she wished remembered. Now, as long as I ride this old Type 40 through the seas of time, she and her memory will be riding with me. I stood alone in the courtyard and recited my farewells aloud. No one was there to hear what I had to say. Now, I turn to the worlds of the living! THE DOCTOR'S DIARY Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.776644.rel Well, what a surprise! But, what can one expect from regeneration? I am about six feet in height, seem to have longish flowing auburn hair, green eyes, and a rather stocky build. I have been "chubby" before, so I know that this is not that. Perhaps barrel chested? I seem to have been regenerated complete with a short, full faced beard. I thought of shaving, but a few seconds of handling the blade and I changed my mind. With an active lifestyle, shaving might be a bit of a bother. Don't like sharp blades that much anyway, but I seem to remember something about swordplay being fun. Most of the clothing in the costume hold didn't seem to fit. The clown's clothes were to small, the dandy's too tall and tight, curly's were too tall, celery breath's were too tight, chubby's were too big in the waist and too small in the shoulders, and that frightful imp's clothing was far too small. About the only thing I could find was a quite comfortable tan corduroy outfit (slacks and sport coat), a pair of perfectly fitting tan suede "desert boots," and question mark pullover sweater to wear under the coat. The coat came complete with a broach on the label which I liked quite a bit (slice of crystal with an eyeball and a question mark on it) which I have kept. In the pockets (did I always have such huge pockets? Clothing with dimensionally relative gateways for storage?) I found many items, but two which intrigued me quite a bit. One, which I remember as a sonic something or other, and the other a pocket watch that seems to do a lot more than tell the time. I moved them both to my inside coat pocket for easy access. I am here, I am myself, and I am alive? My next step will be to take stock of the situation. THE DOCTOR'S DIARY Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.776645.rel I have assessed the situation in the Tardis. Thankfully, my ability to connect with it telepathically has helped me to find and correct much of its damage in ways that others, like the Master, will never be able to. The Tardis can now accept and file my logs telepathically. It is, however, severely damaged and may take some time to repair unless I can find some quite rare ingredients. Zyton 7 is only the beginning! My memory is returning, and that is both good and bad. Good in that I have remembered my brave companion Ben, but I have no idea where he has gone. Bad in that I remember that the Master AND the Rani were both recently in the Tardis. Where have they gone? Have they made off with or hurt Ben? (Something tells me he would not have gone without giving out a few lumps). I feel as if I have responsibilities but I do not know what they are. The Tardis seems to be in the hold of a rather large ship in the North Pacific oceanic zone of...Planet Earth? Again? Somewhere out there are Ben, the Master, and the Rani. I need to find out about Ben, avoid those other two, and effect repairs on the Tardis. I want to do both at the same time, so I have improvised (something tells me that I often do this). I have found a spare control unit (head if you like) for K-9 and I have attached it to the console. Now, K-9's head can begin repairs while I look for Ben. These suede desert boots may not work very well on a ship in rough seas, but if there is anything I should have learned from my companions it is how to cope with difficult situations wearing less than sensible shoes. ===================== CHAPTER THREE: THE FREEZER OF FEAR Gail Who: {S dit} >>>Your monitor screens come to life with sound and light<<< Gail Who: >>>The image of DRTUNA dissolves into the image of the spinning TARDIS<<< Gail Who: >>>>>>The New Adventures of Doctor Who<<<<<< Gail Who: >>>>>>Murder On The High Seas, Part 2<<<<<< Gail Who: >>>>>>>>>>Written by CyberMen<<<<<<<<<< Gail Who: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BEGIN SIM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Gail Who: :::The Master and the Rani have been hustled into the fish freezer by the crew::: Gail Who: :::Ben has been enjoying some food and drink with the crew::: Cmdr Odo: ::looks around at the fish:: {S fish2dth BenJacksn: :::Ben decides that he has has enough of the drinking and leaves the bunks::: BenJacksn: