THE WOODS OF FEAR Dr. Who Role Playing Game America Online May, 1995 The Players: Character Played By The Doctor (current) DRTUNA (Alfred C. Snider) Elizabeth Shaw LizzShaw (Mary Annette Redus) Sgt. Benton Cmdr Odo BenJackson Ben Jacksn The Doctor (#3 ala Pertwee) DanielC71 The Brigadier JnthnChnce Mad Scientist, plotmistress Gail Who >Your monitor screens come to life with sound and light< >The image of DRTUNA dissolves into the image of the spinning TARDIS< >>The New Adventures of Doctor Who<< >The Woods of Fear< >>>>Written by Gail Who<<<< >>>>>>the music and credits fade away...<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>BEGIN SIM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Gail Who: @ :::Ben and the Doctor have arrived at the Doctor's house in England::: # UNIT HQ Gail Who: # :::Elsewhere, an elegant white haired man stands in his lab at UNIT HQ::: Gail Who: :::A woman with shoulder-length blond hair is standing next to him::: Gail Who: :::She is sensibly but attractively dressed and is holding a file folder::: Gail Who: :::Sgt. Benton walks in with more paperwork::: LizzShaw: ::Rolls eyes:: He must be better, he's going to serenade us :) :) Cmdr Odo: Benton> ::struggling under a mountain of paperwork:: LizzShaw: < # for UNIT HQ> Cmdr Odo: # ::grunt:: LizzShaw: # ::Rushes to help Benton with the stack of papers:: LizzShaw: # ::Lays stack of papers on top of the lab table:: DanielC71: # Shine on Martian Moons! LizzShaw: # ::Looks quizzically at Doc3:: Pardon me? Cmdr Odo: # ::drops paperwork:: DanielC71: # Oh, just a little song I picked up somewhere. Cmdr Odo: # ::building structural supports sag under the mountain of papers:: DanielC71: # Benton, be careful! Cmdr Odo: # I'm trying, Doctor. But I had to fill out the XXGDE-125363/B945 form. LizzShaw: # ::Sighs and bends over to pick up papers:: Cmdr Odo: # Namely, the "alien sighting in the forest" report. DanielC71: # Good grief! I suppose the Brigadier put you in charge of it all. LizzShaw: # ::Finds alien sighting form and hands it to the Doctor:: Cmdr Odo: # Only part of it. There is a team in the Defence Ministry working on the rest of it. DanielC71: # Hold on. what's this? Cmdr Odo: # ::hands the Doctor a form:: Cmdr Odo: # If you sign here, I can give you the short version of the information. DanielC71: # :::sighs & signs 'Dr. John Smith'::: DanielC71: # That should keep the bureaucrats happy! Cmdr Odo: # Romney Woods, Doctor. A bit to the south. DanielC71: # what's been seen there? Cmdr Odo: # Strange creatures. Cmdr Odo: # No idea how many of them. DanielC71: # Any description? LizzShaw: # What do they look like? JnthnChnce: # ::the Brig walks in::: Cmdr Odo: # I would say "large, placid, and stupid," but that line won't be said for a few more Cmdr Odo: # seasons. I think they were about human-sized, possibly reptilian. DanielC71: # I suppose YOU want to go shoot at them! :::to Brig::: JnthnChnce: Large and Stupid is not very descriptive young man! LizzShaw: # You said they are aliens? Cmdr Odo: # Well, they didn't look human. LizzShaw: # Perhaps we should go see for ourselves? DanielC71: # Just what I was about to say. JnthnChnce: # were they humanoid? you must be more descriptive! DanielC71: # How about it, Brigadier? JnthnChnce: # ::his mustache twitches:: JnthnChnce: # Well.. LizzShaw: # We could collect more definitive data on the scene, Doctor. JnthnChnce: # We must investigate it.. but I am not so sure Ms Shaw should go. JnthnChnce: # It might be Dangerous. Cmdr Odo: # Yes, humanoid. DanielC71: # Liz is my assistant! Cmdr Odo: # Only slightly green. LizzShaw: # Hold on now, Brigadier! Just what do you mean by that? LizzShaw: # I am perfectly capable of field assignments!!! JnthnChnce: # Fine..Doctor... ::turns:: I mean.. Doctor... DanielC71: # Either she goes or I stay! :::raises eyebrow::: JnthnChnce: # you and Ms Shaw go and check it out. JnthnChnce: # ::looks at Dok3:: DanielC71: # Thank you! Get us a jeep sergeant! LizzShaw: # ::Mumbles under breath:: Chauvinist... Cmdr Odo: # Aye, sir! Cmdr Odo: # ::salutes the Brig, exits stage left:: JnthnChnce: # ::sighs:: I simply cannot believe how much trouble HE gets me into.... LizzShaw: # I'll pack the gear, Doctor JnthnChnce: # BENTON!! DanielC71: # I simply can't believe what an opinionated oaf that man can be! Cmdr Odo: # Yes, sir? JnthnChnce: # Let them take THEIR car.... JnthnChnce: # Its bad enough they are going there. Cmdr Odo: # Right, sir. LizzShaw: # Well, we got official permission to check this out, so let's gobefore he changes his mind JnthnChnce: # and Sergeant? DanielC71: # Bessie will do Sergeant! Cmdr Odo: # Yes, Brigadier? JnthnChnce: # get me a muffin top would you? JnthnChnce: # ::mustache twitches:: LizzShaw: # ::packs gear, shoulders bag:: JnthnChnce: # ::sighs:: DanielC71: :::gets traveling cloak::: Cmdr Odo: # Right, sir. ::exits stage right:: LizzShaw: # Shall we be going now Doctor? JnthnChnce: # ::stiffly walks over to the Doctor:: DanielC71: # No time like the present! LizzShaw: # ::Waits over by the door, anxious to leave:: JnthnChnce: # You be sure to report everything back here. understood Doctor? DanielC71: # Oh absolutely! ta ta! :::exits w/ Liz to Bessie::: @ DoctorÕs country home in England BenJacksn: :::@ Ben is bored crazy, watching a ridiculous American Television import: Star Trek:: Gail Who: <@ for Doc's house> BenJacksn: Bloody stupid! DRTUNA: @ ::Doctor shakes head about Trek:: BenJacksn: @ Doctor lets do something! DRTUNA: @ You know, Ben, I think this show is more about this time than thefuture. BenJacksn: @ Can I 'elp? DRTUNA: @ Well, we could think about repairs. BenJacksn: @ Well I like the birds in the miniskirts DRTUNA: @ But what kind of rank is Yeoman? BenJacksn: @ Well Doctor what can I do? DRTUNA: @ Well, I have an idea for repairing the Tardis. DRTUNA: @ Unfortunately it involves a sort of theft. BenJacksn: @ :::Fumbles in his pockets and finds his "little black book"::: BenJacksn: @ theft? From who? BenJacksn: @ :::While talking to the Doctor, gets an idea to call Polly::: DRTUNA: @ ...and I am not sure it would be a good mission for a seaman like yourself. DRTUNA: @ The components we need can only be found in