To himself>I've got to find away off this ship and back to England BenJacksn: :::Re-enters the galley, it is deserted::: BenJacksn: To himself>I could steal a lifeboat, but I'll need supplies and food. BenJacksn: To himself>At best I can figure I could reach Saipan in a few days with luck BenJacksn: :::Hears noise in the freezer::: Cmdr Odo:# ::to the Rani:: Tell me you remembered the sonic screwdriver. BenJacksn::::moves to freezer::: BenJacksn: Cor I was right, there's some bloke in there! BenJacksn::::Tries to look through the glass but it is fogged up::: Gail Who: # You imbecile, I never had a sonic screwdriver Cmdr Odo: # What? Gail Who: #That was a concoction of the Doctor's! Cmdr Odo: # Crumbs....... you mean to tell me you never picked his pockets ONCE? Gail Who: #:::Rani is looking decidedly for the worse::: Gail Who: #:::weakly::: No... Cmdr Odo: # ::kicks a fish:: How embarrassing. BenJacksn: #::Opens door to the freezer::: BenJacksn: #Hello? Cmdr Odo: # ::sees door open, runs over to it, paying entirely no attention to the Rani:: BenJacksn: #:::Sees the Master running towards him, tries to close it again but isn't fast enough::: Cmdr Odo: # Oh, no you don't! Cmdr Odo: # ::shoves door open:: BenJacksn: #:::is thrown back::: augh!!!! Gail Who: #:::Rani has long since lost consciousness and is half frozen to death::: BenJacksn: :::gets up and sees The Rani still in the freezer::: Cmdr Odo: # ::exits fish hold:: Well, fool, don't just stand there, close the door! BenJacksn: #Go away mate! Leave me alone! BenJacksn: #I'll take care of the Rani! Cmdr Odo: # As you wish. BenJacksn: #:::Walks into the freezer and drags the Rani out::: BenJacksn: #:::soon drags the Rani to an unused bunk near the galley::: BenJacksn: #:::Ties the Rani to a chair::: BenJacksn: #:::shake her::: Wake up! Gail Who: #:::begins to woozily come to, the movement of the ship makes her nauseous::: Gail Who: #:::she is not fully conscious:::: BenJacksn: # How does it feel Rani? Does this look familiar? Being ties up like an animal? BenJacksn: #:::Pulls out his pocket knife::: or perhaps you need a little reminding! BenJacksn: #:::Starts to cut open her blouse::: Gail Who: #:::becomes more alert::: What's going on! BenJacksn: # Naked like an animal! That's "ow you treated me!! Gail Who: #You! you little monkey, untie me at once! BenJacksn: # Monkey! You killed the Doctor and tried to kill me for your blasted experiments! BenJacksn: #I'll make you bleed first! Gail Who: #Nonsense! The Doctor was killed by himself! Gail Who: # The ridiculous man never even had the sense to make sure his future selves BenJacksn: # You blasted timelords! You race of decadents! Gail Who: #Wouldn't get so annoyed by him and come back to kill him! BenJacksn: #Shut up! Shut up! :::Slaps her hard::: Gail Who: #:::yelps in pain:::: BenJacksn: #Your experiments did increase my strength, and made me cold, so scream all you want! Gail Who: #You fool! You'll end up dead like the Doctor after I'm through with you! BenJacksn: #Perhaps I should give you a scar across your face, something to let you know the pain Gail Who: #And I *NEVER* scream BenJacksn: #I felt Gail Who: # BenJacksn: #:::Slashes her across the cheek:: Gail Who: #ARRGGH!! :::spits at Ben::: BenJacksn: #I ought to kill you outright, but I want you to suffer like I have! BenJacksn: #:::enraged Ben moves towards her neck and begins to strangle her::: Gail Who: # You ridiculous terran....::::starts to choke:::: BenJacksn: #You....you.....MONSTER! BenJacksn: #DIE FILTH! Gail Who: #:::unable to speak, she tries to shut down her primary respiratory systems::: BenJacksn: #::::Ben is totally possessed::: BenJacksn: #:::on the brink of death, Ben lets up::: No not just yet! BenJacksn: #:::Looks around and sees a Doctor's medkit, grabs a needle::: Gail Who: #:::Rani slowly comes around, Ben smacks her awake::: Auggggggggghhhh BenJacksn: #Maybe I should pump you full of drugs like you did me! BenJacksn: #:::jams a needle into the Rani::: Gail Who: #You fool! You can't break me! Gail Who: #AACK DoctorWho8: @ Masterov:::opens cabin door and sees Ben attacking Rani::: >STOP YOU!:::Grabs Ben and punches him.:: BenJacksn: #:::Ben is caught off guard and tumbles::: BenJacksn: #What the? DoctorWho8: ::Ben is now unconscious:: Gail Who: #:::Rani is still tied in the chair, slumped over unconscious::: DoctorWho8: @ Masterov::goes to check Rani's pulse-doesn't find it and assumes her dead::: DoctorWho8: ::Leaves CABIN:: Gail Who: #:::Rani is still tied in the chair, slumped over