another Tardis. BenJacksn: @ Crikey Doctor, I'm a Senior CPO now, leastways if they 'aven't declared me a deserter! DRTUNA: @ And, we will need to dash in and "borrow" some from a Dr. John Smith. BenJacksn: @ In other words, Ben Jackson would just get in the way :::sighs heavily::: DRTUNA: @ You are welcome to accompany me, or I might just slip over and meet you back here. Your choice. BenJacksn: @ Listen Doctor, you go on ahead, I don't feel much like going now DRTUNA: @ We usually get separated at some point Anyway, so we might think about starting that way. BenJacksn: @ :::Ben's face falls at the sound of Doctor's last sentence::: BenJacksn: @ :::looks down::: yes Doctor DRTUNA: @ Then we can meet again should we be in trouble. DRTUNA: @ ::produces small metallic cube::: DRTUNA: @ Use this to keep track of each other and signal for messages. You can call me at this number BenJacksn: @ Okay Doctor DRTUNA: @ ::passes small card to Ben::: DRTUNA: @ Ben, are you going anywhere special? BenJacksn: @ :::startled:::Uh no Doctor! BenJacksn: @ Where would I go? DRTUNA: @ To see a certain young woman? BenJacksn: @ ::::Stutters and looks down:::what do you mean? DRTUNA: @ Well, give my best to Dodo then. I'll meet you back here a day or so. DRTUNA: :::Doctor leaves room and heads for cloakroom::: BenJacksn: @ :::sighs with relief::: DRTUNA: ::@ Dr. talks to himself:: BenJacksn: @ :::opens black book, calls Dodo used to be Chaplet::: Gail Who: :::Dodo's voice on phone:::: Hello? DRTUNA: @ A lovely day, I think I will try a personal encounter with this place. I have forgotten so much! BenJacksn: @ :::uh Dodo, it's Ben, Ben Jackson Gail Who: :::Dodo on phone::: Ben!!!! Are you in port then? Gail Who: :::Dodo:::: How lovely to hear from you, it's been ages! DRTUNA: @ ::Doctor walks down driveway of English country home towards roadway::: BenJacksn: @ uh...yeah! Don't know 'ow long I'll be 'ere. How you been? DRTUNA: @ ::Pulls pocket watch out when he reaches the road. Looks "into" it and takes a left turn::: DRTUNA: @ :::Doctor enjoys the brisk walk.:::: DRTUNA: @ Doctor continues to enjoy brisk walk, but not as much:::: BenJacksn: @ :::Ben and Dodo talk of old times for a while, then hang up::: BenJacksn: @ :::Ben deals with whether to call Polly or not::: BenJacksn: @ :::Dials number::: BenJacksn: @ :::as a familiar voice answers, Ben says nothing then hangs up::: Gail Who: :::Polly's voice on the phone::: Hello? Hello? Gail Who: :::she hangs up the phone::: BenJacksn: @ :::Decides to go for a walk to clear his head::: # UNIT HQ JnthnChnce: # ::standing alone::: WHO would have thought it? JnthnChnce: # ::exits stage right:: BENTON?? where's that muffin top?? Cmdr Odo: # ::enters stage right:: Who would have thought what, sir? JnthnChnce: # ::takes muffin:: OH never mind....::sighs:: Cmdr Odo: # Never mind what, sir? JnthnChnce: # Tell you what Benton.... JnthnChnce: # ::phone rings:: Cmdr Odo: # ::answers phone:: UNIT Headquarters, Benton here. JnthnChnce: # ::looks at the phone:: JnthnChnce: # WHO is it Sergeant? Cmdr Odo: # Hello? JnthnChnce: # ::pours a cup of coffee::: Cmdr Odo: # Sir, do we want aluminum siding? JnthnChnce: # ::dips his muffin top.. but looks about to see if Benton is looking:: JnthnChnce: # ::stops:: JnthnChnce: Al-u-minem what? Cmdr Odo: # Hello? Cmdr Odo: # ::shrugs:: JnthnChnce: # :::pulls out a paper form:: DanielC71: # Sgt. Benton? JnthnChnce: # ::: looks up:: Cmdr Odo: # ::puts phone down, goes to Brig:: Yes? * In Romney Woods DanielC71: * :::driving to woods, hurrying plot along::: LizzShaw: * :::Motions towards underbrush:: Here's a likely spot DanielC71: * Yes, let's take a look. :::out w/ sonic screwdriver::: LizzShaw: * ::Hops out and runs to catch up with Doc DanielC71: * I can't find anything. I suppose it could be a false report. LizzShaw: * Let's not give up yet! DanielC71: * wait a minute. I'm getting some form of high electrical activity. DanielC71: * something along the lines of a small nuclear generator. DanielC71: * or else the screwdriver is on the blink LizzShaw: * Which direction is it coming from? LizzShaw: * Let's check it out. it's our only lead... DanielC71: * Blast. LizzShaw: * Now what? DanielC71: * East I think but it's difficult to be sure. DanielC71: * Why don't you set up camp while I go back to UNIT HQ for... DanielC71: * a Scattered Ray converter? LizzShaw: * Okay, I love to pitch tents! DanielC71: * Back n a jiff! :::piles off::: LizzShaw: * See you when you get back # UNIT HQ Cmdr Odo: # ::looks at the Doctor:: Yes, Doctor? DanielC71: # Scattered Ray Converter. We have any? JnthnChnce: # ::shakes his head, his eyes narrowing:: JnthnChnce: # Doctor..what did you see? DanielC71: # A high electrical discharge. A small nuclear generator has been there. Cmdr Odo: # Scattered Ray Converter? I don't think so. DanielC71: # I think. DanielC71: # :::to Benton::: This long, this wide, blue and red, 500 Kw. Cmdr Odo: # ::raises eyebrow at the Doctor:: I'll check our inventory, sir. JnthnChnce: # ::eyes widen:: Good GOD Doctor.. Nuclear GENERATOR? JnthnChnce: # is everything OK? JnthnChnce: # any... "fallout"? DanielC71: # An alien presence is in or near that woods. DanielC71: # No fallout, but I need to locate the source. Cmdr Odo: # ::goes to inventory records:: DanielC71: # Cordon off the woods, Brigadier. whatever is in there must stay there! JnthnChnce: # yes... ::looks at Benton:: yes OF COURSE.... Cmdr Odo: # ::comes back:: No, Doctor, we don't have any of..... whatever it was you wanted. JnthnChnce: # SERGEANT! DanielC71: # Then I shall have to trace them without it. DanielC71: :# ::: sonic screwdriver comes out:::: DanielC71: ::: to himself::: It CAN'T be... Cmdr Odo: # ::standing next to Brig, rubs ear:: Yes, sir? JnthnChnce: # Get the troops out there NOW and surround the Woods... JnthnChnce: # # ::;grumps::; JnthnChnce: # and get me the PM!! DanielC71: # I'll be in the woods! I must get back to Liz! :::Out I go::: Cmdr Odo: # Right, sir. Cmdr Odo: # ::picks up phone, dials No 10 Downing St.:: DRTUNA: Guard: But he has just left! Cmdr Odo: # ::hands the phone to the Brig:: Prime Minister's office, sir. JnthnChnce: # Hello... JnthnChnce: # Yes.. this is