unconscious::: BenJacksn: :::Ben begins to stir slightly::: Ooh what 'appened? BenJacksn: :::Tries to get up::: CHAPTER FOUR: WHO IS FISHING FOR WHO? DRTUNA: =THE DOCTOR (just regenerated) New character. DRTUNA: :::The Doctor stares into a flickering screen located at one side of the console in the tardis:: MsTegan: <----ship's captain> DRTUNA: :::At the other end of the console, an extra "K-9" head sticks out of the control panel::: MsTegan: ::Whistles a tune while at the ship's wheel:: DRTUNA: Speaks to himself: "Let's see, Earth, Northern Pacific, 1970, fishing vessel, but which nation?" MsTegan: ::Keeping an eye on the horizon:: DRTUNA: ::Dr opens door of Tardis, darts out, and conceals himself behind some bales of netting::: DRTUNA: @=Dr on ship MsTegan: ::Decides to take a walk about deck, hands wheel to first mate:: DRTUNA: @:::Several crewman are heard in a nearby corridor.::: MsTegan: Captain> ::exits the bridge:: DRTUNA: @Quietly to self: "Ah, Russian! Sounds like third Communistic Linguistic Reconstruction to me!" DRTUNA: @::Adjust clothing and heads out of hold into rest of ship::: MsTegan: @Captain> ::walks briskly on deck:: DRTUNA: @Sees Captain, and taking the initiative, speaks to her. DRTUNA: @"Excuse me, Captain, allow me to introduce myself, comrade." MsTegan: @Captain>::pauses, wonders just who this strange person is:: DRTUNA: @I am Igor Johannus Smitivski. MsTegan: @Captain> ::Extends hand for a handshake:: MsTegan: @Captain> I am Cpt. Teganski, at your service.. DRTUNA: @I just just recently boarded the ship from a nearby submarine. DRTUNA: A strange squat, blue vehicle, must be the product of our wonderful socialist science! MsTegan: @Captain> Ah! That explains how you got here, now explain why, please DRTUNA: @I am, in the service of the people, not allowed to reveal my full mission here. DRTUNA: @However, I believe that you are the one in need of helping in this situation. DRTUNA: @Brief me. MsTegan: @Captain> In the interest of the people, I shall try my best MsTegan: @Captain> ::Calls over Masterov :: DoctorWho8: @Masterov> Coming sir. MsTegan: @Captain> to Masterov ::Please explain the current situation to our honored guest:: Cmdr Odo: [THE MASTER] @ ::walks up to Captain and Masterov:: Cmdr Odo: @ Zdrastvytsye, tovarishchi. Cmdr Odo: DRTUNA: ::Speaks fluent Russian:: I believe you all know why I am here! MsTegan: @ Captain> ::Turns to Odo:: Ah!! Here is another who can perhaps explain what's going on DoctorWho8: @Masterov>There has been murder. A girl's body was found in fishing net, she was Dimitri's girlfriend. DRTUNA: :::Thinks to himself::: What have I done? I just told a bunch of lies I can't follow up on...:: DRTUNA: :::Thinks to himself::: I've got to be more careful:: MsTegan: @Captain> To Odo> Please explain the results of your autopsy to our guest DRTUNA: Your investigation has no answers, no important clues? Cmdr Odo: @ Nothing other than a body, Comrade Commissar. DoctorWho8: @Masterov> The was autopsy done by 2 strangers, a man and a woman. Cmdr Odo: @ Now, we still have a mystery to unravel. DRTUNA: I would like to offer my services to you, comrade, I believe I am sent for matters such as these. MsTegan: @Captain> to the Doctor > Perhaps you would like to see the body yourself? DRTUNA: May I see the body? DoctorWho8: @Masterov> It is in freezer. Come this way. DRTUNA: :::Dr strides after the group and towards the freezer, glad he isn't being asked too many questions Cmdr Odo: @ ::starts humming USSR national anthem:: MsTegan: @ Captain. ::Follows:: DRTUNA: @Comrades, human bodies are not best kept for examination when frozen, you know. DoctorWho8: @Masterov> Well, then it is in the kitchen. MsTegan: @Captain> ::Unlocks the freezer:: DRTUNA: ::Dr steps forward and begins examining the body::: scream all you want! DRTUNA: Well, I think I notice something quite deceptive here. Very interesting. MsTegan: @ Captain> And just what might that be may I ask? DRTUNA: @THERE IS THIS ONE gash here, but most of the inside of the body has been radically altered! MsTegan: @Captain> What do you mean by altered? Cmdr Odo: @ Altered? DRTUNA: It is as if something has tunnelled through most of the available body cavities and left the outside.. DRTUNA: ...@fairly intact! DoctorWho8: @ Masterov::starts to get sick:: DoctorWho8: @ Masterov::he;s gonna BLOW!:: MsTegan: @ Captain> You mean something living was inside her and killed her from the inside out? Cmdr Odo: @ Well, there is an appetizing thought. DRTUNA: @Apparently yes, comrade! DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> I'm going back to cabin. MsTegan: @Captain> ::Looks at Masterov with disdain:: Cmdr Odo: @ ::looks at body:: MsTegan: @ Captain> Have you any idea what this thing could be? DRTUNA: @Captain, we need to retrace these events! DRTUNA: @Where was this body? DoctorWho8: @ Masterov:::heads to cabin::: MsTegan: @ Captain> ::Yells at Masterov:: Get back here sailor!!! DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> FFFFLLLLLLAAAACCCCCKKKKK........ MsTegan: @ Captain> Answer our guest's questions Sailor!!! DRTUNA: ::Turns to Master :::And you noticed nothing suspicious on examination? Cmdr Odo: @ The examination was performed by Comrade Rani. MsTegan: @ Captain> Clean up that mess, sailor, on the double!! Cmdr Odo: @ It's all her fault. DoctorWho8: @ Masterov:::wipes mouth::: The body was in fishing net when we reeled it in. DoctorWho8: Oh, and I hear noise in the cabin. MsTegan: @ Captain> Where is this Rani, by the way? Gail Who: :::Masterov hears the sounds of violence:::: DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> I think she is in cabin.3. DRTUNA: @Captain, is there anything different about this voyage? Cmdr Odo: @ I left her here. MsTegan: @Captain> To MAsterov> Investigate your suspicions DoctorWho8: @ Materov> I think she is being attacked. DoctorWho8: @ Masterov:: goes to cabin::: MsTegan: @ Captain> Yes there is, lots of stranger aboard MsTegan: @Captain> And the appearance of some strange looking worms... DRTUNA: @Captain, I suggest we examine your logs and look for possible clues! DRTUNA: @Can you show them to me, comrade? MsTegan: @Captain> Good idea, come along then DRTUNA: :::Allows her to goes first. Decides he likes this Captain::Follows her. MsTegan: @Captain> ::Leads way to captain's quarter's< pulls out logs:: Cmdr Odo: @ ::follows along:: DRTUNA: @Captain, there is something I must tell you. DRTUNA: @I am not a special agent, I am a lost traveller. But I do wish to and am able to help you, I hope. MsTegan: @Captain> Yes, Comrade? MsTegan: @Captain> I could use your help, I'm not sure what is going on here DRTUNA: @Tell me about these worms you mentioned. Cmdr Odo: @ We are travellers, both of us. Cmdr Odo: @ But he's from far away........... Vladivostok, in fact. MsTegan: @Captain> I am just a simple fisherwoman, but I've never seen worms like these.. Cmdr Odo: @ I suspect he may have renounced his Party membership. DRTUNA: @Dr looks suspiciously at Master (he does not recognize him since his regeneration) DRTUNA: @The log here indicates that a vicious worm was killed by a sailor with a hatchet! DRTUNA: @That's quite a worm! MsTegan: @Captain>I don't care who is from where!!! I want this mystery solved!! DRTUNA: @It must have come out of the body at the exit point! Cmdr Odo: @ Don't we all. MsTegan: @Captain> Yes! It was huge, almost like a snake really.. DRTUNA: @There are a few flesh eating worms in the sea, but they are tiny. Cmdr Odo: @ So what could be causing the mutations? DRTUNA: @What could make them so huge? Have you been in these waters before? DoctorWho8: @Masterov> CAPTAIN! CAPTIAN! Cmdr Odo: @ Radioactive waste affecting their size? MsTegan: @Captain> ::Looks at Odo, decides she dislikes him immensely:: Gail Who: :::Masterov approaches the Captain and the Doctor::: Gail Who: :::and the Master::: MsTegan: @Captain> Well we were near a forbidden zone.. DRTUNA: @You do come up with the worst possible explanation, but you may be right. MsTegan: @Captain> ::Looks up to see Masterov:: Cmdr Odo: @ Near a forbidden zone. NOW she tells us! DRTUNA: @Captain, a forbidden zone? BenJacksn: :::Ben begins to stir slightly::: Ooh what 'appened? MsTegan: @Captain> Well< Sailor>???? DoctorWho8: @Masterov> There has been another murder, that lady in cabin. She was killed by boy called BEN. MsTegan: @Captain> Yes an area forbidden for fishing by the government DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> I think he was one who did this::points to body::: DRTUNA: ::Turns to Masterov: A murder? DoctorWho8: @MAsterov::leaves captain to tell of murder:: Gail Who: :::The crew nearby hear Masterov's words::: The murderer! The murderer! MsTegan: @Captain::Yells:: Bring the Ben boy here!! I believe we have found our culprit!! BenJacksn: :::Is groggy:::I can't think. Cmdr Odo: @ Is there any way to find out about nuclear tests or sinking nuclear subs here? DoctorWho8: @ Masterov:::runs to get Ben:: DRTUNA: ::pulls pocket watch from coat pocket::@Do not be alarmed comrades, this is a simple device. MsTegan: @Captain:: well, I guess