Lt. Brig. Gen. Lethbrigde Stewart. JnthnChnce: # I am afraid we have a.... JnthnChnce: # Situation.. Cmdr Odo: # ::goes to round up the troops:: JnthnChnce: # Yes..of course I will handle it.. and a full report by morning. JnthnChnce: # ::hangs up:: @ Outside DoctorÕs Country home DRTUNA: ::@ Dr. talks to himself:: DRTUNA: @ A lovely day, I think I will try a personal encounter with this place. I have forgotten so much! DRTUNA: @ ::Doctor walks down driveway of English country home towardsroadway::: DRTUNA: @ ::Pulls pocket watch out when he reaches the road. Looks "into" it and takes a left turn::: * Romney Woods LizzShaw: * ::Opens backpack, and removes tent:: LizzShaw: * ::Spreads tent:: LizzShaw: * Begins to hammer stakes:: LizzShaw: * ::Makes a lot of racket, and can't hear approaching beast:: LizzShaw: * ::Suddenly notices that all the birds have gone quiet:: LizzShaw: * ::Gets really scared:: LizzShaw: * ::Grabs the hammer tightly:: BenJacksn: * :::leaves cottage and takes a walk in the woods, thinking of Polly::: LizzShaw: * ::Hides behind a tree:: Gail Who: * ::::a big creature lumbers unseen through the woods::: LizzShaw: * ::Doesn't bother to look up into the tree:: BenJacksn: * :::Ben thinks he hears something in the distance::: LizzShaw: * ::Feels a leaf fall on her shoulder:: BenJacksn: * :::walks slowly forward, his bellbottoms dragging leaves::: LizzShaw: * ::Looks up, SEES THE CREATURE!!!!:: LizzShaw: * ::Screams as the creature leaps down from the tree:: Gail Who: * :::creature is walking straight AT LIZZ:::: LizzShaw: * :: Starts to run away:: BenJacksn: * :::hears scream, runs fast towards it!!!! Gail Who: * :::Big, lumbering, furry hulking creature:::: LizzShaw: * ::Can't run fast enough:: LizzShaw: * ::Stops, and turns to defend self with hammer:: Gail Who: * :::Lizz' jacket gets caught on a branch and she is temporarily stuck::: BenJacksn: * :::Sees a creature after a rather nice looking woman::: Gail Who: * :::The creature continues straight at her::: BenJacksn: * :::grabs a large tree branch::: LizzShaw: * ::Tries to hit the thing with the hammer:: BenJacksn: * :::Yells::: 'EY!!!! BenJacksn: * Leave off her! LizzShaw: * ::Can't help it, screams again:: HELPPPPP!!! BenJacksn: * ::moves in front of Liz, between her and the creature::: Gail Who: * :::the creature is within inches of Lizz as Ben dashes in:::: BenJacksn: * get down girl!!! LizzShaw: * ::Glad to see the young man:: LizzShaw: * ::Follows directions, crouches:: $ Roadway in English countrysude DRTUNA: @ :::Doctor enjoys the brisk walk.:::: DRTUNA: @ Doctor continues to enjoy brisk walk, but not as much:::: DRTUNA: $ Dr. tells himself to like brisk walk, but eyes cars as they go by.:::: DRTUNA: $ Dr. to himself: "You know, I could get to know things by hitching a ride" :::sticks out thumb. DanielC71: $ ::: stop Bessie a hundred yards or so from the Stranger::: DRTUNA: $ To himself: "What kind of lunatic would stop away from a rider and stare at him?" DanielC71: $ ::: drives closer, sees Stranger, points him the direction of UNIT::: DRTUNA: $ :::Thinks: nice car::: DanielC71: $ ::: drives off, aware that the 1st Law is bending::: DRTUNA: $ :::Feels a strange pull in the fabric of time:: DRTUNA: $ This is all making too much sense to me! DRTUNA: $ Dr. flags down next vehicle and gets a ride in direction of Unit HQ DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA gets let out of car outside of UNIT gates. DRTUNA: $ Thanks driver:::: DRTUNA: $ As DRTUNA walks toward gate of UNIT HQ he smiles and fingers a slip of paper in his pocket. DRTUNA: $ It is a UNIT pass! DRTUNA: $ Dr. to UNIT guard: "I believe I am expected." Hands pass to guard. DRTUNA: $ Guard: Professor Robert Jones, the Doctor seems to be expecting you by the look of this. DRTUNA: Guard: But he has just left! DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA to guard: I am sure I can accomplish my task. Please tell Sgt. Benton that I am here. DRTUNA: $ Guard talks to Benton on RT and motions DRTUNA to enter. DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA walks briskly towards Liberty Hall, UNIT HQ. DRTUNA: $ ::His brisk is back:: DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA meets Benton at Main entrance. DRTUNA: $ Shows Benton the pass and they walk to Dr.'s Lab. # UNIT HQ JnthnChnce: # ::looks up at the entering Tuna:: Cmdr Odo: # ::enters, stage right:: Cmdr Odo: # Brigadier, the troops are assembled. JnthnChnce: # ::screaming:: JnthnChnce: # BENTON! JnthnChnce: # WHO the devil is THIS? Cmdr Odo: # ::rubs ears, glad that medical coverage includes ear exams:: Cmdr Odo: # Don't know, sir. JnthnChnce: # you... you DON'T KNOW? JnthnChnce: # well I suppose we might as bloody well be running a school for children... JnthnChnce: # with our security. JnthnChnce: ;:;pulls the picard maneuver HE perfected::: DRTUNA: # Gentlemen, may I introduce myself. I am Prof. Robert Jones, a colleague of the Doctor. Cmdr Odo: # ::to the Brig:: This is Prof. Robert Jones. He knows the Doctor. DRTUNA: # My pass indicates my priority. ::shows it:: JnthnChnce: # :::frowns a BIG frown:: Cmdr Odo: # And here is his pass. JnthnChnce: # ::looks at the pass:: JnthnChnce: # hruumph! DRTUNA: # Yes, you see, I need to make a couple of minor adjustments in the TARDIS. JnthnChnce: # Well Prof. Robert Jones... HOW do you come to know of the TARDIS? Cmdr Odo: # Colleague from where? JnthnChnce: # ::leans in to Benton:: Sergeant.. I want to see this mans file now! Cmdr Odo: # Right away, sir! Cmdr Odo: # ::exits stage left, to personnel files:: DRTUNA: # Well, I have been of assistance to the Doctor before. Can't say I approve of this military bit though. DRTUNA: # If you could just point me towards the lab... JnthnChnce: # Well, let me assure you that the Doctor is NOT really military.. of few things I am certain JnthnChnce: # WE are in it Professor Jones. DRTUNA: # DRTUNA smiles and heads down hallway::: JnthnChnce: # ::goes to RT:: JnthnChnce: # ::clears throat:: JnthnChnce: # Hello? yes? DRTUNA: # Enters lab through door again: Cmdr Odo: # ::walks back with personnel file:: DRTUNA: # Sorry wrong way ::: enters TARDIS::: DanielC71: :::to Brig, that is::: JnthnChnce: # Yes, in fact someone has Doctor. JnthnChnce: # ::looks at Jones:: JnthnChnce: # Says he's a friend of yours. JnthnChnce: # fine.... I will. DanielC71: # and hurry it up! Out! :::sighs::: JnthnChnce: # ::turns yelling:: JnthnChnce: # ::screaming::BENTON! DRTUNA: # Inside TARDIS:: DRTUNA collects some equipment, putting huge amounts in his time warp pockets::: DRTUNA: # Inside TARDIS: Hmm...this looks like something I think I may need :: stuffs it into pocket. DRTUNA: # DRTUNA stops at consoled writes a note::: DRTUNA: #Note to Dr. 3: Dear Chap, please write me a pass dated this day DRTUNA: # ....and keep note with you until you become me. DRTUNA: #::Note continues: Prof. Robert Jones. By the way, found some equipment you might need, as I recall. DRTUNA: # DRTUNA leaves TARDIS and confronts....:: Cmdr Odo: # ::runs in at my lord and master's bellow:: Sir! JnthnChnce: # ::sees him:: JnthnChnce: # oh there you are! JnthnChnce: # It seems the Prof. story checks. JnthnChnce: # please get with him and get the Thing a mbob the Doctor was asking for. Cmdr Odo: # Right away, sir. JnthnChnce: # WE have a field trip to take. Cmdr Odo: # I see, sir. JnthnChnce: # Lets go Sergeant.. :looks about: Professor!! JnthnChnce: # ::puts on his wool overcoat:: JnthnChnce: # Lets go CHAPS! Cmdr Odo: # Shall I drive, sir? JnthnChnce: # Sergeant.. you drive. JnthnChnce: # (m) must have bloody radar. DRTUNA: # Gentlemen, is there anything you have forgotten? Cmdr Odo: # Right, sir. JnthnChnce: # Sergeant? you get every thing? Cmdr Odo: # Of course, sir. Care for a muffin? JnthnChnce: # :: mustache going berserk:: JnthnChnce: # LETS go!! JnthnChnce: # ::making sure that Prof. is in the Jeep:: Cmdr Odo: # ::hops in the jeep:: DRTUNA: # To: I believe the Doctor will need this item. Can I catch alift?:::Jumps in jeep:: JnthnChnce: # :;sitting in the jeep:: how you got here Cmdr Odo: # Of course, Professor. JnthnChnce: # ::the jeep arrives in the Woods:: DRTUNA: # Passes smooth metal tube, golden at the ends, to the front seat::: JnthnChnce: # ::his torch shining about:: DRTUNA: # DRTUNA hopes out of jeep at crossroads::: JnthnChnce: # ::yelling:: Professor??? Cmdr Odo: # Hey! Professor! Where are you going? JnthnChnce: # WHERE Are you going?? DRTUNA: # Waves good-bye to jeep::: $ Roadway in English countryside DRTUNA: $ = DRTUNA back walking on roadway. DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA catches a ride in the opposite direction. DRTUNA: $ Gets let out near country home DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA walks towards his house::: He chuckles: "Nice bit of shopping that!" Gail Who: $ :::the Doctor notices a garage door is slightly ajar:::: DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA heads toward his TARDIS and begins to wonder to himself::: DRTUNA: $ Notices garage door;:::moves to investigate. DRTUNA: $ Opens garage door and looks inside: "I say, anybody there?" DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA peers into garage::: * In Romney Woods DanielC71: Leave UNIT HQ ==> :::back to the woods where chaos ensues::: BenJacksn: * :::stands ready to attack the creature::: Gail Who: * :::Ben pushes Lizz aside and the creature pushes right past Ben::: LizzShaw: * ::Hits the thing on the feet as it runs by:: Gail Who: * ::::It disappears into the woods, branches crashing underneath::: LizzShaw: * ::Stands up shaking:: DanielC71: * ::: Bessie drives up::: BenJacksn: * To Liz>You all right girl? DanielC71: * Liz! LizzShaw: * ::Turns to Ben:: yes, Thank you. I owe you my life! BenJacksn: * What's a nice bird like you doin' 'ere! DanielC71: * Liz where are you?! LizzShaw: * Over her! Doctor, this man saved me from the creature! DanielC71: * ::: runs over to Ben & Lizz::: Who? OH! Hello, um, how do you do! LizzShaw: * ::Speaks to Ben:: I was here with the Doctor to investigate a mysterious alien sighting BenJacksn: * ::is quite taken with Liz::: LizzShaw: * ::Likes the look of her rescuer:: DanielC71: * what happened? DanielC71: * Ah! LizzShaw: * Doctor, the alien was here! It attacked me, and this man saved my life! BenJacksn: :::Sees Doctor 3::: 'ello there I'm Ben, I live near 'ere DanielC71: * ::: indicates roughly south or southwest::: DanielC71: * No good. LizzShaw: ::Extends hand to Ben:: My name is Liz DanielC71: * Which way did it go Ben? BenJacksn: * ::::sees screwdriver::: That looks sort of familiar BenJacksn: * :::that way::: points in whatever direction it went::: LizzShaw: * Shall we pursue the creature, Doctor? DanielC71: * Liz, Ben, follow me. Maybe we can trace it if I use I high enough setting. DanielC71: * ::: high whine from ss::: LizzShaw: * ::Follows the Doctor:: DanielC71: * ::: finding little but trying::: BenJacksn: * Wait a second mate, who are you? :::follows anyway::: LizzShaw: * ::Explains to Ben while they walk:: We call him the Doctor LizzShaw: * He is a scientific investigator for UNIT, and I am Liz his assistant DanielC71: * Liz where's the RT? BenJacksn: * :::Hmm, looks at Dr3 very closely and suspiciously::: DanielC71: * This is getting nowhere. LizzShaw: * ::Fumbles for the RT, hands it to the Doctor:: DanielC71: * ::: on RT::: Hello Brigadier? BenJacksn: * To Ben the possibility of there being more than one Doctor and once is beyond his comprehension::: LizzShaw: * ::Speaks to Ben:: And you are? LizzShaw: * ::Wants to know all about her handsome rescuer:: DanielC71: * :::on RT:::: BRIGADIER! BenJacksn: * Senior CPO Ben Jackson....of the royal navy. Leastways I was DanielC71: * Has anyone turned up unexpectedly? LizzShaw: * ::Smiles:: Royal Navy? Have you got one of those nice dress uniforms? LizzShaw: * ::Thinks:: Always did like a man in dress uniform DanielC71: * :::to Brig::: I was afraid of that. He's my... ASSISTANT! Get him to find me that DanielC71: equipment. Send Benton over here with it! BenJacksn: * Uh yeah, don't think I should wear it though, I'm in bit of a fixright now. LizzShaw: * Have you got a photo of yourself in one? LizzShaw: * I'd like to keep one to remember my hero by.. BenJacksn: * :::Ben turns very red::: DanielC71: * Oh good grief, this will never work. :::to Lizz and Ben::: LizzShaw: * Yes, Doctor? BenJacksn: * :::opens his wallet and gives Liz a picture::: DanielC71: * Never mind. You wouldn't understand anyway. LizzShaw: * ::Takes the photo:: Wow!! You look terrific in uniform! I'll treasure it always!! DanielC71: * Get a move on,! BenJacksn: * :::Still doesn't trust Doctor 3::: LizzShaw: * ::Looks up, sees Dr. ahead:: Come on, we'd best catch up with him LizzShaw: * ::Pockets photo:: Wait for us Dr.!! BenJacksn: * Yeah, I don't want you to catch any more harm::: LizzShaw: * ::Smiles at Ben:: Thanks! DanielC71: * Ben, Liz. {An assistant] will be here shortly with some equipment. when he does... BenJacksn: * :::Grumbles::: hard to run in these bloomin' jeans! LizzShaw: * ::Giggles:: try running in a mini skirt!! BenJacksn: * Listen mate! Just who are you? BenJacksn: * For all I know you're up to no good! DanielC71: * Ben, you wouldn't understand. LizzShaw: * ::Wonders what is going on now:: DanielC71: * Up to no good?! LizzShaw: * Ben, he's okay. You can trust him! BenJacksn: * Try me! I bet I understand alot more than you think BenJacksn: * Yeah but, I shouldn't get too far away, someone might be waiting for me DanielC71: * Liz, we'll be a moment. :::walks away from Liz w/ Ben::: LizzShaw: * Gee, Ben what brought that on? DanielC71: * Now listen here! You're the temporal anomaly! I don't know how you got here DanielC71: but you have to go back! LizzShaw: * ::Is mad at being left out:: BenJacksn: * What are you on about? I think you're bloomin' nuts! LizzShaw: * Decides to sit and rub her sore feet while she has the chance:: DanielC71: * You should be with Polly and myself... I mean the other Doctor some time ago! LizzShaw: * ::Thinks:: Sooner or later everyone seems to end up yelling at the Doctor:: BenJacksn: * I don't understand, I'm with the Doctor LizzShaw: * ::Rubs feet and eats a bon bon:: DanielC71: * Oh dear! Well I thought so... Suffice it to say that I am ALSO the Doctor! Where's my DanielC71: other self and Polly? LizzShaw: * ::Thinks:: He'll explain it all to me later, he always does, after the fact. BenJacksn: * :::Is silent on Polly::: The Doctor is away, I don't know where, I'm to wait for 'im. DanielC71: * Don't worry. He'll be back shortly. Let's get back to Liz. LizzShaw: * ::Watches Ben and the Doctor, pops another bonbon into her mouth:: DanielC71: * ::: back to Lizz:: LizzShaw: * ::Holds out Bon bons:: I guess it's all settled? care for a bonbon? DanielC71: *! About time too! JnthnChnce: * Doctor... DanielC71: * Bon bons? :::takes three::: # UNIT jeep headed into Romney Woods Cmdr Odo: # How rude! [Glares at DRTUNA who has jumped out of jeep and taken off in a different direction.] JnthnChnce: # ::very disgruntled:: JnthnChnce: # COME ON. lets go find the Doctor! JnthnChnce: # I have a thing or two to say about his rude friends! DRTUNA: # I have got my own agenda, I'm afraid. Give that tube to the Dr. Tell him to scan the 55 Hertz range. Cmdr Odo: # Right, sir. DRTUNA: # yells to jeep driving away::: That's 55 hertz, Sgt.! Cmdr Odo: # But..... JnthnChnce: # ::driving through the UNIT patrols:: Cmdr Odo: # Right. Cmdr Odo: # ::driving:: JnthnChnce: # ::mumbles:: WHY did I ever decide to take on.. ::shrugs::oh well. Cmdr Odo: # ::catches up to Doc3:: * In Romney Woods Cmdr Odo: * A professor friend of yours asked us to give you this. BenJacksn: * :::looks to Liz:::Thanks ::trying to ask her for a date::: JnthnChnce: * What the Blazes is GOING ON?? DanielC71: * Brigadier! Is the woods cordoned off? Cmdr Odo: * And says you should scan at 55 hertz. LizzShaw: * ::Wishes Ben would ask her for a date:: DanielC71: * :::takes it and sets it 55 hertz::: BenJacksn: * :::Sees Brig and, gets scared::: JnthnChnce: * Yes. Doctor.. and about your Friend.. DanielC71: * Never mind that Brigadier! :scans::: JnthnChnce: * that Professor.. a very odd person. BenJacksn: * :::Ben fears that he is a deserter and they are military men::: DanielC71: * South! Come on! :::tramps off south::: LizzShaw: * ::Notices Ben is acting jumpy again:: JnthnChnce: * ::looks to Ben:: LizzShaw: * ::Follows the Doctor:: DanielC71: * Ben! Liz! Follow me! JnthnChnce: * Hello. another one of HIS assistants? Cmdr Odo: * Here we are again. BenJacksn: * :::follows behind, trying to act like nothing is wrong and failing miserably::: DanielC71: * About a quarter of a mile away! JnthnChnce: * ::big sigh and shoulders heaving:: LizzShaw: * I am! I am following! ::grumbles:: and toting all the gear too! DanielC71: * Brigadier! ! JnthnChnce: * Sergeant... I need some headache powders. DanielC71: * Ben, help Liz w/ the gear! JnthnChnce: * Hears the Doctor:::: BenJacksn: * :::Gladly helps Liz::: JnthnChnce: * COME ONE Sergeant! LizzShaw: * ::Smiles at Ben:: thanks, that's better Cmdr Odo: * ::follows along, lest the Brig holler some more:: :^) BenJacksn: * To Liz> Listen, would you like to come back to my cottage for some dinner sometime? DanielC71: * Oh good grief! :::refers to Ben & Liz::: JnthnChnce: * Doctor WHAT are you doing? LizzShaw: * To Ben> Thought you'd never ask! I'd love to JnthnChnce: * You know.. a report once and a while would be nice. DanielC71: * The source is south of here! We've got to hurry! It may not be nuclear! BenJacksn: * :::Turns red again::: LizzShaw: * ::Walks beside Ben:: DanielC71: * :::a garage appears through the trees::: Up there, Brigadier! BenJacksn: * :::wonders if Polly is happy at this moment too::: JnthnChnce: * ::follows the Doctor:: Cmdr Odo: * ::follows the Brigadier:: JnthnChnce: * Well.. WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?? BenJacksn: * What is it Doctor? LizzShaw: * Hurries to catch up:: JnthnChnce: * ::trips almost up the hill:: DanielC71: * ::: breaks out into a run::: Quickly everyone! BenJacksn: * :::steers clear of the Brig::: JnthnChnce: * ::falls down and seems to have hurt his leg:: LizzShaw: * ::Runs, but doesn't know why:: DanielC71: * ::: worried that he knows EXACTLY what that energy is!::: BenJacksn: * :::Sees the Brig falls, stops to help::: BenJacksn: * To Brig> You okay mate? JnthnChnce: * Sergeant... go on with them.. you too young man..::looking to Ben::: LizzShaw: * ::Helps Ben with the Brig:: DanielC71: * ::: reaches the garage w/ Lizz in tow::: JnthnChnce: * "I" am