we could access the government computer records if we knew how DRTUNA: @:::Examines pocket watch, scrolls through a few lists, then heaves a big sigh::: DoctorWho8: @ Masterov::Enters cabin and picks up Ben and takes him to captain::: MsTegan: @Captain::Is impressed by the watch:: BenJacksn: :::Tries to get up::: DRTUNA: @Well, my friends, this zone is in fact a radioactive disposal zone, and in the future may... DRTUNA: @...become a radioactive catastrophe! MsTegan: @Captain> Well, boy..explain yourself!! BenJacksn: @To Masterov>'ey who are you? Cmdr Odo: @ Oh, blast. Gail Who: :::The ship's crew is eager to be done with the murderer:::: DoctorWho8: I am Masterov, you are scum. BenJacksn: @:::still groggy:::What? I don't know DRTUNA: :::Deep in thought, the Dr stops short at the sight of Ben...looks carefully at him::: Gail Who: :::They are again restless and murderous;:: MsTegan: @Captain> I knew the fishing was too good here to be true!! DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> You killed girl. DoctorWho8: now you will be killed. MsTegan: @Captain>To Ben> Explain yourself I say!!! BenJacksn: @Girl? What girl? You mean Polly? DoctorWho8: Masterov> No, girl in cabin. BenJacksn: @ I didn't kill no girl! Gail Who: :::The crew begins to shout for the stranger's death::: Kill the murderer!!! We want justice DRTUNA: @::Dr is torn between murder suspect and worm mystery::: MsTegan: @Captain> To Masterov, you conduct this interrogation, I like your style sailor! DoctorWho8: Masterov>Aye, Aye, captain. DRTUNA: @Dr motions to Captain to speak to him in hallway::: DoctorWho8: :::Shoves Ben through door::: MsTegan: @Captain> ::Follows the Doctor:: BenJacksn: :::Ben slowly regains his wits, tries to escape::: Gail Who: :::Several burly crewmembers, incited by Masterov, come over and tie Ben's hands... Gail Who: behind his back::: MsTegan: @Captain> So do you think the worms were caused by radiation then?? Cmdr Odo: @ ::follows Doctor and Captain:: BenJacksn: What? 'ey leave off me! DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> Now, what were you and woman doing in cabin? MsTegan: @Captain> To Odo> and your name sir? BenJacksn: @What woman? That was the Rani! She killed my friend! Cmdr Odo: @ Menya zovut Ivan Rybkin. DRTUNA: @Captain, I have a bad feeling about all of this. That man did not DRTUNA: ...cause the worms. BenJacksn: @And get these ropes off of me! DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> What friend? Dimitri's girlfriend? MsTegan: @Captain> Then what in heaven' s name did? MsTegan: @Captain> I'd value your opinion also Ivan DRTUNA: @The radiation may have changed a breed of worms, like the ones that often bore into halibut. Gail Who: :::the crew hustle Ben out of the cabin and out onto the deck::: BenJacksn: 'ey!! DRTUNA: @They became larger, hungrier, more vicious, and killed their prey sooner. Gail Who: Crewmember>Kill him!!!! Kill the murderer now!!!! MsTegan: @Captain> Assuming you are correct, then how does that boy fit into all of this?? DRTUNA: @You did not notice them because they were too big to inflict your haddock and halibut. Gail Who: :::Ben doesn't know what the crew is saying but their meaning is obvious nonetheless:::: DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> QUIET FRIENDS. WE WIL SOON HAVE JUSTICE BenJacksn: :::Ben breaks out into a sweat, he struggles to free his hands::: DRTUNA: @Captain, that boy doesn't belong here either. He didn't cause thee worms. We must save him. MsTegan: @ Captain::Is impressed with this man who knows his fishes:: MsTegan: @Captain> why should I believe you? BenJacksn: Look I didn't kill anybody mate! DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> You, SIR, will be flung over ship and left in cold waters. DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> I saw you kill woman, now you die. MsTegan: @Captain> so the worms were caused by radiation, the worms killed her, not the boy?? BenJacksn: You got it all wrong mate! DRTUNA: @Well, because have told you the truth before. And because I have ideas. MsTegan: @Captain>Okay, so what is your idea, comrade? Cmdr Odo: @ Kill the worms. DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> Well, if you did not kill her, then who did? DRTUNA: @Save the boy and get out of here before we meet the parents of those worms in the log! BenJacksn: :::Ben is pushed onto the plank::: MsTegan: @Captain> ::Acknowledges both suggestions:: Dr, you save the boy, Ivan you kill the worms!! DoctorWho8: @ Ready gentlemen::: pushes Ben further down plank::: Cmdr Odo: @ Easier said than done. Well, wait..... MsTegan: @ Captain> I'll try to get this ship out of here!! Cmdr Odo: @ If I talk to my colleague, the Rani...... Gail Who: :::crew prods and taunts Ben::: BenJacksn: @Look I don't know who killed her! DRTUNA: @The Dr looks out of the window and says...no, wait! BenJacksn: @:::Ben looks down at the cold waters and swallows hard::: DoctorWho8: @ Masterov:: about to put Ben over the deep end:::: DRTUNA: Shouts to angry sailors: Comrades, what are you doing? MsTegan: @Captain> I'll call off the crew and set them to manning the sails. DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> We are going to kill the killer before anyone else is killed. Cmdr Odo: @ ::darts off to find the Rani:: DRTUNA: That body was in the ocean some time before this person Ben arrived! BenJacksn: @:::seeing the stranger shouting at the crew::: MsTegan: @Captain> Belay this execution men!!! DRTUNA: The killer had to already be on this ship before he arrived! Gail Who: :::Masterov shrinks at hearing the Doctor's words::: Cmdr Odo: @ ::finds the Rani:: MsTegan: @ Captain> ::Issues orders:: Hand the suspect over to this man for interrogation!! DRTUNA: Who, may I ask, is trying to encourage us to be murderous instead of judicious citizens? DoctorWho8: @ Masterov> Well, if we can't kill him, can we at least torture him? DRTUNA: Could it be that the one who is to enthusiastic about finding a criminal may have something to hide? BenJacksn: @:::Ben is relieved at the apparent change of fortune::: MsTegan: @Captain>We are simple fishermen, return to duty all except Masterov!! DoctorWho8: @ MAsterov> Not me:::groans::: Gail Who: :::Masterov panics and tries to head for the lifeboats::: Cmdr Odo: Master::searches the Rani's pockets:: Cmdr Odo: ::miraculously finds a recall device in the Rani's pocket:: Cmdr Odo: ::punches in recall code:: Gail Who: :::The Rani's Tardis appears::: {S remat DRTUNA: Mr. masterov, I would appreciate it if you would lock yourself up. BenJacksn: @:::Moves off plank slowly::: DoctorWho8: ::; runs to life boats::: DRTUNA: ::Turns to Ben::: Gail Who: :::The crew sees Masterov go upon hearing Doctor's words:::: GET HIM!!! MsTegan: @Captain> ::Grabs Masterov:: You do seem a bit too interested in this whole mess DRTUNA: There there, young man, you had a close call there! DoctorWho8: ::: RUNNING:: MsTegan: @Captain> ::Still holding Masterov's elbow, tries to stop the fool's escape:: DRTUNA: ::To Ben::: Pardon me, have we met before? BenJacksn: Uh Thanks mate could you tie me hands from behind me? DoctorWho8: ::Kicks captain in the crotch, captain goes down.::: MsTegan: @Captain>knees Masterov , stops him cold:: BenJacksn: :::doesn't recognize DRTUNA::: DRTUNA: ::Unties hands::: You have strong hands, young man, but do you use them wisely?::: DRTUNA: ::Stares into Ben's face::: MsTegan: @Captain::Yells:: Kneeing a female are we, you're a double fool then sailor!! MsTegan: @Captain:: Slaps handcuffs on Masterov:: DRTUNA: Why Ben, is that you?::: BenJacksn: :::Sneers::: what's that suppose to mean? :::Then look into eyes::: BenJacksn: D-D-Doctor? MsTegan: @Captain:: Trips Masterov:: Gail Who: {S dit} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PAUSE SIM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CHAPTER FIVE: NUCLEAR FISHIN' DOCTOR'S LOG Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.776646.rel No sooner had Ben and I recognized each other then chaos broke loose on the already unconventional "fishing expedition." [gumblejack...I wonder...] The scene was chaotic, but I managed to paste together a mental collage of the events. The real murderer had been exposed. Plus, we had learned that the fishing grounds which produced the hideous flesh-gnawing worms were actually a top secret high level radioactive waste dump used by the Soviet government in the production of nuclear weapons. [I recognize that graveyard stench] These vicious worms were a sick by-product of their lack of ecological concern. And the Master and the Rani vanished. When will our paths cross again? Which is when chaos broke out on deck. A tragic scream called our attention forward. I followed the Captain forward [she was the swiftest of the lot] only to find a gruesome sight. Perched there, on the front of the ship, was a mass of these hideous worms. This time, however, many of them were not the kinds of things you could kill with a hatchet. Some of them were twelve to fifteen feet long, and one particularly nasty slug seemed to have a sailor's