fine ...::limping:: LizzShaw: * Looks around garage:: What is this place Dr.? DanielC71: * I don't know. :::opens door::: BenJacksn: * To Brig>Lean on me mate, I can take the weight LizzShaw: * ::Helps with door:: $ DoctorÕs country home Gail Who: $ :::a large furry creature lumbers right up to the Doctor::: Gail Who: $ ::::advances on the Doctor menacingly::: DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA gasps and pulls back::: "What are you doing here, you impossibility?" Gail Who: $ ::::The YETI stops dead right in front of DRTUNA::::: Gail Who: $ :::an impish little figure in white coat dances out from the shadows:::} Gail Who: $ Mad scientist> Ooh, you like it then? DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA eye s the creature suspiciously. DRTUNA: $ I say, what are you doing in my garage? Gail Who: $ MAD> I say, your garage??!! Gail Who: $ Mad> :::stammers::: w-w-w-ell, I thought this house was abandoned... DRTUNA: $ And with this fragment from the past? Gail Who: $ Mad>they say it has an absentee owner! DRTUNA: $ But I have now returned! Gail Who: $ Mad> Oh, I stole it from a Museum...I thought I'd figure out how it works... Gail Who: $ Terrorize the countryside for a while...perhaps use it to...dare I say... Gail Who: $ TAKE OVER THE WORLD? DRTUNA: $ Items like this creature are not toys, sir! Gail Who: $ :::mad as a hatter::: But see it's sooo scary... everyone wants to believe in Yeti... Gail Who: $ So I gave them one! DRTUNA: $ Ace was right, wherever I go I encounter power mad techno-nazis trying to take over the biggest jurisdiction they can imagine! DanielC71: $ ::: Doc3 opens door::: JnthnChnce: $ ::with the Doc3:: DanielC71: JnthnChnce: $ Sergeant!! LizzShaw: $ ::Looks inside:: Cmdr Odo: $ Yes, sir? BenJacksn: $ :::helping the Brig::: JnthnChnce: $ arrest that man.. he looks suspicious! LizzShaw: $ Is it safe, Dr.? DanielC71: $ Jumps Mad sci. JnthnChnce: $ ::pointing to the MAD:: Gail Who: $ ::::starts laughing maniacally:::: I'll kill you all!!! DanielC71: $ Using Venusian karate. Cmdr Odo: $ Right sir. Gail Who: $ :::pushes Yeti button::: DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA steps into shadows::: DanielC71: $ ::: pinning MS in his place::: DRTUNA: ::: crouches in shadows of garage::: BenJacksn: $ :::Ben heart leaps when the Brig says that, he thought he was talking about him::: JnthnChnce: $ ::realizes he will now need a cane for his life:: Gail Who: $ :::Yeti short circuits and goes * poof* :::: DanielC71: $ ::: waits until MS falls unconscious & lets go::: LizzShaw: $ Is very frightened, but glad to see the Yeti go poof:: JnthnChnce: ::looks at the Yeti:: DanielC71: $ Now, where's the other one?! Gail Who: $ :::Mad Sci drops like a rock::: Cmdr Odo: $ ::to mad scientist:: Under orders from the Brigadier, acting in his capacity Cmdr Odo: $ granted by the Ministry of Defence, you are hereby ordered to cease and desist any and all actions which threaten the planet Earth. DRTUNA: $ DRTUNA sees DW 3 and freezes ::: LizzShaw: You mean it was a machine? It seemed so real!! Gail Who: $ :::in the mad melee, the credits start to roll::: Gail Who: {S dit} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PAUSE SIM<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Liz Shaw's Log Date: Sat, May 20, 1995 1:08 PM EST From: (Mary Annette Redus) ::With a sigh, Liz closes the door to her room, walks to the medicine cabinet, and reaches for the aspirin. Downing two aspirin, she searches for her journal and a pen, then settles down to write a bit before going to bed:: Journal entry, May 17 Today was really a strange day. I have the most horrendous headache from trying to sort it all out and make sense of it. Perhaps writing down my thoughts will help. The day began like any other day. The Doctor and I were working in the UNIT lab, when the Brigadier stormed in with news of a strange creature wrecking havoc in the nearby woods. I was thrilled at the prospect of a field assignment, but the Brigadier wanted me to stay behind. Thankfully the Doctor refused to go without me. I was enjoying the field trip until the Doctor and I separated, and I was attacked by a large hairy biped. All I had was a hammer to defend myself, and was preparing to make a go of it when a burly sailor came to my rescue. He scared off the creature. Once I realized the creature was gone, I turned to get a look at my hero, and was impressed with what I saw: a young blonde haired man, obviously physically fit, well-dressed, with kind but restless eyes. He called himself Ben, said something about being in the Navy. I embarrassed him by asking for a photo of him in dress uniform to remember him by. He was sort of cute, the way he turned red in the face, but I didn't let on that I saw. I think maybe he was a bit shy, or recovering from a broken heart perhaps. As if the creature and meeting a sailor in the woods weren't strange enough, things really got bizarre when the Doctor returned. He seemed to recognize Ben, and Ben became very wary, and on edge. The two of them went for a little chat and left me out, which ticked me off. I decided to pretend I didn't care, and pacified myself with some bonbons I'd hidden in my backpack. But the strangest thing of all was when we met "another" Doctor, or was it the same Doctor? I was so confused. They seemed to recognize each other instantly, and were a bit put off by seeing each other. I got the creepiest feeling that they were both the same person, but how could they be? One had dark hair and a beard, and seemed sensibly dressed in a sports coat, whereas my Doctor had white hair and fancy Victorian style jacket. They addressed each other as "Doctor" and I started to interrupt and demand an explanation when Ben took me by the elbow and led me from the garage. Looking me full in the eye he said, "Believe me, you don't want to know what's going on in there!" I argued that I most certainly did! Sighing, he said, "Do you know anywhere we can go for a good stiff drink around here? I'll try to clue you in, and maybe we can get to know each other, too." He seemed so sad and hopeful for a diversion, that I said, "Sure, something tells me this is a long story, and I'd like very much to get to know you." I asked the Doctor, *my* Doctor, if he minded if I took Bessie, and he absently shrugged me away, which I took for a yes. So Ben and I went to the Boar's Head, a local pub, where he drowned himself in gin and tonics, and filled my head with fantastic tales about other planets and times, and Timelords who die and *regenerate*, the same person but different in appearance and temperament. I think he perhaps told me more than he would have had he not been drinking, but I was an avid listener, and he seemed lonely for someone to talk to. Fantastic as his tales were, I believed them. They explained a lot of things about my Doctor. It seems that he and I will have to have one of those little chats. He has often seemed on the verge of telling more about himself, and his blue box. Perhaps he will find it a relief to know that Ben has already done so. Realizing that Ben was suddenly silent, I suggested we go, and helped him into Bessie and drove him back to the estate where he and his Doctor were staying. He asked me to stay with such a pleading look in his eyes, that I just couldn't say no. I helped him inside and laid him on his bed, and held his hand until he fell into a restless sleep. Thinking that perhaps I'd better not get too involved with someone who won't be around for the long term, I debated leaving then and there. Remembering the hurt look in his eyes, I decided against being the cause of even more hurt. He had asked me to stay, after all. I kissed him lightly on the forehead, and walked across the room and fell asleep in the chair by the window. I awoke to find Ben standing there smiling with two hot mugs of coffee. Grateful, I reached for one, and asked him how he was feeling. He told me he felt better after talking, and seemed happy that I'd stayed. We walked outside and talked a bit more about the previous night's conversation. He assured me that all his fantastic tales were indeed true, and I told him I believed him. We parted friends, and promised to keep a look out for each other. We seemed to have a bond, not love, but rather a kind of bond from shared experience. I told him he'd always be my knight in shining armor, and he laughed a hearty sailor's laugh with a merry twinkle in his eye. I think that's the way I shall always remember him. Driving Bessie back to UNIT, I had a lot to try to sort out, as well as a blasted headache from last night's experiences. Two aspirins and a journal entry later, I am still confused. I shall have to ask the Doctor about himself someday. I'm sure he will be every bit as mysterious as always though, not one to reveal any more information about himself than necessary. ::Closing the journal, Liz stretches out on her bed, wondering if she will face as many adventures with the Doctor as Ben did... then falls asleep with Ben on her mind and in her dreams :: DOCTOR'S LOG Tardis Timecode zx44.23a.776652.rel I am beginning to get my faculties back. That refreshing ocean cruise from the Pacific certainly helped quite a bit. By the time I arrived in England, my full memories had returned. I knew of my previous lives, my adventures, my companions, and my plans. A few of my memories, especially those in my most recent lives, are still vague, but most of my history has been recovered intact. Especially the early days. The horrible, dastardly deeds of Gimel, and Rassilon, and even Omega....the secrets at the foundation of a Timelord regime which has now fully masked itself with rationalizing myths and symbols. These are the memories which I hope to share at some point with those who need to know. Ben and I adjourned to my country home in the South of England, a beautiful and rather isolated place. I had arranged for it to be kept functional during the summer of 1963, and I was glad to see it was still operating in 1970. While I am here, I have to remember to make a few quick investments with a trust fund I have set up and then have the income used to keep it open and functioning...even if not lived in. I will need it later. It is here that I discovered the bad news about the Tardis. It needed several circuits (the dimensional stabilizer included) and a few ounces of Ziton-7 and Vitrium. The Ziton could be found on Earth, but the circuits and the Vitrium would be extremely difficult to find. In fact, there was only one place on 1970 Earth where I could find these items, and they were all together, and they were in the one place I should not go. They would be found in my previous, 1970 Tardis, located at UNIT HQ. It wasn't fully operational (my former self is living without the knowledge of the proper dematerialization codes and lacks a working dematerialization circuit...a part of a silly exile imposed by the Timelords) but it did have extras of what I needed. The problem was, how do I interact with my past without breaking the first law of time and changing my own time stream? I searched my memories for any clue of how I could avoid this dilemma, and a way finally occurred to me. I had to do something which already fit in with my previous existence. I recall that in my third life, I had once received assistance from an unknown source in fighting against a new appearance of the Yeti, and that I had once met an unusual stranger. What had he looked like? I would have liked to linked up with the Matrix and received a full report on the incident, but that was not possible. My Tardis records indicated that the High Council was now seeking me, and not for the purpose of giving me a medal, either. My last incarnation is the one I remember the least, so they must be upset with him about something. I'll have to read his logs soon! My plan was to actually play that stranger in the events in May, 1970 and stage my brief "shopping trip" to the 1970 Tardis within that context. While consulting my pocket watch data base I discovered a memo about a strange note I had previously found in my pocket. It was a note from my previous third self...dated May, 1970 and giving a "Prof. Robert Jones" the right to inspect my previous self's lab and Tardis at UNIT HQ. The note was genuine (I have always had such unique handwriting!) and carbon dating indicated