leg sticking out of its mouth. They reminded me of a previous life, of the slugs which....Jo....and I encountered in England, the flesh eating maggots produced by petrochemical pollution. The two events were not as dissimilar as I at first assumed. These worms were large, a sickly grey in color, with most of the body a pulsating and semi-amorphous sack of protoplasm, but with a nasty set of jaws on the front and a very nasty attitude. My immediate concern was that they were as difficult to overcome as the monster maggots of England were. My hope was that their mutagenesis in the oceans had made them vulnerable in ways shared by other sea creatures. I believed that combustion might have a deleterious effect on these voracious sea slugs. I find it often works against overgrown worms who consider me as their next meal. [How do I remember that?] The Captain [I'm really beginning to admire her determination and courage] hatched up an on-the-spot plan when she heard my ideas. She dropped pump lines into the fuel tanks and was able to produce a fountain of combustible liquid. With a minor adjustment of the nozzle (Ben worked on them briefly...one quick smack with a hammer) they became just about the most dangerous flame throwers anyone was ever asked to hold and aim. We didn't have time to practice. The Captain, Ben, and a few brave crew members managed to light up the front of that trawler in what is either one of the most impressive slug roasts in the history of the galaxy or a tragic deed enacted against a misunderstood branch of life which just happened to be unlucky enough to lack arms and legs. Even Timelords have a hard time recognizing intelligence when it lacks arms and legs. One of the crew did sustain some serious burns when the end of their hose caught fire along with their hands and forearms. The slugs either retreated over the side of the front of the ship or had their burning and sizzling carcasses kicked over the side. The front of the ship continued burning for a dangerously long time but was finally extinguished. The Captain made full speed out of those waters. She did, like any good Captain, fully and honestly report what had taken place. This precipitated our next problem. The Soviet Navy seemed to believe the threat posed by the monster sea slugs (perhaps they had encountered mutation in that zone before?), but they did want Ben and I kept around for questioning. They assured the Captain that they would act against the worms. After what we had been through, the Captain refused to lock us up in a cabin, and invited us to join with her and her crew to celebrate our good luck at being alive. It had been a very difficult event for me. I had just regenerated, I am not sure what I am like this time, nor do I remember all from my past. I am thrust into a new situation with no time to prepare myself. I believe I broke a tradition going back a few regenerations by toasting to the Captain's leadership and downing the crude vodka with relish. It felt good to be steaming out of those waters, but Ben and I certainly were not free. As the Captain was raising a toast to us, there was a flash from outside the portholes, and as the Captain was beginning to give her toast again, the ship was hit by a huge shock wave which almost capsized it. We were thrown all about the smallish meal space, and a lot of good vodka was lost in that incident, as well as a few bruises received. After the floors and walls resumed their proper places we ran out on deck. As we stared back in the direction from which we had come, a huge, burning, nuclear fireball was looming in the sky. My heart sank. The idiots! That graveyard stench! Their disposal of high level radioactive waste at the bottom of the ocean had caused the dangerous worm mutations in the first place, and now their response to our attack was to use nuclear weapons against the ocean itself. As I stood gaping on the deck, I decided to do what I should have done earlier in this adventure: check the record. I pulled out my pocketwatch (I am going to need a better name for this device) and called up Union of Soviet Socialist Republics announcements of nuclear tests for this period as well as cross checking the western media and CIA (Celestial Intervention Agency, of course, the USA CIA would as likely be incorrect as factual) database. Yes. There it is. Tomorrow the western media will report a seismic event, the Japanese government will protest an unannounced nuclear test later in the week, and later after Communism falls a former admiral will say