it was from 1970. Then I realized that I (the current I) was a part of those 1970 events. The plan was clear, but seemed a bit bold. Acting to bend the first law of time was dangerous. I seriously considering dropping the whole plan, when I realized that I must go through with it. Not only was it the only way to get my Tardis back in working order, but if I did not follow through on this plan, then I WOULD POLLUTE THE TIME STREAM! If I did not intervene now to assist my former self, I would change my own past and perhaps threaten my current existence. A literal Prydonian interpretation of the situation would have me not act at all, because presumption is against any whisper of a threat to the first law of time. However, my more mature and experience-honed self knew that I had to fill my role in time. What if I did not assist my former self in dealing with the Yeti threat? What if the Yeti ran wild over the Earth? I finalized my plan with a minimalist approach -- avoid the main action. Stay away from my former self as much as possible, help provide the device and the data my former self would need to confront the Yeti, do some shopping on the Tardis, and get back to the country house as soon as possible. Ben did and did not seem anxious to go. We have not yet established a clear relationship, though we both tried during our sea voyage. Hopefully, with time it will all work out. It must seem odd for him to be back in England so close to the time when he first left (1966). I feel it would be best to let him work things out for himself. I decided to walk to UNIT HQ, but soon realized my current stocky frame may not be appropriate for marathoning, and it is a good few miles to Liberty Hall, UNIT HQ. After a mile or so I decided to try and hitch a ride. A car stopped about 100 yards away from me and I had an unusual feeling of cosmic angst. The figure pointed me toward Liberty Hall and drove off. Nice car. I was initially angry because I needed a ride more than directions, but I realized after the car had driven off that it had been my former self in the vehicle. I caught a ride soon thereafter and managed to get with a quarter mile of Liberty Hall. I used my pass to get in, and even persuaded the Brigadier and Sgt. Benton to let me into the lab and have access to the Tardis. Just as I thought, everything I needed was in spares on the 1970 Tardis. After I had packed up (love those space warp pockets!) I began to wonder, would I need any of these things between then and now? What if I reached for a new dimensional stabilizer and none was there, how would that effect me? More and more, my memories are becoming important resources for averting disaster in the time stream. How can I keep managing all of these events without making a mistake? My sixth self may reach for a dimensional stabilizer, not find it, and die....making my current existence impossible! I also knew that my third self would be needing a scattered ray converter (they come in several colors). I remembered to bring one of those along. 55 Hertz is it, I believe. My mind was pre-occupied as I prepared to leave the 1970 Tardis, and I almost made a fatal error. I almost forgot to write myself a note to write myself a pass! Without the pass, I would never get into the lab in the first place! I wrote a hasty note: Dear Chap, Please write me a pass dated this day and keep the note with you until you become me. Signed, Prof. Robert Jones. By the way, found some equipment you might need, as I recall. I handed the scattered ray converter to Benton and the Brigadier and hitched a ride with them. I jumped out before they got to Romney Woods and walked the rest of the way back to my country home. When I arrived I heard a noise in the garage. Investigating, I found an operational Yeti and a rather dull scientific megalomaniac with plans to rule the world. Just as I was about to deal with the situation, there was an invasion of helpers. Benton, the Brigadier, Liz Shaw, Ben, a number of UNIT troops, and *gasp* my former self all made an appearance. At the sight of my former self, I tried to slip into the shadows and hide. The "muscle" end of UNIT seemed to get the Yeti and that Madman under control, and I was hoping they would leave without noticing me, but I was unable to avoid my former self. He called me out of the shadows and we spoke briefly. I know it was wrong, and if the High Council ever regains control of me I hope they do not find out about this. Our conversation was tense and full of dread. This is how I remember it. My former self: What are you doing here? How can you take a risk like this? My current self: I have thought of as many of the possibilities as I can, and this seemed like the ONLY course of action. I needed to repair my Tardis, and I needed to borrow some things from yours. Yours will still work in good time, when the Timelords forgive you. My former self: Well, what a poor sense of creative imagination I must have in later regenerations, that I must resort of violating the first law of time every time I need a spare part! My current self: That is a very narrow view. If that is as far as it goes, I would not have crossed your path, but there is more to it than that. I REMEMBER most of this event from when I was you. These actions were already part of the time stream. If I had just stayed here in the country and done nothing, you might not have been able to track the Yeti, and the future might have been irretrievably changed. I had to do my part or else threaten my current existence. My former self: Enough of your brash rationalizations. You have your parts, now please stay out of my way and LEAVE THIS TIME PERIOD TO ME! This sounded like good advice, so I retreated to the lab where I had stored the Tardis and hoped they would all leave, which apparently they did. I was very sad. How I miss Liz Shaw! I long to visit with all of them, to share our memories and fellowship! But, that is past, and I am now in my very own present. I have now restored the Tardis to working order. We can leave this planet and time whenever we wish. We? Where is Ben? I trust he will report in soon, unless he has crossed with his past or future in this present.