that he was ordered to detonate a rather large (10 kiloton, about the size of Hiroshima) nuclear device under water. The ship would survive, I found out. Why do I carry this information and data source around in my pocket if I never use it? I must remember to create some useful macros when I get a chance. Ben whispered to me that we needed to make an exit. He knew where the Tardis was (safe if not ready to travel) and led the way. At least the KGB wouldn't be able to interrogate us there. I wanted to talk to the Captain, but what would I say? Besides, I have always hated to say goodbye. Perhaps we chall meet again? No sooner have I headed towards the Tardis than my mind fills with questions. Why did I lie when I first arrived on the ship? Hadn't I learned that even if my real story is preposterous it is at least consistent and true? When will I learn to stay in the background more, so that I don't have to tell my preposterous but true story? And Ben.... What is my relationship to him? How do we work and travel together? These things don't seem to be within the reach of my still incomplete memory. How will he react to my new persona? Will he even like me at all? What kind of person am I in this regeneration? One thing is for sure based on my most recent experience, I am a very dangerous person to be around. I need to come to grips with that. Ben's Log 5/10/95 Me 'ead 'urts and so do me 'ands. I decided I 'ad had enough of this ship and decided to look around. I had to find a ways off, back to England, now knowin' this was 1970. I could stay 'idden until the ship docked or per 'aps take a lifeboat. Anyway, I'd need food and supplies so I stopped in the galley. I 'eard noises in the freezer. Like a fool I am, I opened it and out came the Master of all people. But also there was the Rani, lying there sick like. I should 'ave tried to leave, but I was mad, mad at all the things this creature did to me and my friends. I was wanting revenge. I dragged 'er worthless 'ide to a cabin and tied 'er to a chair. I wanted to kill her. I should 'ave killed her. But I wanted 'er suffer. To see it in 'er eyes! I wanted to see her feel pain. I should 'ave been ashamed of what I did. I'm thankful that Polly wasn't 'ere to see it. She'd never forgive me. But this was personal. I only got started when I was knocked out. When I came round there was this Russian sailor, Masterov pushing me about, saying I killed the Rani and some other girl. I couldn't think straight to answer proper. But I couldn't believe the Rani was dead. Next thing there were all these 'alf-drunken sailors around me. Cor, these were the blokes who were offering me drinks not too long ago. They grab me and tied me hands behind me. Blimey! I am getting sick of being tied up wherever I go in the bloomin' TARDIS! They next pushed me onto the deck, calling me murderer of women and some such nonsense. That Masterov bloke was leadin' this lynch mob. It became obvious that they were going to make me walk the plank. I'm a good swimmer, but not that good. "Ben Jackson, you're a goner this time!" I thought as they pushed me onto the plank. Just when I thought it was the end, the Captain come out and calls it off! Sayin' that this expert on board found out that Masterov and some monster worms were the cause of all their ails. The fickle crew went off chasin' Masterov, leaving me all alone with this expert. This man then went on talking like 'e knew me a long time, but I was gettin' upset since 'e didn't do nothin' to untie me at first! After 'e did 'e kept starin' at me. I couldn't 'elp but stare back, then I knew! It was the Doctor! 'e wasn't dead! The Doctor 'ad come back to me! Ben saw the Doctor, so changed in appearance and yet still unmistakably the Doctor, grumble at the broke TARDIS. Apparently they were going to be stranded for awhile in 1970. Good thought Ben, a proper planet and a proper time. And the Doctor thought about even taking a small trip to England. Then it hit Ben. 1970! He had met up with the Doctor again with Bernice in 1969, but later when they had that incident with the Androids in the East Side of London in 1972 is when Polly rejoined them! So that means here in 1970, Polly was still in London! His heart beat faster at this thought. They had to get back to England now! Ben would meet up with Polly and change things for the better. He'd do it right this time. She wouldn't meet up with Johnathan Chance and run off with him on some planet. Ben would save Polly and they'd be happy. All they had to do was get back to England.